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Any Fans of Lost?

[Dec 17,2008 3:51pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
Any fans of Lost here?
[Dec 17,2008 4:00pm - darkwor  ""]
saw one episode and i thought it was pretty good. in the middle of watching dexter right now.
[Dec 17,2008 4:01pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
Yea thats the kind of show that you have to watch from season 1. This has to be my favorite show ever!!! Season 5 comes out next month!
[Dec 17,2008 4:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
missed all of last season...boo.
[Dec 17,2008 4:05pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
Crucial, you can watch all the episodes online now.....last season was CRAZY!!!
[Dec 17,2008 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I'm 3 episodes back in the last season. I would have been all caught up, but the HD stream wasn't working right.
[Dec 17,2008 4:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
no shit? i'm gonna have to do that on my day off tomorrow to get caught up
[Dec 17,2008 4:22pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
Yea I was reading up on the 5th season, its supposed to answer a ton of questions. I have all the seasons on DVD.
[Dec 17,2008 4:56pm - oscarct ""]

darkwor said:saw one episode and i thought it was pretty good. in the middle of watching dexter right now.

Dexter may be the best show on TV.
[Dec 17,2008 4:59pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
I have never seen that show, whats the whole show about? I have been hearing such good things about the show
[Dec 17,2008 6:10pm - grizloch ""]
fuckin A
[Dec 17,2008 6:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

oscarct said:
darkwor said:saw one episode and i thought it was pretty good. in the middle of watching dexter right now.

Dexter may be the best show on TV.

agreed. season finale was epic. holy shit what excellent writing.
[Dec 17,2008 8:27pm - niccolai ""]

the_reverend said:yeah, I'm 3 episodes back in the last season. I would have been all caught up, but the HD stream wasn't working right.

ever think about... you know... whatching the non-hd stream?

I assure you, the stone-age picture quality of non-HD video is still acceptable.
[Feb 15,2009 12:38am - fuck logging in  ""]
Season 5 is building up into intense shit
[Feb 15,2009 12:41am - Arist ""]
Yeah it kicks ass so far

Finally lots of answers
[Feb 15,2009 1:00am - the_reverend ""]
im still 3 or 4 episodes back in the 4th season.

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