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The Unborn?

[Jan 9,2009 8:55am - aaron_michael ""]
What are your thoughts?
Modern horror has been nothing but a disappointment, but Gary Oldman doesn't usually choose to act in bad movies.
[Jan 9,2009 8:59am - largefreakatzero ""]
Wait for DVD.
[Jan 9,2009 9:02am - Seth  ""]
The preview looks ok and it might just be scary! Take a chance.... or see it at matinee prices...?
[Jan 9,2009 10:02am - c.DeAD  ""]
Judging by the ad whoring on every fucking site its gonna blow as much as any other modern "horror" movie. First it was the 80's rehash crap like "Scream" and "I Know What You Did...." and now its this stupid, contorted "holy shit what the fuck is wrong with that guy/little boy/girl" gay shit. This one looks to be a shitter.
[Jan 9,2009 10:04am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
if they really want to make a scary movie they should do a biography of Brian Peppers
[Jan 9,2009 10:08am - RustyPS ""]
PG-13 = it will most likely suck
[Jan 9,2009 10:12am - largefreakatzero ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:if they really want to make a scary movie they should do a biography of Brian Peppers

[Jan 9,2009 10:19am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Hahahaha oh man, a Brian Peppers movie would be the end all/be all of horror.
[Jan 9,2009 10:22am - aaron_michael ""]
They should title it just as "PEPPERS", and the poster should be the front of a decrepit van with a happy meal box half buried beneath the front tire.
At the bottom, the slogan will be "a story that will touch you all"
[Jan 9,2009 10:23am - aaron_michael ""]
and yes, I'm expecting The Unborn to be a shit show. Unfortunately with Gary Oldman being my favorite actor, I'm gonna have high(er) expectations with this than if I were going to the theater to see... oh, let's say Boogeyman.

If I ever find the person who made Boogeyman, I'm going to punch them in the stomach.
[Jan 9,2009 10:28am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha boogeyman was fucking terrible
[Jan 9,2009 10:28am - Yeti ""]
[Jan 9,2009 10:39am - RustyPS ""]
Boogeyman was one of the worst movies ever made.

I saw it in the theater, drunk, and when it finshed, I yelled "THAT'S IT? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?"
[Jan 9,2009 11:15am - arilliusbm ""]
Looks bad.
I'd still see it, though.
Looks like one of those horror movies that are made to scare girls in highschool.
[Jan 9,2009 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
whenever i read "the unborn" it reminds me of track 2 on Six Feet Under's "Warpath". ugh.
[Jan 9,2009 1:05pm - aril  ""]
Also sounds like a typical local band name.
[Jan 9,2009 1:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm kinda halfway psyched to see this. I'm sure my disappointment will be crushing.
[Jan 9,2009 3:32pm - Seth  ""]

aril said:Also sounds like a typical local band name.
It will be soon enough!
[Jan 9,2009 3:39pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i cant wait for friday the 13th. and i heard my bloody valentine 3D is a 3D gorefest. i dont usually get excited for remakes. but i hear good things.
[Jan 9,2009 4:46pm - c.DeAD  ""]

aril said:Also sounds like a typical local band name.

Haha, like The Summoned.

"Heh, Heh, like a bi-sexual."

"Thanks Ted, that was the joke..."
[Jan 9,2009 8:24pm - Dankill  ""]

Dave_Maggot said:i cant wait for friday the 13th. and i heard my bloody valentine 3D is a 3D gorefest. i dont usually get excited for remakes. but i hear good things.

I'm actually more excited for the actual director cut re-release of both movies on DVD.
First time either will have gore footage that never saw the light of day.
[Jan 9,2009 8:28pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
yeah. im just pissed that i bought my bloody valentine, and the friday the 13th box set already. and i'm most likely gonna buy those director's cuts.
[Jan 10,2009 12:19am - pam ""]
I think I'll see this. Maybe. Probably not.
[Jan 10,2009 9:06pm - aaron_michael ""]
Just got back. I'm not totally disappointed!
Of course it's a modern horror movie so the "boo factor" was huge. Lots of loud sounds and sudden jolts, but something about it seemed like it was done better than most.
It had some pretty eerie imigary and the acting only really faltered in a few scenes.
Of course, the black chick bites the dust pretty fucking hard.
There was a near brawl when a giant varsity football player(he had a jacket on) got up to tell kids in the back rows to shut the fuck up. I was praying to see someone get thrown down the steep steps.
Check it out if you've got some spare time and cash.
Not great, but not typically shitty.

Oh yeah, and the blatant camel toe scene will get a chuckle out of you.

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