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March 6, 2004 - Gridironfest.

Highschool (Farmington, NH) - [another_perfect_ending][black_my_heart][darken_the_sky][deadwater_drowning][face_first][forever_carved][funeral_in_fame][my_letter][neverfall][no_hope_for_heroes][of_empty_words][pray_for_a_plague][randomshots][since_the_flood][the_filth][the_hostage_heart][the_notorious_d.u.m.p][zealot]
[Mar 1,2004 6:48pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
Farmington High School....
March 6, 2004 1pm-10pm $5 at the door
My Letter
DeadWater Drowning
Darken the Sky
Black my Heart
Forever Carved
Eyes Like Stars
Another Perfect Ending
Come Out Swinging
The Hostage Heart
The Filth
Of Empty Words
Greatest Fall
No Hope For Heros
Funeral in Frame
[Mar 1,2004 9:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to this.
I'm surprised that it just sprung up.
[Mar 1,2004 11:14pm - anonymous  ""]
anybody know the order and set times?
[Mar 2,2004 9:12am - XmikeX ""]
thats probably the worst lineup since metalfest.
[Mar 2,2004 12:26pm - anonymous  ""]
so who do you think should play it then asshole?
[Mar 2,2004 2:29pm - XmikeX ""]
Affordable bands that rule:
Out To Win (PA), Strength for a reason (PA), boxcutter(PA), in dire need, death before dishonor, dysentery, nourish the flame(NC), swear to god, ringworm(cleveland), life in seconds, terminally your aborted ghost, umbrella, pale horse(CT), fight night, irate (NY), EGH (NY), shattered realm (NJ), the network (NH), drug test (NH)

[Mar 2,2004 2:34pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
im sorry... but Black my Heart is crap... if a band has to stop every 30 seconds for an open stringed chugga breakdown... then they should just call it quits. unless they are a joke band making fun of how pathetic hardcore is now-a-days
[Mar 2,2004 2:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I've never heard of the band asshole, but if they are good, get them.
someone should get ringworm to play if they are afforable.
[Mar 2,2004 4:33pm - shatteredliz ""]
[Mar 2,2004 5:30pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:im sorry... but Black my Heart is crap... if a band has to stop every 30 seconds for an open stringed chugga breakdown... then they should just call it quits. unless they are a joke band making fun of how pathetic hardcore is now-a-days

...They definetly arent kidding...

Derek Mabra has a XXX band on his arm.
[Mar 6,2004 12:16pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
[Mar 6,2004 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to leave in 15 minutes I guess.
I need to mapquest it.
[Mar 6,2004 10:51pm - succubus ""]
wow show is still going on!
[Mar 7,2004 12:34am - Wee...Bink! ""]
just got home... fuckin awesome.
[Mar 7,2004 12:39am - the_reverend ""]
I'm back home now.
working n too many pictures.
man, that place smells like fertilizer...
[Mar 7,2004 12:52am - Wee...Bink! ""]
SINCE THE FLOOD - Awesome as always.
My Letter - I know these kids, there were some people standing in the middle of the floor that wouldnt move.
DeadWater Drowning - Awesome... sang along the whole time... except for the new song.
Darken the Sky - 4 words... Velvet Chains of Dissatisfaction.
Zealot - I hate them.
Black my Heart - People seemed to like them... im not real big on the pure hardcore stuff.
Forever Carved - My buds. I was too busy kicking stupid kids in the head.
Neverfall - They were pretty good.... i dont really remember them.
Eyes Like Stars - Did they play?
Another Perfect Ending - I saw them last night too... they were better then.
Come Out Swinging - Is this Disasterpiece? i dont know, they were okay... i like Praying For Plauge better.
The Hostage Heart - Always good.
The Filth - Didnt see
Of Empty Words - Didnt see
Greatest Fall - didnt see
No Hope For Heros - Emo.... no good.
Funeral in Frame - I got their demo for a buck DEFINETLY check them out.
[Mar 7,2004 1:15am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading now.
and succubus just made me blueberry pancakes!
[Mar 7,2004 2:30am - anonymous  ""]
disasterpiece played. come out swining didnt. NOTORIOUS DUMP replaced come out swinging because were friends with them.
[Mar 7,2004 2:35am - the_reverend ""]
disasterpiece changed their name to face first.
I'm working on my review now.
[Mar 7,2004 2:41am - anonymous  ""]
i hope we dont come out as a godsmack cover band again...haha
[Mar 7,2004 3:02am - the_reverend ""]
ok, now what was up with the fertilizer smell? I thought I was snoring potting soil. if you are asking yourself "what smell" out lout, then you might just be a farmington highschool student. Seeing as Farmington is known for it's high pregnancy related incidents, many of the kids you saw there are or will shortly be moms/dead-beat-dads.
To the people who put on the show: excellent job, it ran a little late, but went smoothly. all those kids that where there will hopefully now attend other shows... well see if they have the virus. the next step for them is learning how to do the perfect hand plant.

SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR CRAPPY REVIEWS, but the show lasted 10 hours.

the filth: they were decent. pretty straight-forward straight-edge punk. they covered a minor threat song and I'm pretty sure the last song was punx and skins by the casualties. there was a fight during their set too. something dumb, I'm sure.

of empty words: metalcore with clean vocals. the guitar and drum work was straight-foreward. All the riffs where kicked with a flang.

another perfect ending: these kids are talented, but not really my thing. they had a few fuck up that I could hear. they used the dual-guitar well, both playing some pretty interesting and complex things. I heard they used to be a thursday cover band. the vocals fit the style of music they were playing, but it wasn't really my thing.

zealot: death-metal-core. man, were the singer's pants the biggest pants ever?

face first: formally called diaster piece. they sounded much better here. all the clean vocals have been removed. the last song they played was my fav of their set. some kid with them had a slave flash on a tripod.. some of my pictures look "cool" from his flash.

pray for a plague: damn, I've known Tim Simpson (blonde guitarist) for like 7 years and I finally get to see him in a band. they were pretty good too. the crowd went off a bit for them. they sounded a bit like some of creation is crucifixions non-death/non-grind stuff. this features 1/2 of diaster piece.

funeral in fame: the crowd was fairly roudy for them. great for them to get a good response up here. they are a bit more melodic than that hall will let through so you couldn't hear some of it.

no hope for heroes: featuring a guitar player from dying in sin if I'm not mistaken. I think at this point I started getting tired and cranky. they had mostly clean vocals which I wasn't really into.

forever carved: I ate a few oreos... someone's been listening to bury your dead a little bit, huh? they sounded a lot better than tey did the last time I saw them. boy, I'm really harsh on clean vocals...

the hostage heart: man, after a day of mostly localbands, the tone from their 5150's sounded amazing. I was just in awe. I'm not really knowledgable with gear, but you could totally hear the difference. their set was great too... no pantera cover, but xchrisx confessed his love to me.

neverfall: tune.. mess up... tune... mess up.. and then just play through it. heh. before that, they got an excellent response from the crowd. they had a new singer. I guess they slept in a van down by the river last night.

my letter: it was ok. the drummer had a head set and sang like underoath some of the time. but then they went into some poop-doggy dogg song. um.. I'm not sure what that was a bout, but I snapped a picture and even the picture looked gay.
"I'm not sure what that girl with the huge grammy panties is all about."
"honestly, I don't know what most people here are about."

darken the sky: so brutal they broke a mic. one of the guitars was too low.. um.. right, I think.

the notorious d.u.m.p.: I would just like to take this moment to say that the comedy central TV show "kid notorious" sucks. this step was much better than the last time. it didn't get shutdown and they got to play their 3rd song which I found to be their best. no, this wasn't a tears reunion, but I did get to see 3 unbelievable things during their set:
1) derek jumping will playing bass
2) doug singing hardcore vocals
3) derek mabra two-stepping

black my heart: they are getting tighter each time I see them. it was a good performance. I think that the crowd is learning their songs now. damn, i didn't grab a cd.

deadwater drowning: mic kept cutting out, but still sounded good. nate will be off with premonitions of war for a while. he'll probably be with them at the palladium in april for morbid angel.

