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Ved Buens Ende appreciation thread......

[Nov 12,2008 7:10pm - Hoser ""]
Insanely good....very near pure musical genius.

If you don't know who they are, check them out. If you do...then you know how I feel.


Listen to "I sang for the swans"

Very dark, very avant-garde black metal. At least that's how I see them.

[Nov 12,2008 7:32pm - Martins ""]
Appreciated. This band and Virus kick ASS.
[Nov 12,2008 7:48pm - Hoser ""]
Virus has a new album coming out.

Can't wait
[Nov 12,2008 7:50pm - Martins ""]
Is that The Black Flux? If so, it already leaked and is AMAZING.
[Nov 12,2008 7:55pm - Hoser ""]
Yep, that's the one. Came out Tuesday...I haven't heard it but am getting it as we speak.

Thing that sucks is, I hadn't even heard of these guys until my buddy Jason sent me the Ved Buens Ende stuff...I feel like I have missed out on so much. This is so incredible. Honestly the greatest thing to happen to me musically since Bathory.
[Nov 12,2008 7:57pm - voidexpression ""]
new Virus: http://www.theomegaorder.com/s.nl/it.A/id.22598/.f just got it in today
[Nov 12,2008 7:58pm - hunterhunter ""]
what about agalloch?
[Nov 12,2008 8:06pm - Hoser ""]
Agalloch is incredible. The buddy who introduced me to this band is the bass player for Agalloch.

I gave him many thanks. Anyone who opens my eyes to any type of metal is awesome...if I like it. I just happened to love the hell outta this.

And in anticipation of the new Virus...I decided to post.

But you're right...I adore Agalloch.
[Nov 12,2008 8:12pm - hunterhunter ""]
ill have to check these guys out
[Nov 12,2008 8:13pm - Hoser ""]
Agalloch, Virus, or Ved Buens Ende?
[Nov 12,2008 8:17pm - hunterhunter ""]
i have all agalloch albums
the other two though
[Nov 12,2008 8:28pm - Hoser ""]
You won't be displeased. Very progressive, very avant garde...I don't speak French so I really don't know what that means other than...different.

It's very good. I was impressed at 1st listen. And coming from JWW...as he's heard everything...It must be good.
[Nov 12,2008 8:32pm - hunterhunter ""]
have you checked out Trist at all?
[Nov 12,2008 8:36pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I hear ya, man - the first time you hear Ved Buens Ende is just like "MOTHERFUCKER!"

I've been listening to Virus a LOT lately. "The Black Flux" is pretty fucking out there. But you're in ELS, so it's gotta be right up your alley. Check it out:

The bassist from Ved Buens (along with Hellhammer and Garm) played on one of my absolutely favorite records ever, ARCTURUS "Aspera Hiems Symfonia". Quite possibly the ultimate atmospheric / wintery / shredtastic / black record of all time in the history of ever. The first time I heard it and Carl August "The Grim Sweeper" ripped into the solo in the first song, I SHIT ALL OVER MY BALLS!!!. I got a hunch you too will cherish the fuck out of it, too:

[Nov 12,2008 8:51pm - Hoser ""]
I'll check it out...BTW I have 2 tracks from the new ELS album...obviously not finished yet. BUT...it's a complete 180, I'll give you that.

I have been an Arcturus fan for a long time...

Oh shit...I'm confused...which is which?
[Nov 12,2008 9:30pm - MikeOvDecrepitude  ""]
Written in Waters is an underrated classic. VBE/Virus, indeed.
[Nov 13,2008 1:42am - aril @ roadtrip to minnesota  ""]
always loved this band..
[Nov 13,2008 1:43am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 13,2008 1:50am - goatcatalyst ""]
have fun watching Inquisition and Moonsorrow you lucky bastid!
[Nov 13,2008 1:51am - Paul CNV  ""]

aril%20@%20roadtrip%20to%20minnesota said:always loved this band..

I told Marty Bindrune you were going so watch for the Bindrune merch table. Have a beer with him and shoot the shit. He will be drinkin many a beer...
[Nov 13,2008 1:53am - goatcatalyst ""]
i dunno who i could even compare VBE to, rev.

dig it

[Nov 13,2008 7:52am - dunwich ""]
Written in Waters is one of my favorite albums...I've never heard any of their other stuff. Some of the slower dissonant parts in the last Deathspell Omega make me think of Ved Buense Ende, but they don't quite hit the mark. I love the drumming and bass lines.
[Nov 13,2008 8:11am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Czral rules.
[Jul 19,2009 10:07pm - MikeOv  ""]
For those who should have this, but don't.

"...Coiled in Obscurity" - 1994 rehearsal + Live 1995
[Jul 21,2009 12:57pm - Zurdo ""]
Awesome bands!
VBE, Arcturus, Ulver, Negativa, Shape of Dispair.
Check this guys out, great chilean band, they'd toured europe a couple of times with Saturnus.
[Jul 21,2009 12:59pm - MikeOv  ""]
yup, mar de grises rules.
[Jul 21,2009 1:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
didn't you post them before? and who is zurdo? good music.

for chilean bands, I love UARAL
[Jul 21,2009 1:03pm - Zurdo ""]
i'm from chile and with mdg we've been friends for more than 15 years.
I live in boston now and play guitar in a band called acaro
[Jul 21,2009 1:05pm - MikeOv  ""]
Yeah I did, a thread about Draining the Waterheart.
[Jul 21,2009 1:06pm - MikeOv  ""]
"one possessed" is worth the price of that album, alone.
[Jul 21,2009 1:12pm - Zurdo ""]
The song Storm from the first album The Tatterdemalion Express is a masterpiece
[Jul 21,2009 1:14pm - MikeOv  ""]
Zurdo, you have a link to your band?
[Jul 21,2009 1:16pm - Zurdo ""]
[Aug 25,2010 6:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 25,2010 6:43pm - arilliusbm ""]

Paul%20CNV said:
aril%20@%20roadtrip%20to%20minnesota said:always loved this band..

