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[Dec 13,2008 8:40pm - archaeon ""]
Need to release their new CD immediately. I love this band.
[Dec 13,2008 9:03pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
They're definitely one of the only bands of that style that makes me say "holy shit."
[Dec 13,2008 9:12pm - Martins ""]
[Dec 13,2008 10:13pm - archaeon ""]
i love it when they do the meedlies
[Dec 13,2008 10:23pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Man, I'm so sick of these release delays. RELEASE THE NEW ALBUM ALREADY!!!!
[Dec 13,2008 10:36pm - archaeon ""]
So true. But this album is going to be SO EPIC when it's release. when was it originally suppose to come out 2+ years ago?
[Dec 13,2008 10:49pm - Martins ""]
They recorded it. Lost all that. Now rerecording it. Sucks.
[Dec 13,2008 11:59pm - aril  ""]
Great musician & guitar player, although I liked his work better for Ensiferum. I think Wintersun is somewhat cheesy at times!
Good s/t album, but Ensiferum s/t > Wintersun!
[Dec 15,2008 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
i really like this band. i have a tough time with that ultra weedly stuff, but this has 10000 times more passion than other garbage like Dragonforce.
[Dec 15,2008 1:04pm - aril  ""]
my friend really loves this band, and I get an earful when I tell him that I think some parts are cheesy. that doesn't mean I don't like it, though.
I am kind of getting sick of that Finnish "spinefarm-esque" sound if you know what I mean.
[Dec 15,2008 1:17pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Remember when Spinefarm put out styff like Beherit? Thems was the days.
[Dec 15,2008 3:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
Quite the change of direction.
[Dec 15,2008 4:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 27,2012 4:19pm - arktouros ""]
"On March 16th, 2012, Mäenpää announced via Wintersun's official website that Time is nearly finished and he expects to have it released in two parts, first part in late summer of 2012 and the second part half a year from it."
[Mar 27,2012 4:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 27,2012 4:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I got my friends good THREE years ago with an april fools fake release of Time. I think I put a mix of Bodom and Norther on there.
[Mar 27,2012 4:30pm - Noblecher  ""]
The new album will never come out lol
[Mar 27,2012 4:37pm - Yeti ""]

Yeti said:i really like this band. i have a tough time with that ultra weedly stuff, but this has 10000 times more passion than other garbage like Dragonforce.

i liked it when it came out, but it has zero lasting power. i couldn't care less about it now.
[Mar 27,2012 4:38pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Fairweather tweedlies
[Mar 27,2012 6:23pm - arktouros ""]

Noblecher said:The new album will never come out lol
[Mar 27,2012 7:13pm - Ghoulash ""]
I remember reading that they needed 42 Gigs of RAM to to record their next record... I love this band but i think that's retarted. I don't think blind guardian needed that much to record night at the opera.
[Mar 27,2012 7:18pm - Burnsy ""]
He was saying he was waiting for his plugins to come out with 64 bit versions. I agree with you though.
[Mar 27,2012 8:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: Finnish Democracy
[Mar 27,2012 8:59pm - Arist ""]
His computer wasn't good enough to handle the VST's he needed, orrrr he could have just went to a real studio and mixed it for fucks sake.
[Mar 27,2012 9:02pm - Burnsy ""]

Arist said:His computer wasn't good enough to handle the VST's he needed, orrrr he could have just went to a real studio and mixed it for fucks sake.

This. For real.
[Mar 28,2012 1:25am - ThrilliVanilli ""]
Never cared
[Mar 28,2012 6:51am - Noblecher  ""]

ThrilliVanilli said:Never cared

He urnt nur curred
[Mar 28,2012 10:11am - Ghoulash ""]

ThrilliVanilli said:Never cared

thanks for your two cents but your musical opinion is void since you only listen to Iron Maiden's A Matter of Life and Death.

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