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[Nov 8,2008 11:30am - pam ""]

Article http://filmdrunk.uproxx.com/?p=5828


If you haven’t seen Chan Wook-Park’s Old Boy, you need to rent it right away because it’s pretty legit. Unless you can’t read subtitles, in which case it’d probably just be depressing. Anyway, as you may have guessed from the headline, Spielberg is trying to get the rights and wants to do a remake for Universal starring Will Smith.

Spielberg isn’t nearly as shitty a filmmaker as George Lucas, and I’m even willing to concede he’s made some pretty good movies (Jurassic Park, Minority Report, Saving Private Ryan…), but one thing the dude most certainly does not have a talent for is dark and edgy. And if he remakes Old Boy, with Will “I only play good guys” Smith of all people, it’s going to be the most dickless watered-down hero story ever. If you want to know what Spielberg does with edgy material, just watch the last 30 minutes of AI. It’s a good thing that kid from Virginia Tech already killed a bunch of people, because this probably would’ve put him over the edge. Okay, so on second thought, I guess that’s probably not a good thing, but I think we all know what I meant. Shut up, you were thinking it too.
[Nov 8,2008 11:34am - DomesticTerror ""]
i beat ya to this yesterday. you'll prolly get more responses tho.
[Nov 8,2008 11:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 8,2008 12:24pm - jacksonmang  ""]
this movie sucked anyway...see-through plot, bad acting and a very unimprssive over hyped "1 shot " fight scene (when he fights w/ the hammer) only positive I took from it was that it was a unique/ original screenplay. jap-horror does kick ass though...ever seen ichi the killer?
[Nov 8,2008 12:45pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

pam said:
Spielberg isn’t nearly as shitty a filmmaker as George Lucas

[Nov 9,2008 1:22am - pam ""]

My_Dying_Bride said:
pam said:
Spielberg isn’t nearly as shitty a filmmaker as George Lucas


I didn't write that, it's an article from filmdrunk.com

Sorry for the repost, the one time I don't bother to search.

And this movie did NOT suck.
[Nov 10,2008 9:26am - darkwor  ""]
fuck. i randomly picked this movie up to rent and it's now one of my fav movies along with the other 2 revenge movies wook-park did. i don't know how they could twist the main character to be a nice-guy will smith but either way it's probably gonna suck.
[Nov 10,2008 9:34am - jacksonmang  ""]
[Nov 10,2008 9:40am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
lol calling Oldboy jap
[Nov 10,2008 2:13pm - jacksonmang  ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:lol calling Oldboy jap

Wasn't calling Oldboy jap...just stating that jap-horror is pretty kick-ass and pretty much the standard for horror these days for me from what I've seen so far. Just to clear things up , I am in the minority even in my own circle of friends on Oldboy (most of them loved it) but I saw through the plot after about 15-20 min. into it , and there were also just too many plot holes/ unanswered questions by the end of it. With that said..A+ for originality!
[Nov 10,2008 2:17pm - ouchdrummer ""]

jacksonmang said:this movie sucked anyway...see-through plot, bad acting and a very unimprssive over hyped "1 shot " fight scene (when he fights w/ the hammer) only positive I took from it was that it was a unique/ original screenplay. jap-horror does kick ass though...ever seen ichi the killer?

I started a thread about it, do a search and you'll find it.
[Nov 10,2008 2:27pm - ouchdrummer ""]
THe sucks. I really liked the orig oldboy. FUCKED plot line. love it though, surprised more people on here don't love it.
[Nov 10,2008 2:29pm - jacksonmang  ""]
cool...I left a comment on there and brought that thread back to life as it well deserves!:shocker:
[Nov 10,2008 2:30pm - jacksonmang  ""]
^^ ((to ouchdrummer))
[Nov 10,2008 2:35pm - ouchdrummer ""]
will smith in oldboy..... that just sounds plain old crazy to me. Where the hell did he get that idea? What a DUMB idea. It's like Matt Damon playing Ichi in the next installment of Ichi the killer.... wait, that's not such a bad idea...
[Nov 10,2008 2:43pm - darkwor  ""]

ouchdrummer said:THe sucks. I really liked the orig oldboy. FUCKED plot line. love it though, surprised more people on here don't love it.

a more fleshed-out plotline was probably sacrificed for the amount of badassary and 1-up-revengemenship.

Lady Vengeance, one of his other films, has a more cohesive plot and a gorgeous badass Korean lead actress.
[Nov 10,2008 4:02pm - darkwor  ""]
And I guess Charlize Theron is going to be in the American remake of Lady Vengeance. great.

[Feb 13,2014 3:40pm - the_reverend ""]

it's Spike Lee. watching it now.
[Feb 13,2014 4:15pm - hlrie ""]
Ugh, I can't. Love the original.
[Feb 13,2014 10:18pm - KTHRSS ""]
I can't either. The original is one of my fav. movies.
[Feb 13,2014 11:30pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought this was really good. I will have to watch the original.
They definitely spoke in a slow/direct manner.
Very asian soounding.
[Feb 14,2014 8:44am - Yeti ""]
the original is excellent, I'd like to see this just for kicks. Did the Sympathy for Lady Vengeance reboot ever happen? that was another good one.
[Feb 14,2014 9:30am - shitcunt  ""]
I can't watch the remake. Just from reading reviews, I know they changed some very vital/important plot points and it doesn't live up to the original.

That said, if you haven't seen the original, I don't doubt that it's a good flick, I'm just wayyyyy too fucking stubborn to give it a chance, since the original is my second favorite Korean horror film (my first is "I Saw The Devil")
[Feb 14,2014 9:33am - shitcunt  ""]

ouchdrummer said:will smith in oldboy...

Thank fuck they at least had the sense not to go through with putting him in the film.

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