since the flood: excellent as usual. after hearing their cd over and over at the palladium, it was great to see them again. a fair amount of people stuck around for them.
[Mar 7,2004 3:08am - anonymous  ""]
good idea with the name change guys! damn good music- the name was always kinda lame though (as you know because you finally changed it.)
[Mar 7,2004 3:12am - hybrid ""]
aaron for all of our new material i wll not do any clean vocals? how does that sound? haha, i really only do them to give myself a break when im running out of breath. thanks for coming to the show though. i think everyone was pretty tired by the end of that show, but all in all it was good show.
[Mar 7,2004 11:32am - XjonX  ""]
hey reverend this is Jon one of the kids who helped put on Gridironfest i got two of the Black my Heart discs if you would like a copy just e-mail me with your address and i'll send it to ya. thanks

[Mar 7,2004 11:38am - the_reverend ""]
oh, don't worry, they will send or give me a copy.
I heard it sounded awesome.
[Mar 7,2004 11:45am - Wee...Bink! ""]
dont mail it.... just drive it to him... it takes 20 mins instead of 2 weeks.
[Mar 7,2004 2:10pm - -seth-  ""]
-this show would have been way better if so many bad bands didnt play.
[Mar 7,2004 2:33pm - -seth-  ""]
it would have been nice if the crazy bassist of the 2 bands (who looked like he should be eating childred in sweeden mind you) just murdered all those bands with a giant fucking axe!! [img]
[Mar 7,2004 2:38pm - -seth-  ""]
the hostage heart where good -and funny! having a straight edge band at a show always helps fuel the fire. i heard the kids they brought with em fucked a couple kids up?
[Mar 7,2004 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
I think that's the picture seth wanted
[Mar 7,2004 5:26pm - anonymous  ""]
i went to the show and thought it was great. i had a great time and saw some great bands.. just the way i wanted to spend a saturday. i liked darken the sky, forever carved and my letter's performances. it was cool how my letter played their old songs.. and the poop doggy song? what was that? it was cool though. i noticed darken the skys drummer broke 3 drumsticks. wow. and there were two guys there that had nintendo controllers on their belts... that was awesome.
[Mar 7,2004 5:59pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 7,2004 6:55pm - anonymous  ""]
the filth is far from staight edge. haha.
[Mar 7,2004 7:03pm - anonymous  ""]
NO, The Filth is straight edge shit music. if you want your eardrums to bleed out and die a terrible death of shitty emo "moshing" while listening to a band that only knows about 4 notes, and a singer who is about as intelligent as a spider monkey, then youll love the filth. And the fight wus because Emo bitches can't take a real pit
[Mar 7,2004 7:09pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
fighting is about as gay as christopher lowell tossing anal beads into liberace and freddie mercury's dead asses while richard simmons and ellen degeneres play patty cake at an icarus line show.
[Mar 7,2004 7:09pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
with michael stipe doing guest vocals
[Mar 7,2004 7:25pm - anonymous  ""]
....NOOOOO no Michael Stipe doing guest vocals, thats TOOOOOOOOO gay
[Mar 7,2004 7:29pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i try *bows*
[Mar 7,2004 7:36pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 7,2004 7:41pm - anonymous  ""]
well you do a damn good job, *applauds*...but i dunno if it wus a fight, it seemed more like a shove from a metal kid to a hardcore kid.....it coulda been alot worse
[Mar 7,2004 8:50pm - hybrid ""]
hahahaha just reading spaldino's comments made me shit myself
[Mar 7,2004 9:26pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
-seth- said:it would have been nice if the crazy bassist of the 2 bands (who looked like he should be eating childred in sweeden mind you) just murdered all those bands with a giant fucking axe!!

That would be weird, Josh is the nicest person ever.... except when hes drunk.
[Mar 8,2004 12:31am - deathcow ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:fighting is about as gay as christopher lowell tossing anal beads into liberace and freddie mercury's dead asses while richard simmons and ellen degeneres play patty cake at an icarus line show.

