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Fuck today...

[Dec 11,2008 8:25pm - yummy ""]
I delivered mail in the rain all day. Got attacked by a pitbull. Get home. Roomate's girlfriend is doin laundry which means no dry shoes and she's in the shower which means I'm SOL. My son's mom got raped. 5 minutes ago I got a call from my dad saying he walked in to my aunts house to find her dead.

I love to joke and what not but...umm...not this time. If I had someone to talk to or somewhere to go it wouldn't have been here.
[Dec 11,2008 8:31pm - Hoser ""]
Wow...my condolences man. Have a drink. If I were there I'd buy you one.
[Dec 11,2008 8:38pm - sever ""]
Hang in there, dude! I'd have a fat blunt passed your way if I knew you.
[Dec 11,2008 8:41pm - Lamp ""]
God damn Aaron, that's a day for the record books. Sorry to hear all this.
[Dec 11,2008 8:54pm - yummy ""]
thanks, think I'm gonna head up and see the I Destroyer guys up at Jake's.
[Dec 11,2008 8:55pm - the_reverend ""]
wow... I can't believe that this is real.
[Dec 11,2008 8:59pm - Lamp ""]

yummy said:thanks, think I'm gonna head up and see the I Destroyer guys up at Jake's.

If I still lived in your area I'd be down for that.

Hope it's a good one.
[Dec 11,2008 9:19pm - guy  ""]
thanks man you just made me feel better about my shitty day
[Dec 11,2008 9:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I feel terribly since I had an awesome day.
[Dec 11,2008 9:47pm - Lamp ""]
My day was pretty okay. I don't think I've ever even had a day that shitty, if I did it wasn't recently enough for me to remember.
[Dec 11,2008 9:54pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
That fucking blows...when it rains it pours, as they say. Hopefully no other misfortune finds you in the near future.
[Dec 12,2008 7:59am - SkinSandwich ""]
Did you do a good deed or two recently? You know those never go unpunished. Sorry about your day chief.
[Dec 13,2008 8:02pm - yummy ""]
Thanks again for the comments all. Today was better.
I decided to let the dog live. That was my good deed.
[Dec 14,2008 3:20pm - W3 nli  ""]
this is what happens when you mock Taco Bell
[Dec 14,2008 5:08pm - sxealex_  ""]
wow that fuckin blows man.

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