I told Marty Bindrune you were going so watch for the Bindrune merch table. Have a beer with him and shoot the shit. He will be drinkin many a beer...

hahahhaha. I ended up spilling my beer on his distro. My bad.
[Aug 25,2010 7:04pm - burnsy nli  ""]
One of my favorite bass lines is in I Sang For the Swans at about the 3 minute mark. Written in Waters is a fantastic album.
[Aug 26,2010 1:35pm - Hoser ""]
I still agree with myself on this one.
[Aug 10,2012 11:24am - Burnsy ""]
Bump. Been listening to VBE and Virus a shitload lately. Never gets old to me.
[Aug 10,2012 11:27am - Hoser ""]
Me neither. Great shit.
[Aug 10,2012 11:36am - Mark_R ""]
Fuck yeah this band and this thread
[Aug 10,2012 11:36am - Mark_R ""]
Love that Aspera Hiems Simfonia endorsement by goatcatalyst up there.
[Aug 11,2012 3:38pm - Snowden ""]
Good band, haven't listened to them in years -- please tell me everyone's raving about one of their weird slap bass parts?!
[Aug 11,2012 3:42pm - trioxin_245 ""]
lol @ how much better VBE is than just about EVERY other so-called 'progressive' BM band.
[Aug 12,2012 3:05am - slar you morbid?  ""]

trioxin_245 said:lol @ how much better VBE is than just about EVERY other so-called 'progressive' BM band.

it always amazes me how much more "avant garde" if you will, some of the early black metal bands were than some of the stuff that you see strutting around brookyln wearlng that label nowadays. i pine for the era of black metal before there was an officially codified version of what "black metal" was supposed to sound like...
could anything as brilliant as this

for instance be created in the environment of the modern bm scene? i hope so but im not holding my breath
[Aug 12,2012 3:41am - chernobyl ""]
People who like VBE and not Virus are silly.
[Aug 12,2012 10:21am - Snowden ""]
Never listened to Virus, I was less into weird shit by the time I heard of them. In The Woods was another band I remember being in the Ved Buens Ende ballpark, but like I said it's been awhile. Also Fleurety - I'm pretty sure they're actually who I was thinking of when I was blabbering about slap bass.

I agree with Dunwich, some of Deathspell Omega's guitar tones and chording remind me of those bands.
[Aug 12,2012 10:50am - Burnsy ""]
Virus is less black metal and more of just bizarre, "i-bet-you-can't-anticipate-the-next-note-i'm-going-to-play" type of shit. Virus has an almost, dare I say avant garde surf rock feel. The bass player is phenomenal, I think it's the same dude from VBE, albeit he's older and clearly more well versed on his instrument.
[Aug 12,2012 2:40pm - trioxin_245 ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:
trioxin_245 said:lol @ how much better VBE is than just about EVERY other so-called 'progressive' BM band.

it always amazes me how much more "avant garde" if you will, some of the early black metal bands were than some of the stuff that you see strutting around brookyln wearlng that label nowadays. i pine for the era of black metal before there was an officially codified version of what "black metal" was supposed to sound like...
could anything as brilliant as this

for instance be created in the environment of the modern bm scene? i hope so but im not holding my breath

Crossing the Fiery Path is in the top three BM albums of all time definitely. What's up with that cover in the youtube window though? I WANT THE YELLOW FACE VAMPIRE BACK
[Aug 13,2012 8:21am - Yeti ""]
didn't this dude jump off of a building and lose the ability to walk?
[Aug 13,2012 9:11am - MikeOv  ""]
Rumor has it that he was tripping on acid and fell out of a window. While at MDF a few years back, this got brought up around Apollyon from Aura Noir and he said "Fell?" Obviously implying he jumped. He was in a wheelchair for a while but now he walks with a cane I believe but he no longer drums. A shame, for he was a master of that particular instrument.
[Aug 13,2012 9:13am - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 13,2012 9:47am - trioxin_245 ""]

Hoser said:very avant garde...I don't speak French so I really don't know what that means other than...different.

It means 'vanguard' as in the front/lead of a military formation.
[Aug 13,2012 9:54am - Burnsy ""]
[Aug 13,2012 10:36am - Yeti ""]

MikeOv said:Rumor has it that he was tripping on acid and fell out of a window. While at MDF a few years back, this got brought up around Apollyon from Aura Noir and he said "Fell?" Obviously implying he jumped. He was in a wheelchair for a while but now he walks with a cane I believe but he no longer drums. A shame, for he was a master of that particular instrument.

hahaha he was the guy in the salvia video.
[Sep 5,2012 1:49am - MikeOv  ""]
Let the fallen hear

"It never rains around here."
[Sep 5,2012 7:53am - Burnsy ""]
I raped her on her throne, bro.
[Sep 5,2012 10:35am - MikeOv  ""]

Burnsy said:I raped her on her throne, bro.

While simultaneously singing for the swans, yes?
[Sep 5,2012 10:57am - MikeOv  ""]

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