That was the hottest shit ever. I mean like male-on-male sodomy hot.
[Mar 8,2004 12:48am - JK47 ""]
-i probably should have!
[Mar 8,2004 12:51am - mikehostageheart ""]
the fight during our set was because some douche bag started saying our singer chris looked like he had down syndrome and that retards shouldn't be singing in bands, and DJ from the notorious d.u.m.p. heard him saying it so he kicked him in the face and beat the shit out of him right there. pretty funny if you ask me.
[Mar 8,2004 1:03am - mikehostageheart ""]
the_reverend said:
"I'm not sure what that girl with the huge grammy panties is all about."
"honestly, I don't know what most people here are about."

heh....what asshole said that?........
[Mar 8,2004 9:58am - lehostageyaritza ""]
watching DJ annihilate that kid was amazing...especially since dj is pretty small himself.

Oh and which band was the one that brought the huge Dink??
i want to say it was deadwater drowning, but i could be wrong.
That thing was fucking huge!!!
[Mar 8,2004 10:32am - Wee...Bink! ""]
well the kid was swinging it around during DD.... so i would have to agree with you.
[Mar 8,2004 12:12pm - the_reverend ""]
DwD brings the cock to all the shows.
[Mar 8,2004 12:17pm - themonster  ""]
the kid he beet up is like a 8th grader, but it was still the funniest thing i have seen in a good while..
[Mar 8,2004 12:22pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yes, because attacking people for pretty much no credible reason is knee-slappin hilarious! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

[Mar 8,2004 12:25pm - anonymous  ""]
The average farmingtonian is a big larger than the average masshole.
Fat fingers. Fat Women. Fat life!
[Mar 8,2004 1:33pm - kaotiksoul6sic69 ""]
Hey what is up kiddies? I am the singer of Greatest Fall. I was wondering if anyone saw us, becuase I want to know what people who aren't my friends think about us. I still have a huge welt covered in a gren and red scab from bashing my brains in with the mic.
[Mar 8,2004 1:35pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
kaotiksoul6sic69 said:Hey what is up kiddies? I am the singer of Greatest Fall. I was wondering if anyone saw us, becuase I want to know what people who aren't my friends think about us. I still have a huge welt covered in a gren and red scab from bashing my brains in with the mic.

WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!111 YOU ARE li3k... SO FUKin K3wl!!!!!!1111

nice name you dingleberry-ingesting shit stain.
[Mar 8,2004 1:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I got there just after your set.
[Mar 8,2004 2:06pm - prtybrdsgetcotto  ""]
STF is the most amazing band around in my opinion...those guys are so tight it almost makes me sick.
[Mar 8,2004 5:15pm - Aaron Dore  ""]
Fucking RETARDS. you all just suck. quit bitching. what did you expect? and for the faggot that complained about the people just standing in the middle of the floor not moving, its cause they WANT you to TRY and move em. stop being pussys. personally, i just wanted someone to hit me so i could knock em the fuck out. shut up, mosh, quit that arm-flailing sissy bullshit, and have a good time. PEACE bitches.
[Mar 8,2004 6:05pm - mikehostageheart ""]
all i got out of that was: meow meow meow...bitching faggot that WANT you to TRY pussys. personally, i just wanted someone to hit me so i could fuck sissy bullshit bitches...meow meow meow.

[Mar 8,2004 6:31pm - Chipmunk of Dysfunxion  ""]
i was one of those ppl standing still, up til i got sick of that pussy emo bullshit and me, my bassist, guitarist, and drummer showed em wut a real pit wus for about 20 min til we realized they didnt get the point when all they did wus stand to the side going "damn heavy metal kids, ruined our gay ass moshing, i miss flailing like im having an epileptic fit, then falling and flopping around like a retarded fish" FUKK YOU EMO PUSSYS
[Mar 8,2004 6:42pm - anonymous  ""]
its called DANCING! you "metal" kids wouldnt kno how to dance, all you can do is hit each other like a bunch of fags
[Mar 8,2004 6:46pm - DaveSTF ""]
prtybrdsgetcotto said:STF is the most amazing band around in my opinion...those guys are so tight it almost makes me sick.

