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[show listing]  __________________________________
[Dec 5,2008 12:06pm - ddrummer ""]
Death Threat
Colin of Arabia
Crowns of Kings
Back of Tha Neck
Hate Your Guts

Doors at 5:30
All Ages

Theirs only been like 2 shows at the VFW that I can remember so...this should be interesting. I won't be there cause i have to work but it is definately a good quality Hardcore show.
[Dec 5,2008 12:10pm - xmikex ""]
yay to everything except a 5:30 start on a friday night. At this point in my life I have actual things to do, so we'll see if I take the risk of driving out to a VFW show with the chance of it being completely over by the time I get there.

Anyone who can make it should be at this show though.
[Dec 5,2008 12:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
I haven't been to a VFW show in years... damn
[Dec 5,2008 12:21pm - ddrummer ""]
i think theyre trying to test the waters. it was initially scheduled for the Easton K of C, but something happened. I hope this goes well because it would be awesome if their are more shows there. I'm not a big fan of hardcore but i have a few friends playing this show so I figure i would get the word out.
[Dec 5,2008 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
whoah... DT is playing this? damn.

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