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[Feb 23,2004 10:54pm - Dripy-Mc-Kunkle ""]
I am the lord of eatting jellyfish in the swamp.
[Feb 23,2004 10:55pm - succubus ""]
and what about abbath?
[Feb 23,2004 10:55pm - JellyFish ""]
HAHHAHAHAHAHHA!! You have the drips!!!!!!
[Feb 23,2004 10:57pm - Dripy-Mc-Kunkle ""]
Pus drips from my phallace
[Feb 23,2004 10:57pm - JellyFish ""]
Brother, welcome. Now, you must meet Abbath. Good point, succubus.
[Feb 23,2004 10:58pm - Dripy-Mc-Kunkle ""]
Well I think this will be the longest thread about nothing on this site, Should I be proud I am dumbing the world down?
[Feb 23,2004 11:01pm - succubus ""]
as long as you will be seeing opeth at the palladium..yer golden!
[Feb 23,2004 11:03pm - JellyFish ""]
[Feb 23,2004 11:10pm - Dripy-Mc-Kunkle ""]
Really I am only going for devildriver, It's a shame Slipknot isn't playing, They rawk!!! :bartmoon:8^(:shocked::shocked:
I will most definitly be going to Opeth, I've had my ticket since the first week they were on sale.
[Feb 23,2004 11:14pm - JellyFish ""]
nice ass
[Feb 24,2004 9:32am - Abbath ""]
i'm so confussed8^(
[Feb 24,2004 9:54am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Dripy-Mc-Kunkle said:Pus drips from my phallace


nice spelling SkIlLz.
and nice alias. [/sarcasm]
[Feb 24,2004 10:43am - Dripy-Mc-Kunkle ""]
Spalding, Say it to my face at Opeth, See for me the internet is a fun hobby in my spare time, For you I see it is a very personal and deep experiance, I'll try not to offend you with my poor spelling and joke of a name.

For me this is a site to read up on new things and joke around with people.

Are you the keeper of RTTP?
[Feb 24,2004 10:56am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Dripy-Mc-Kunkle said:experiance


I'll try not to offend you with my poor spelling

if you want, I'll buy you a dictionary. Webster's Edition for Children sound good?
[Feb 24,2004 1:38pm - Dripy-Mc-Kunkle ""]
Sure it seems to have worked very well for you, So I will be more then happy to give it a try.

You seem to latch on to things that you feel you can "win" at, But really you ignore anything else that is said to you, So instead of running something into the ground (The fact I have poor spelling skillzzz yo) You could at least go back and forth with the topic at hand, Your like an autistic kid, Stuck in your own world making your self feel good while the whole world passes you by laughing.
[Feb 24,2004 1:54pm - succubus ""]
everyone stop and smile
[Feb 24,2004 1:56pm - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 24,2004 2:39pm - JellyFish ""]
jesus, spalding, will you fucking lay off? The kid did nothing to you, but you just had to be the instigator. Just fuck off.
[Feb 24,2004 2:43pm - anonymous  ""]
woo-hoo a fuckin kiddie fight
[Feb 24,2004 3:00pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
hahahaha you guys are beyond lame. If i take the internet so seriously why are you guys the ones getting all pissy about it? if you cant handle the internet then stop using it. its not my fault that i saw right through a lame and unhumorous alias and corrected a spelling mistake. watch out english teachers, these kids might get militant and in a lack-luster fashion, try to analyze your life just because you corrected a basic grammatical error!

*thumbs down*

I dont care, im a sarcastic person. i cant help it if you cant take sarcasm and constructive criticism. hell, if anything, its helping you out, so you can spell the words correctly from now on.
[Feb 24,2004 3:10pm - JellyFish ""]
i can take sarcasm, but you were just being an abrupt asshole. Whatever.
[Feb 24,2004 3:15pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
well if you guys dont want me to be an "abrupt asshole", stop presenting me and everyone else that posts here opportunities.
[Feb 24,2004 3:21pm - anonymous  ""]
fuck you you lame ass little punk.
[Feb 24,2004 3:29pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
WOW! im going to quit my life and become a mormon all because of some tough guy that posts as anonymous expressed his displeasure torwards my superiority. i... im deeply sorry Mr. Really Smart Anonymous guy... sorry for everything! =(

oh wait... i lied, you're pretty fucking stupid and your nigh-insulting comment was almost... ALMOST effective. almost.
[Feb 24,2004 3:30pm - anonymous  ""]
see you at opeth opeth, we'll settle this there.
[Feb 24,2004 3:33pm - JellyFish ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:your nigh-insulting comment .

high insulting comment, spalding. but dont mind my spelling errors.
[Feb 24,2004 3:45pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
no, actually "nigh" is a word. but i wouldnt expect many to know that.

adv. nigh·er, nigh·est
Near in time, place, or relationship: Evening draws nigh.
Nearly; almost: talked for nigh onto two hours.

and settle what, anonymous? there is nothing to settle.
[Feb 24,2004 3:49pm - anonymous  ""]
your a dick who has issues with being superior to others and your not. you are just some young punk who plays a little bit of death metal and thinks he knows everything there is to know about life,music etc, and you don't, you don't know shit yet. just wait you will get yours and everyone will be there to see it i hope.
[Feb 24,2004 3:52pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I think most people know the word nigh, if from nothing else than seeing those stupid "the end is nigh" signs, be it in movies, on TV or on the street. The same most people just don't have a use for it.
[Feb 24,2004 3:59pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
I said I wouldn't expect many to know it, but I know a lot of people do.

Yes, I am a dick. I feign superiority over everything. I know everything about life, music, etc. I am also impractical and illogical and because of it, I carry a pungent stench of arrogance that envelopes my entire persona. I will get mine and everyone will be there to witness it.
[Feb 24,2004 4:00pm - Abbath ""]
let us move on with our lives people
Spaldino if you enjoying getting off on people's mispellings then continue
but let us let this thread die
Dripy-Mc-Kunkle was right, this is the longest thread about nothing
[Feb 24,2004 4:02pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i dont get off on it, im very OCD about spelling sometimes. i cant help it.
[Feb 24,2004 7:19pm - bloodyblastocyst ""]
that kid spalding is a fag but anyways hows the drips thanks to lauren
[Feb 25,2004 3:43am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Oh wow. I'm going to be really offended by some nobody that makes even more worthless threads and that has way worse grammar than D minus. Maybe, in a couple years, after you train really really hard, you can come back, defecate an "insult" from the cock hangar that you call a mouth, and you might possibly make me feel a little bit bad about it. But until then, keep up the hard work, Junior.
[Feb 25,2004 2:12pm - aliciagrace ""]
pure retardation.
[Feb 25,2004 2:23pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Feb 25,2004 3:18pm - bloodyblastocyst ""]
Spoodles, You do allot of trash talking for someone that I know full well will never carry it on in real life, Come up to my face at Opeth little boy and be a man, At least introduce your self and shake my hand and you MIGHT encourage me to have at least an opinion of you, Untill then I have better things to do then cry into your pink bandana.

By the way this is Dripy, I forgot to switch it from the alias of the other kid I live with
[Feb 25,2004 3:25pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Dude, I tried to end this argument, adam. So my grammar is bad. Who cares. Just leave me (D-minus) out the aguments between my friends. Peace. I it were up to me my friends would SHUT THE FUCK UP., and end it as well.
[Feb 25,2004 5:20pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
you all need to get laid and quit complaining....

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