WOW! thanks a lot! that's quite the compliment! I wish we played better than we did, but the energy in that place was in the dumps all day and I just wanted to jump and scream as much as possible and try to get kids energy back up, cuz I know I played like COMPLETE shit while trying to do so. BUt we all still had a blast. Thanks to everyone who came out, despite how long it was, I think there are probably a few more show-goers out of the whole ordeal now, so thats great. What it's all about. Take care everyone.
[Mar 8,2004 6:46pm - morkul ""]
anonymous said:its called DANCING! you "metal" kids wouldnt kno how to dance, all you can do is hit each other like a bunch of fags

you haven't slammed with me kiddo. i 'll put you down. hardcore, death, grind i been slammin to it all for 15 fuckin years so watch yourself you might run into me one of these days.
[Mar 8,2004 6:51pm - the filth 603  ""]
haha you gotta be one of those metal kids, your all just a bunch of fags, my band could wreck you all.
[Mar 8,2004 6:57pm - anonymous  ""]
calm down guys.. its only a mosh pit.. not a "dance" contest
[Mar 8,2004 6:57pm - morkul ""]
the filth 603 said:haha you gotta be one of those metal kids, your all just a bunch of fags, my band could wreck you all.

who the fuck you talkin to. i hope not me, cause ain't no one called me a kid in a long time. and as far as you being able to wreck me with your band i highly doubt it.i've been playing probaly as long as you've been alive weener.shit i've got underwear older than you.:middlefinger:
[Mar 8,2004 7:00pm - the filth 603  ""]
haha im scared, your prob one of those dysfunxion fags
[Mar 8,2004 7:09pm - anonymous  ""]
your pits are gay, we dance, we have a much more fun time NOT gettin knocked around at a show, we go to dance, not be big and tuff and hit people cause our mothers didnt hold us enough as children
[Mar 8,2004 7:39pm - anonymous  ""]
i wanna see more mule kicks! wow.. those kids from western mass really knew how to fucking move.
[Mar 8,2004 7:41pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
DaveSTF said:prtybrdsgetcotto said:STF is the most amazing band around in my opinion...those guys are so tight it almost makes me sick.

WOW! thanks a lot! that's quite the compliment! I wish we played better than we did, but the energy in that place was in the dumps all day and I just wanted to jump and scream as much as possible and try to get kids energy back up, cuz I know I played like COMPLETE shit while trying to do so. BUt we all still had a blast. Thanks to everyone who came out, despite how long it was, I think there are probably a few more show-goers out of the whole ordeal now, so thats great. What it's all about. Take care everyone.

I knwo i had a good time during your set...

My Face:
[Mar 8,2004 10:34pm - Ryan Decker  ""]
haha i thought it was amazing how the girl was like 'how can he be a singer if he has downs syndrome' and she looked at me and i looked her and didnt say anything for a minute then was like 'shut the fuck up bitch' then DJ killed that whole area of idiots trash talking THH.

PS - this is what you get when you mix nu metal and hardcore on a show. all the nu metal kids come on the forums and try to justify how there 'push pits' are more 'hardcore' than dancing. i just think it's funny.

ignorance is bliss.
[Mar 8,2004 10:50pm - anonymous  ""]
im from new hapshire, and i was really happy i got to c so much good music coming from mass, new hampshire is lacking that
[Mar 8,2004 10:58pm - mycradleofnails ""]
I saw all you fat motherfuckers pushing the kids that were actually moshing. None of your "pussy push mosh".
I hope you nu metal kids go to the next show, expect to have a foot imprinted into your head by the end.
[Mar 8,2004 11:16pm - ofemptywords  ""]
it was fun, twelve hours (for me) of enjoyment, no use in arguing over dumbass dysfunxion kid's push moshes and shyte like that. Its the past, leave it.
[Mar 9,2004 1:51pm - prtybrdsgetcotto  ""]
no problem man you guys have given my band quite a bit of inspiration...keep rocking.
[Mar 9,2004 1:56pm - morkul ""]
hardcore kids really do suck. it's metal we are supposed to enjoy it together but if you won't to be an asshole, ok. let's play fuckers. death to all who oppose us.
[Mar 9,2004 5:58pm - ofemptywords  ""]
shut up.
[Mar 9,2004 6:01pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
.pu tuhs
[Mar 9,2004 7:03pm - the_reverend ""]
the funniest thing is that morkul's in arizona.
[Mar 9,2004 7:13pm - glassjaw73  ""]
ya death to all those who arent metal, you shallow little bitch. are you truly that weak minded to think that, or are you trying to get hurt?
[Mar 9,2004 7:17pm - ofemptywords  ""]
ya, thats pretty damn gay there
[Mar 9,2004 7:51pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
Ricky... Register muh nigga... this is Andy.
[Mar 9,2004 8:32pm - hybrid ""]
when did this thread become so pointless?
[Mar 9,2004 9:01pm - xmikex@home  ""]
metal kids vs. fashion core kids

