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Withered Sun has a new line up.

[Nov 15,2008 6:12pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
"We are pleased to inform you that the Withered Sun lineup has been finalized and we are ready to start playing shows in the very near future.

Just to give some insight with what has happened with the band; Ben Fortier, Joel Legace, and Jeff Houle all decided to part ways with Withered Sun. We wish them all the luck in their future endeavors, and it was a pleasure working with them. We hope they make the fullest of their talents, and aspire to something great. Much respect.

Chris, Dan, and Brandon wanted to continue the band, so we decided to switch Dan (keyboardist) to guitars and start auditioning new members. After rigorous practice and fine tuning, we feel the lineup has shifted into place and we are proud to welcome Jonathan Helme (ex-The Accursed) on vocals and Rob Schweitzer on guitar. We are still auditioning for keyboards, so message us if you're interested. Our re-launch onto the metal scene is imminent, and more powerful than ever.

I know some of you are curious with what we are doing with our release of "Ascension of Our Fathers." After much thought, we decided not to sell an official release of the album because we felt that it doesn't properly attribute to the current lineup nor would it be fair to the members who left that performed on it. For people interested in obtaining a copy, message us and we will look into that for you.

For future plans, we are fine tuning old songs, writing brand new ones, perfecting artwork, and looking to book shows in time for the New Year. So stay tuned folks, Withered Sun is very much alive and kicking. We will be around soon, so get your lyrics memorized and come rock out with us!


Withered Sun
[Nov 15,2008 7:08pm - dreadkill ""]
it will be nice to see jon back onstage.
[Nov 16,2008 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
good luck guys ...cant wait to see it live.
[Nov 16,2008 8:08pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
thanks ken!

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