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Give me photoshop.

[Jan 16,2009 11:01am - ChainsawGutfuck ""]
100% of the people I know who have photoshop didnt pay for it. I intend to join that statistic. It is my dream to one day be apart of the downloading community ::tear:: Make my fucking dream come true you heartless fucks. Any info would sweet. Help a brotha out.
[Jan 16,2009 11:05am - niccolai ""]
search google for utorrent.

Download and install it.

open it.

go to isohunt.com or mininova.org and search for adobe photoshop or corel paint shop pro. click the download links, the download will open in utorrent.

[Jan 16,2009 11:08am - ChainsawGutfuck ""]
Well slap my dick until it resembles a pendulum that sounds easy.

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