fight fight fight!
[Mar 9,2004 11:56pm - SteveML  ""]
well it was a fun show.but this..wow..arguing over somethin little..its great..underground 26th that shit can be settled in the "Wall of death"
[Mar 10,2004 12:28am - thehostagenate  ""]
come to the atkinson community center, 4 main st. in atkinson, nh this saturday march 13th. it will be fun. darken the sky, neverfall, the hostage heart, spillkit, roger carrol trustee. good times. this whole discussion is awesome, and by awesome i mean really funny and closed minded. listen to metal and hardcore and don't dance like you're listening to mudvayne if you're going to dance at all. oh well, fuck you, all it comes down to is don't say that our singer has down syndrome out loud or else you're fucked.
p.s. mule kicks are where it's at.
p.p.s. if you live in massachusetts come out to the vfw hall, everett st., southbridge, ma tomorrow and see mercury switch, prisoners dilemma, the hostage heart, p.s., and no hope for heroes.
sorry for the shameless self promotion, deal with it.
[Mar 10,2004 1:07am - brendan  ""]
to be honest, he does actually look like he's rockin the D.S.
[Mar 10,2004 1:52am - xmikex@home  ""]
mule kicks are dumb
metal kids are dumb
[Mar 10,2004 2:02am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
xmikex@home said:
metal kids are dumb

[Mar 10,2004 8:37am - the_reverend ""]
doom metal kids are even dumber.
cause they smoke jibbas.
[Mar 10,2004 8:38am - XJONX  ""]
whats the lineup for that underground show does anyone know?
[Mar 10,2004 9:34am - the_reverend ""]
if someone out there knows and didn't add it to the events page...
they deserve to be beat.
[Mar 10,2004 9:35am - prtybrdsgetcotto ""]
I did register niggerdy poo
[Mar 10,2004 12:14pm - kaotiksoul6sic69 ""]
Ya know what I think? I think it is fucking ridiculous how everyone is fighting about how to pit. You should just pit however you want. Do what the music makes you do, if that means kick and punch and hardcore dance, do it up. If the music makes you want to shove and push and jump around, do it. If someone has a problem with the different ways people pit they shouldn't be in a pit. No one pits the same so put up or shut up.
[Mar 10,2004 12:44pm - xmikexgongsquadx  ""]
this whole thread gets a
[Mar 10,2004 1:13pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
wow... gongs are so fucking (sIc). almost too much (sIc)ness for me to handle.
[Mar 10,2004 1:55pm - hybrid in school  ""]
rev, the underground lineup as of now is something along the lines of...

my letter
forever carved (cd release)

im also trying to get darken the sky on this bill, i just talked to one of the kids running it and he said they're going to try to get them on it... dts' drummer said they wanted to do it... i'll post it once it's final, should be soon
[Mar 10,2004 9:34pm - mycradleofnails ""]
that would be worth going to. hope DTS can play
[Mar 10,2004 9:47pm - anonymous  ""]
haha down syndrome
[Mar 10,2004 10:29pm - fif  ""]
just of curiousity, who can i talk to about maybe gettin on the "underground"?? this is the lead singer of Funeral in Fame.. aim- xogtox
[Mar 10,2004 10:43pm - anonymous  ""]
i dunno who says the filth is straight edge. this is the singer. i smoke and drink. we all had hangovers that day. and whot he fuck thinks were emo. do we sound like were fucking 13 yearold children going threw puberty. i dont fuckin think so. i just wanted to say thanks to all the kids who liked us. and for those of u who didnt then thanks for the consideration of posting about us cuz we must be good enuff for you to get into a fuss about it.

