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12/12 Rocko's - LIGEIA + more

Rocko's (Manchester, NH) - [always_and_forever][a_loss_for_words][deny_the_crown][goaltender][ligeia][randomshots][tales][van_flip]
[show listing]  ____________________________
[Dec 9,2008 1:10pm - SW  ""]


[Dec 9,2008 1:12pm - SW  ""]
fuck. here's the url:

[Dec 12,2008 3:33pm - the_reverend ""]
did this get canceled? do they have power?
[Dec 12,2008 4:14pm - the_reverend ""]
I know that most of manchester is ok.
[Dec 12,2008 4:44pm - brodown ""]

the_reverend said:did this get canceled? do they have power?

Its definitely on. I saw a post from Dave Thirsty today.
[Dec 12,2008 6:28pm - the_reverend ""]
yep, here now. my first show in a year with out my D3.. sniff.
[Dec 12,2008 7:00pm - the_reverend ""]
tails just played. ignoring the clean vocals, they were pretty decent modern hardcore. a few times the floor was filled with flailing arms too. most of tha time, I was txt'ing my gf about the power situation and how to hook her cellphone up as a modem.
[Dec 12,2008 7:40pm - the_reverend ""]
goaltender just played. im not going to give up the hilarious secret about the members of this band... but it was hilarious. and they tossed a soccer ball piņata of candy out in the crowd. excellent.
[Dec 12,2008 8:12pm - the_reverend ""]
deny the crown played their best received set that I have een yet. they had all sort of people singling along for the poison the well cover.
[Dec 12,2008 9:07pm - the_reverend ""]
A&F might have played their last set. working with my D2x during them was super hard. people didn't sing along like I thought they would. oh well.

vehicle flip or whatever blew through 2 songs and the singer laid a girl out flat on he ground. I thought she would be dead.
[Dec 12,2008 9:46pm - the_reverend ""]
a loss for words shouldn't be playing small venues like this. they should be playing for 1000 kids at warptour. if you can't stage dive after singing along, what is the point! there were a couple kids up front that sang along to every single song. weird. they played a new found glory cover and I was the only person that didn't know NFG.
[Dec 12,2008 10:54pm - xanonymousx ""]
i could have been at this, but i had to go home and bring people places cause of the power
[Dec 13,2008 12:20am - the_reverend ""]
working on pictures. thought I was going to have to drive back through manchester, out to hilsborrough to give my dad a cable, but it seems the 4 pronged, 4 wires, 30amp cable that I had was the wrong one.
[Dec 13,2008 12:46am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading... slllooooowwwlllly over the phone.
[Dec 13,2008 7:48am - thirsty ""]
Hey, this was an amazing show! thank for coming Rev!
[Dec 13,2008 9:12am - guy  ""]

the_reverend said:A
vehicle flip or whatever blew through 2 songs and the singer laid a girl out flat on he ground. I thought she would be dead.

what happened
[Dec 13,2008 9:27am - the_reverend ""]
the band was a joke band and they played a joke set. the singer came across stage and hit a girl really hard, but there wasn't any one there for her to hit against so her 90lb frame hit the ground. she got right back up a little dazed. if that had happened to me, I don't think I would have been about to get back up. then again, it would have taken more weight to take down my 190lb frame. I watched some tv show where a cheerleader hit her head on the ground and they had to do all sorts of surgery on her so she didn't die.
[Dec 13,2008 9:49am - xanonymousx ""]
photo of the night.
[Dec 13,2008 10:23am - thebloodening ""]
whats with the 2 chicks on the right with the ugly ass leg tats? ha. Seriously shorts? wtf
[Dec 13,2008 10:37am - xanonymousx ""]
dude, they are wicked fuckin edge.
[Dec 13,2008 11:00am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Muffin tops FTW
[Dec 13,2008 11:06am - thebloodening ""]
big time...damn thats horrific, take that pic down
[Dec 13,2008 11:18am - MillenialKingdom ""]
The word "EDGE" on that blonde chick's shirt is highlighted by the bulging mass of fat on her tummy.
[Dec 13,2008 11:18am - guy  ""]
suck it in a lil bit huh?
[Dec 13,2008 11:47am - ryrymax  ""]
haha my band looking for alaska was supposed to play this show.
[Dec 13,2008 5:01pm - thebloodening ""]
fat chix bump
[Dec 14,2008 2:43am - KeynoteCompany ""]

the_reverend said:A&F might have played their last set. working with my D2x during them was super hard. people didn't sing along like I thought they would. oh well.

vehicle flip or whatever blew through 2 songs and the singer laid a girl out flat on he ground. I thought she would be dead.

They are breaking up?!
[Dec 14,2008 2:44am - the_reverend ""]
not breaking up...
[Dec 14,2008 10:12am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Dammit, I was hoping they were.
[Dec 17,2008 11:56pm - sever nli  ""]
I know all of the kids in tales, they're good guys. Just figured I'd bump this for their sake.
[Dec 18,2008 12:16am - the_reverend ""]

the_reverend said:not breaking up...

I see a reference to it there, but it's not announced until 12.20

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