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bassist wanted:metalcore mixed with grind

[Feb 24,2004 1:49pm - xbrokenthoughtsx ""]
We are a drummer and guitarist looking for a bassist. if you have good equipment and can practice 2x a week with a place to practice since the guitarist has a mom does day care and the drummer lives in a condo. that would be amazing..influences number 12 looks like you, on broken wing, converge, poison the well, daughters, between the buried and me.

aim: x walk alone 1 x
[Feb 24,2004 3:13pm - xbrokenthoughtsx ""]
wow are there no bassists from western mass?
[Feb 24,2004 3:19pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Feb 24,2004 4:16pm - xbrokenthoughtsx ""]
anyone if u know somone who plays guitar and likes grind or metalcore let me know we also want a second guitarist and a singer but a bassist is the most important to get songs down
[Feb 24,2004 5:29pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you should also try www.hitthepit.com and www.justanotherscene.com
lots of random people hit those sites as well
[Feb 24,2004 7:40pm - pardonthemess ""]
i am a singer and i know a bassist so if you are interested email me at wordsofburning@hotmail.com

Aim: xwarningseyesx
[Feb 24,2004 8:13pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
so basically you are starting a bad band?
[Feb 24,2004 9:22pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
that has no grind infuence whatsoever? yup.
[Feb 24,2004 9:54pm - xbrokenthoughtsx ""]
Ninkaszi187 said:that has no grind infuence whatsoever? yup.

sure whatever u say what do u consider grind i dont like noisy bands who u dont understand with no lyrics who just grunt n growel sorry
[Feb 24,2004 9:55pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Thats fine, like your poo, just don't call it grindcore.
[Feb 24,2004 11:50pm - Justin/ ACR  ""]
"number 12 looks like you, on broken wing, converge, poison the well, daughters, between the buried and me."

none of those bands are grindcore
[Feb 25,2004 12:01am - XmikeX ""]
i miss old as the sun sets.

i miss the failsafe device.

i miss the august prophecy

i miss music that isn't regurgitated pop garbage masquerading as grind.
[Feb 25,2004 12:03am - Blackout ""]
"none of those bands are grindcore " You could even say some of them are emo.

" i dont like noisy bands who u dont understand with no lyrics who just grunt n growel"
Firstly that statement is crawling with ignorance. Secondly if you don't like those 'factors' than you aparently don't like grind now do you?
[Feb 25,2004 12:03am - xbrokenthoughtsx ""]
Justin/ ACR said:"number 12 looks like you, on broken wing, converge, poison the well, daughters, between the buried and me."

none of those bands are grindcore

ok ya i know but i want to do shit like terminally your aborted ghost with on broken wings breakdowns n shit its not grind but it has blast beats and breakdowns so its a mix
[Feb 25,2004 12:15am - Blackout ""]
"i want to do shit like terminally your aborted ghost"
" i dont like noisy bands who u dont understand with no lyrics who just grunt n growel"

hmmmm. I supose you think they are just saying REEREEREEREE the whole time?
[Feb 25,2004 12:22am - George ""]
wait, you mean they're not?!??!?!?!?!
[Feb 25,2004 1:41am - joostin ""]
xbrokenthoughtsx said:ok ya i know but i want to do shit like terminally your aborted ghost with on broken wings breakdowns n shit its not grind but it has blast beats and breakdowns so its a mix

oh lordy. a mix of what? metal and pure unadultered garbage?
i bet you think The red chord is grind metal.

[Feb 25,2004 9:30am - the_reverend ""]
#12 is nu-grind like the daughters.
[Feb 25,2004 10:49am - XmikeX ""]
i guess you could call on broken wings' breakdowns grind seeing as how a number of them were (as derek would phrase it) hamburgled from in dire need and letters from the dead.
[Feb 25,2004 11:19am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
On Broken Wings used to be rapcore, hehehehe ^_^
[Feb 25,2004 8:31pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hamburgled... hahahahahahaha. Oh that's great...
[Feb 25,2004 10:12pm - xbrokenthoughtsx ""]
Blackout said:"none of those bands are grindcore " You could even say some of them are emo.

" i dont like noisy bands who u dont understand with no lyrics who just grunt n growel"
Firstly that statement is crawling with ignorance. Secondly if you don't like those 'factors' than you aparently don't like grind now do you?

ive been told its not grind i by u guys so whatever call mea screamo kid

[Feb 25,2004 10:15pm - xbrokenthoughtsx ""]
Pile of Dead Birds there sick grind that would be considered grind like crazy spastic noise n shit but i like them and i like pig destroyer for what i guess u guys call grind but call me screamo
[Feb 25,2004 10:16pm - xbrokenthoughtsx ""]
now lets fucking stop the off topic discussion and get back to does anyone play bass
[Feb 26,2004 10:20am - anonymous  ""]
no because on broken wings are nu-metal and nu-metal sucks.
shut up and eat a dick.
[Feb 26,2004 1:34pm - kyleisrad ""]
to many metlacore/grind bands now, fuck off with your chugga breakdowns. get creative and fast, because bands like the ones you say you are starting are putting everyone to sleep. if you come back and say you are starting a heavy band and your influences are portishead and miles, then it will be something worth checking out.
[Feb 26,2004 1:40pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
kyleisrad said:because bands like the ones you say you are starting are putting everyone to sleep.

heyyyyyyyyyy!! i resent that comment! =(

[Feb 26,2004 11:32pm - anonymous  ""]
hey buddy you're too late. playing grind with metalcore influences was 2 years ago's influence. the cool thing to do now is play pseduo tough guy hardcore aka bury your dead style hardcore.
[Feb 27,2004 12:00am - xbrokenthoughtsx ""]
i found a band..so thanks for the few postive responses...its gonna be fast but not chugging breakdowns its gonna be the sound of someone getting stabbed breakdown style
[Feb 27,2004 9:03pm - Blackout ""]
hopefully it's the sound of your ex girlfriend getting stabbed because she doesn't love you and hangs out at the bowling alley and gets fingered by someone names hellboy. meanwhile your boyfriends at home jerking off to fucking gay porn!
[Feb 28,2004 1:02pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
xbrokenthoughtsx said:i found a band..so thanks for the few postive responses...its gonna be fast but not chugging breakdowns its gonna be the sound of someone getting stabbed breakdown style

no chuggy breakdowns? good luck.
[Feb 28,2004 3:25pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't even know who those bands are that this kid named.
Except for Converge, and they are pretty gay.

As the Sun Sets is gay too.

Why won't metalcore go away?!
It's infinately worse then nu-metal and is going to get even bigger, I predict it now.
[Feb 28,2004 7:49pm - Assuck ""]
yeesh, i hope not.

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