[Mar 10,2004 11:34pm - kaotiksoul6sic69 ""]
That guy is hitting the gong with a fucking clarinet. Hey spaldino you like cock don't ya?
[Mar 10,2004 11:35pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
Phil, dont you come to my school for culinary (Somersworth)
[Mar 11,2004 4:16am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
kaotiksoul6sic69 said:That guy is hitting the gong with a fucking clarinet. Hey spaldino you like cock don't ya?

d00d... cock is so (sIc)
[Mar 11,2004 10:21am - bontinismonster  ""]
brendan said:to be honest, he does actually look like he's rockin the D.S.

man , you need to shut the fuck up... you probably still wet the bed....hahaha
[Mar 11,2004 10:28am - anonymous  ""]
who is putting the underground show together?
[Mar 11,2004 12:58pm - hybrid at school  ""]
two kids do most of the booking, they're brothers, josh and jake. the current show is filled up, the bill should be announced tommorow. if anyone wants the contact info for them just let me know and i can get it to you.
[Mar 11,2004 4:33pm - brendan  ""]
man , you need to shut the fuck up... you probably still wet the bed....hahaha>>

BRUTAL 6th grade comeback!!!!! Wait, hold on, ok... yea dude, i wet the bed because you don't even TAKE SHOWERS
[Mar 11,2004 6:39pm - ofemptywords  ""]
[Mar 11,2004 8:18pm - anonymous  ""]
i thought the filth did good. yeah fil has the inteigence of a spider monkey. i cant argue with you there. but they are still really good. and doing a great job for being so yout. and if you dont like them thats your opinon. but they are great. i cant wait to see them play again.

[Mar 11,2004 8:42pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah i do go to somersworth. usually between 11 15 and 12 40
[Mar 11,2004 8:47pm - anonymous  ""]
dude your band was fucking horrible...i dont think you guys have words...i think what you did was go GOO GOO GAA GAA and repeated that alot and do you work at a comic book and or record store?
[Mar 12,2004 8:48am - xcoheedxcambria ""]
1. last time we tried getting drug test they didnt show.
2 the poopydance (ML) is awesome.
3 im from farmington and i dont appreciate you saying that half of us will end up as mom/dead-beat-dads. fucker.
[Mar 12,2004 12:00pm - anonymous  ""]
sarah morse is a xfuckingxloserx
[Mar 12,2004 12:09pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
brendan said:man , you need to shut the fuck up... you probably still wet the bed....hahaha

BRUTAL 6th grade comeback!!!!! Wait, hold on, ok... yea dude, i wet the bed because you don't even TAKE SHOWERS

someone needs a hug.

[Mar 12,2004 4:30pm - xcoheedxcambria ""]
haha, fuck you too "anonymous"
[Mar 12,2004 7:28pm - anonymous  ""]
hey coheed you obviously dont know what those "x's" mean go smoke another one
[Mar 12,2004 9:48pm - succubus ""]
don't call my boyfriend "fucker", you fucker
[Mar 12,2004 11:28pm - xcoheedxcambria ""]
Oh my god, I'm not a straight edge! Why dont you put your NAME? You know who I am, why dont you confirm who you are for me?

