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This Saturday in Haverhill-- Tons of great bands

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Dec 3,2008 8:41am - haverhillshows ""]
come celebrate my birthday with me
[Dec 3,2008 9:11am - archaeon@skewl  ""]
Might go to this
[Dec 3,2008 10:21am - boblovesmusic ""]
was thinking of going to this as well!
[Dec 3,2009 1:54pm - haverhillshows ""]
Well if you went then you guys probably saw the awesome fight... happy birthday to me haha
[Dec 3,2009 2:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]

haverhillshows said:Well if you went then you guys probably saw the awesome fight... happy birthday to me haha

went?? I thought it was this COMING saturday?
[Dec 3,2009 2:06pm - thetruthaboutmuffdivers ""]

ouchdrummer said:
haverhillshows said:Well if you went then you guys probably saw the awesome fight... happy birthday to me haha

went?? I thought it was this COMING saturday?

I suppose someone has to go and start a fight now to fulfill the prophecy.
[Dec 3,2009 2:14pm - ouchdrummer ""]
right? what a confusing post.
[Dec 3,2009 2:29pm - narkybark ""]
unobservant people are unobservant
[Dec 3,2009 2:31pm - arktouros ""]
[Dec 3,2009 2:33pm - reimroc ""]
will we be playing L4D? because that flyer makes me want to play L4D.
[Dec 3,2009 3:52pm - Boblovesmobile  ""]

boblovesmusic said:was thinking of going to this as well!

I was reading this and thinking "I didn't write this! wtf?" then I realized it was last year...
[Dec 3,2009 3:53pm - Boblovesmobile  ""]
Didn't end up going though
[Dec 3,2009 5:01pm - ouchdrummer ""]

narkybark said:unobservant people are unobservant

well who's the asshole who bumped it today... on the same date it was made last year.
[Dec 3,2009 5:01pm - ouchdrummer ""]
fuck u guys
[Dec 4,2009 8:00am - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
silly show was silly
[Dec 4,2009 8:23am - Pires ""]

ouchdrummer said:
narkybark said:unobservant people are unobservant

well who's the asshole who bumped it today... on the same date it was made last year.

ouchdrummer said:fuck u guys

I see you're still not smoking Jim.
[Dec 4,2009 10:11am - ouchdrummer ""]

Pires said:
ouchdrummer said:
narkybark said:unobservant people are unobservant

well who's the asshole who bumped it today... on the same date it was made last year.

ouchdrummer said:fuck u guys

I see you're still not smoking Jim.

haha, correct.
[Dec 4,2009 10:12am - ouchdrummer ""]
just kush son!

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