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Have you hugged your drummer today

[Mar 1,2004 11:52pm - litacore ""]
I just lost my drummer AGAIN. What the fuck, if I had a penny for every time this happened this fiscal year I'd have enough $$$ to take y'all to Haiti and back.

hug your drummer today, even if you're pissed at 'im. They're an endangered species. Just ask Spinal Tap.

[Mar 1,2004 11:57pm - Abbath ""]
hmmm ya know what? i take my drummer for granted, i'm gonna give my drummer a hug tomorrow, his fucking nasty and i never give him enough credit. i'm sorry litacore for your loss, drummers are really hard to find (espeacially good ones), good luck with the band! i'll be sure to check you out once you get everything together!
[Mar 2,2004 12:00am - litacore ""]
thanks you rule Abbath I'll survive (I hope!)

I'm just afraid that if I have to resort to a drum machine we'll just end up sounding like Ace of Base (with Brodequin vocals though!).

this is what I get for trying to FORM a band, argh
[Mar 2,2004 12:03am - Terence ""]
Next time I see Seth I'll make out with him, since he is probably the nastiest drummer ever.
[Mar 2,2004 12:12am - Abbath ""]
ya drum machines are a last resort, but if it has to be done than do it! the more you play live and are out there, the better of a chance of a drummer wanting to play with your band, forming a band takes time and alot of patience! my band's been around for almost a year and we're only working on our 3rd song! all ya need is time, they'll come around.... want me to find this kid and break his legs?
[Mar 2,2004 12:31am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i must suck- i play drums and every band i start falls apart
[Mar 2,2004 3:57am - JonahBloodbath ""]
I get no love :(
[Mar 2,2004 4:15am - Kalopsia ""]
i need to go hug my drummer in Damnatory at practice tonight, as for Kalopsia, i still have no drummer for that band. :( but if we ever get one i'll give him a big ole hug every day
[Mar 2,2004 12:31pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i hug my "in house" drummer on a daily basis...
among other things...
[Mar 2,2004 12:54pm - succubus ""]
and just what *anal sex* might these *blow jobs*other things be?

[Mar 2,2004 12:56pm - morkul ""]
i never got no hugs from my band mates but now i get lots from you know who. sure do miss playing in a band though.
[Mar 2,2004 12:57pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
none of the above... i'm a good little catholic school girl. i bake cookies and make delicious dinners and clean house. hehehehe
[Mar 2,2004 1:03pm - succubus ""]
that was such a "rev" thing for me to post...blame him, i'm sorry
[Mar 2,2004 1:32pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
im not a good catholic school girl so you girls can hug me
[Mar 2,2004 1:37pm - litacore ""]
hose guts!
[Mar 2,2004 2:40pm - BornSoVile ""]
no one in my band likes to hug me : (
[Mar 2,2004 2:43pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
BornSoVile said:no one in my band likes to hug me : (

you arent a drummer =P
[Mar 2,2004 2:48pm - BornSoVile ""]
does that mean bass players get titty twistahs??
[Mar 2,2004 2:57pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
nope... blowjobs B-)
[Mar 2,2004 4:13pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
bass players get hott karls and rimjobs
[Mar 2,2004 4:18pm - succubus ""]
what is a hott karl?
[Mar 2,2004 4:47pm - litacore ""]
haha, South Park:
glass bottom boat? filthy sanchez? doggie?
[Mar 2,2004 4:53pm - succubus ""]
hmm i guess i missed that episode
but i dunno what any of those are either dammit
please elaborate!
[Mar 2,2004 5:47pm - morkul ""]
i am still waiting for my hug today.
[Mar 2,2004 7:30pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
carina hott karl is when a guy is fucking someone in the ass and pops a load in there, the reciever then turns around and gives the person head and cleans the cock out
[Mar 2,2004 7:31pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
sorry for being so graphic...
[Mar 2,2004 7:31pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
wait, no i'm not
[Mar 2,2004 9:00pm - Abbath ""]
josiah you forgot anal beads, bass players enjoy anal beads
[Mar 3,2004 12:12am - MyDeadDoll ""]
morkul said:i am still waiting for my hug today.