i apologize for the fucker comment, by the way.
[Mar 12,2004 11:54pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
using x's in usernames is fucking gay. no one gives a fucking rats ass if you are straight edge, no one cares how scene you want to be. xixamxsoxcoolxixhavexaxhipxscreenxnamex
choke on a chocolate log and cease to exist.
[Mar 13,2004 12:44am - xcoheedxcambria ""]
how ..scene.. i want to be? i never have, and never will want to be a scene kid. its so "hip" because everyone I know has x's in their names. or not..
[Mar 13,2004 3:03am - STUDDEDBELTSNSAUCONIES  ""]
[Mar 13,2004 3:08am - a fake name  ""]
Yeah! Fuck the fuckin scenesterz! Hey check out my hair...Im in the strokes man!Or some way think chops.My clothes are way to tight and i wear a castro lookin cap.I act like Im better than everyone because all my friends will beat you up.Love that scarf man.... I know saucony shoes are waaaaay overdone and five years ago.and hem your pants. Rolling them makes you an easy target for gayness.fuck you scene kids
[Mar 13,2004 12:09pm - xcoheedxcambria ""]
ah, yes.
[Mar 14,2004 9:40pm - ????  ""]
Who the heck does this xcoheedxcambria think she is, i bet shes some "punk" who likes good charolette, and obviously doesnt have much of a life if she is so worried about labels
[Mar 14,2004 9:57pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
stop posting in this fucking thread you worthless shit stains.
[Mar 14,2004 10:22pm - blue ""]
i second that notion. waaaay too many people whining their asses off.
somebody didnt like your band. big deal. everybody makes fun of everybody. get over it.
[Mar 17,2004 4:28pm - anonymous  ""]
THE FILTH FUCKING SUCKS.. do you even have words to your songs.. phil is frigin gay, he cant sing, and he's some skin head faggot
[Mar 17,2004 4:35pm - anonymous  ""]
brendan said:<<man , you need to shut the fuck up... you probably still wet the bed....hahaha>>

BRUTAL 6th grade comeback!!!!! Wait, hold on, ok... yea dude, i wet the bed because you don't even TAKE SHOWERS

someone needs a hug.

wow real frigin mature.. how gay can one possibley get?
[Mar 17,2004 4:40pm - anonymous  ""]

brendan said:<<to be honest, he does actually look like he's rockin the D.S.>>

>>>man , you need to shut the fuck up... you probably still wet the bed....hahaha

haha makes me laugh "bontinismonster"
[Mar 20,2004 9:04am - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 20,2004 5:16pm - phil reid from the filth  ""]
hahaha i love when people post about me and i dont no who they are. i dont care if u dont like my band. thats ur opinion. and we do have lyrics. and if u have/had a fucking problem with me then why havent u come to my face about it?
[Mar 20,2004 6:38pm - the_reverend ""]
why hasn't this thread turned into a thread about gay marrige or patriotism?
[Mar 20,2004 7:16pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
this thread has become a stomping ground for people with as much testosterone as a rhino.... calm the fuck down.
[Mar 20,2004 7:57pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
WHY ARE YOU FAGS STILL POSTING IN THIS THREAD?! god damn i hate hate people.
[Mar 20,2004 9:22pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:WHY ARE YOU FAGS STILL POSTING IN THIS THREAD?! god damn i hate hate people.

cuz 3y3 tOwTaLy r0x0r y3r b0x0r5.
[Mar 20,2004 9:58pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ROFLMAFO!!1111111 kHAKLOLOLOLZ)RZzzzl<NZ!!!!!111
[Mar 20,2004 10:53pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
t3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3hh3h3h3h OMGZ@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 20,2004 11:08pm - mycradleofnails ""]
ahhh *sighs*
[Mar 22,2004 9:43am - Sarah  ""]
[Apr 2,2004 11:17pm - Sir Nick O'lass  ""]
six point circle- wooooo. faterlok - wooooo. nu metal is fucking gaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy. damn. Bofest.
[Apr 2,2004 11:26pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
you are fucking gaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy for resurrecting this thread. fucking tool...
[Apr 3,2004 3:07am - TheWord  ""]
Wow, immaturity at its finest. I laugh at the weak.
[Apr 3,2004 3:12am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i r poopied in my overalas loLOLOLOlsfajsf sf
[Dec 23,2004 1:30pm - stan  ""]
slauldino...your checking this thread non stop...stop bitching about people posting on it. Its jsut so gay...that you cant stop looking at it. fucking idiot.
[Dec 23,2004 2:33pm - black dick for an emo faggot  ""]
anonymous said:calm down guys.. its only a mosh pit.. not a "dance" contest

[Mar 2,2005 1:15pm - anonymous  ""]
you should all suck my hairy balls for keeping this thing going, oh wait im restarting it haha
[Mar 2,2005 1:45pm - the_reverend ""]
and then you post about some girl from mass who may or may not be a whore?
what about the band jade?

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