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Gran Torino

[Dec 25,2008 2:30pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
just saw this movie and it was great. Eastwood's character reminds me a lot of my friend's grandfather... guy is manly as fuck. definitely a great watch.
[Dec 25,2008 3:01pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I really wanna see this.
[Dec 26,2008 1:30am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Spoiler alert, gooks win, gooks win.
[Dec 26,2008 10:58am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
fucking zipperheads
[Dec 26,2008 11:00am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Saw this last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I have to check out that new Mickey Rourke flick.
[Dec 4,2009 10:50pm - succubus ""]
really good but made me sad
[Dec 4,2009 10:57pm - Martins ""]
The acting in this movie pissed me off so much. Asians should just never act. The movie should have just been Eastwood pointing his finger at everything.
[Dec 4,2009 11:13pm - ernie  ""]
it could have been better but hit a soft spot cuz i used to have that car. fuck i miss that thing. a 429 with no exhaust is an amazing machine. like a thousand shotgun blasts going off every second. doh.
[Dec 7,2009 2:10pm - aril  ""]
Saw this last night. Great movie.
And martins, the main asain actors have never been in any other movies..
[Dec 7,2009 2:12pm - xmikex ""]

Martins said:The movie was Eastwood pointing his finger at everything.

[Dec 7,2009 2:13pm - Martins ""]
I know. They're all amateurs or whatever but I still feel like their acting was subpar. Felt like middle school drama class.

Besides that, I thought the movie was great. Good plot, bad acting.
[Dec 7,2009 2:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
awesome movie... clint was great and the ending was perfect.
[Dec 7,2009 2:24pm - aril  ""]
It's on hbo this month.
[Dec 7,2009 2:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya thats how i saw it
[Dec 7,2009 2:51pm - largefreakatzero ""]
"What are you spooks up to?"
[Dec 7,2009 3:37pm - xmikex ""]
I liked this movie. But the worst acting in it was done by Eastwood himself.
[Dec 7,2009 3:40pm - sacreligion ""]

xmikex said:I liked this movie. But the worst acting in it was done by everyone.


And the song during the credits is what pulled it all together.

"What's all this bro shit, anyway? What are you tryin to be SuperSpade or something?
[Dec 7,2009 3:40pm - aril  ""]
I thought the barber was pretty bad.
Eastwoods grandaughter wasn't too shabby looking
[Dec 7,2009 3:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i like the korean chick - post battery of course
[Dec 7,2009 3:46pm - xmikex ""]

sacreligion said:
And the song during the credits is what pulled it all together.

*stupid gruff clint eastwood voice* "Driving in myyyyy grand torino..."

And me sitting there in disbelief.
[Dec 7,2009 3:48pm - sacreligion ""]
Clint Eastwood's constant voice is Christian Bale's Batman voice.
[Dec 7,2009 3:53pm - sacreligion ""]
On a related note, Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood totally ripped off John Huston in Chinatown. It's really obvious from 1:00 and onward.

[Dec 7,2009 3:54pm - Martins ""]
Chinatown is a great movie.
[Dec 7,2009 3:54pm - aril  ""]
Yea the Asian chick had some sort of sex appeal going on
[Dec 7,2009 3:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sometimes i can look past poor acting and appreciate a well writen story... especially since i so rarely see a good story in a movie.
[Dec 7,2009 4:07pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Get off my lawn.
[Dec 7,2009 4:21pm - metal_church101 ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i like the korean chick - post battery of course

Why are you being so picky?
[Dec 7,2009 4:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you're right they're all the same. just poor some msg on em and you're good to go.
[Dec 7,2009 4:30pm - metal_church101 ""]
Exactly. Soy Sauce for the egg roll.
[Dec 7,2009 4:36pm - aril  ""]
[Dec 7,2009 4:40pm - metal_church101 ""]

aril said:Rasicts.

He started it. 8^(
[Dec 7,2009 4:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i enjoy the mastication of all races
[Dec 7,2009 4:41pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Mar 22,2010 10:18am - arktouros ""]

sacreligion said:Clint Eastwood's constant voice is Christian Bale's Batman voice.
[Mar 22,2010 10:29am - metal_church101 ""]
[Mar 22,2010 10:58am - ouchdrummer ""]
Martins - did you know that it was their first acting gig BEFORE You decided they sucked? Because i watched this after i read your post and didn't think the asians were that bad? Maybe you just racist. Skinhead.
[Mar 22,2010 11:02am - xmikex ""]
[Mar 22,2010 11:09am - arktouros ""]
oh wow. A+

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