i didn't see you 'til almost 9 tonite. you needed
a hug mr pissy pants.
[Mar 3,2004 8:38am - the_reverend ""]
no, he needs hott karl
[Mar 3,2004 8:42am - succubus ""]
Josiah_the_Black said:carina hott karl is when a guy is fucking someone in the ass and pops a load in there, the reciever then turns around and gives the person head and cleans the cock out

ahhh i see...thanks for the explanation

[Mar 3,2004 11:49am - MyDeadDoll ""]
[Mar 3,2004 1:16pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hah, there's a name for that?! ~~looks around inconspicuously~~
[Mar 3,2004 1:19pm - succubus ""]
there are names for a lot of things...

i'm so out of the loop on this american slang
[Mar 3,2004 2:13pm - the_reverend ""]
naw, I think he just thought he was going to get to name it.
[Mar 3,2004 6:34pm - Deathcow ""]
My drummer's fat and smelly.

So... I'll pass.
[Mar 3,2004 8:59pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
the_reverend said:naw, I think he just thought he was going to get to name it.

No, I just don't like hearing stupid drunk-college-idiot names for things I've done. Silly goose.
[Mar 3,2004 10:11pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
another big ew from me.
[Mar 4,2004 12:59am - litacore ""]
i hate this band shit

what if this is as good as it gets

[Mar 4,2004 1:13am - Abbath ""]
ahh don't say that lita!!! there's down times and low times in bands, my band itself is at a low point, so don't give up! you'll get their one day! we can go on tour together!
[Mar 4,2004 1:32am - swamplorddvm ""]
With devidriver and RATT.
[Mar 4,2004 1:37am - Abbath ""]
besides we're gonna tour with korn and coal chamber
[Mar 4,2004 10:26am - litacore ""]
if I went on tour with Ratt I would steal the sock Stephen Pearcy keeps in his crotch

then set it on fire

and shove it down his throat as it was still burnin'

I need to write a song about that
[Mar 4,2004 10:43am - succubus ""]
[Mar 4,2004 10:55am - sitroMmuidOeD ""]
Call it "Use My Third Sock" and rip off some Pantera riffs.
[Mar 4,2004 11:01am - litacore ""]
the drama between those cock knockers in Pantera makes my band seem normal

I guess I have to thank God for at least that
[Mar 4,2004 11:51am - morkul ""]
i told you before, move out here and i will jam with you. no drama here just plain good old fashioned passion for playing some serious fuckin death/grind metal. you know you want to. no more snow or clouds or cold. it is just like living in an oven when it gets hot.
[Mar 4,2004 11:54am - litacore ""]

yer in AZ right? doesn't the desert get chilly at night?
[Mar 4,2004 12:16pm - morkul ""]
litacore said:tee-hee

yer in AZ right? doesn't the desert get chilly at night?

yeah sometimes but that is only for like a couple of days during the spring time , then it gets blistering fuckin hot. i am trying to get a band together again but i am taking my time this time around. no junkies.fuckin cocaine whores. for it being the desert it snows more than anywhere else i've lived if you get my drift.
[Mar 4,2004 12:22pm - litacore ""]
I've been thinking of moving to L.A. but I owe $72K in student loans

I once had a housemate who fled to Switzerland to escape his debt

he took the car over on the boat he hadn't paid for either, HAHAHAHA!
[Mar 4,2004 2:50pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
it's not always hot here. it's like 40 right now and rainy,
kinda like the spring in San Francisco. it's kinda nice, but
it leaves me feeling lazy as hell.
[Mar 4,2004 3:39pm - litacore ""]
yeah but I bet you guys get to see Crisis more often than me
[Mar 4,2004 5:43pm - morkul ""]
litacore said:yeah but I bet you guys get to see Crisis more often than me

shows are real rare though sometimes in tucson. we usually travel up to phoenix for shows. it's not that bad of a drive, maybe an hour and a half.

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