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The Faceless - Planetary Duality leaked

[Nov 6,2008 9:48pm - Phrozenspite ""]
I'm uploading it as we speak, will provide a download link momentarily
[Nov 6,2008 9:51pm - archaeon ""]
Listening to this now.

has its moments, they're terrible fucking songwriters. write some great riffs though,
[Nov 6,2008 9:52pm - Phrozenspite ""]
[Nov 6,2008 10:16pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I will be downloading this when I get home...is it at all like the last album? I've heard they've lost some of the heaviness but I haven't heard anything new yet.
[Nov 6,2008 10:21pm - archaeon ""]
It's definitely more on the progressive edge. clearly the same band though.
[Nov 6,2008 11:30pm - Martins ""]
Honestly this is pretty sweet. The production is a little strange though that could just be the quality of the leak.

Clearly there are moments of just clear wank where they just threw in sweeps they know sound cool. Sometimes there are sweet parts though. I love the robotiness of the robot voice. More vocoder, more win.
[Nov 7,2008 9:44am - immortal13 ""]
I love progressive metal, so to me this is awesome. They definitely lost some of their heaviness but it still sounds awesome.
[Nov 7,2008 9:57am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 7,2008 10:48am - ouchdrummer ""]
FINALLY!!! I been waiting to hear this forever. I FUCKING LOVE the first record. The two songs off of this i have heard allready are be, although they are definitely more progressive, i like that kind of stuff so whatever. The thing about band i really love is, when you are REALLY into a record, it's pretty hard to hear their next release with subjective ears. You usaully just subconsciously compare it to the other one. I am gonna try NOT to do that with this, because it's probably not quite as good, and if i look at it like a new band, i will probably love it.
[Nov 7,2008 11:26am - ddrummer ""]
downloading now,
absolutely loved the first record. just wondering if this will compare
[Nov 7,2008 11:45am - ouchdrummer ""]

ddrummer said:downloading now,
absolutely loved the first record. just wondering if this will compare

like i was saying, try NOT to compare this to the first one. You will like it better if you don't.
[Nov 7,2008 11:48am - ddrummer ""]
yeah, cant fucking wait, im running on school interwebs so its not even done yet haha
[Nov 7,2008 2:19pm - ouchdrummer ""]
bummer..... let me be the first to say i am REAL disapointed in this record. The two songs that were leaked previously are the best on the record by far, and i don't LOVE those ones. There are good parts for sure, but there are way too many parts that are mediocre at best. Just not interesting. They lost the "catchiness" they had on the first record, and the riffs just don't groove the same. The drumming is fast, but not as creative, interesting, or groovy as the first one. The drummer on this one (Nevine from "Abnormality") is definately good, and i know he did one track on the first record, but the stuff on this one is a let down to me. It's almost more aggressive drumming in parts, but the guitar doesn't match that so it feels wierd.

This record is not bad at all, i am sure i will get more into it and listen to it semi-frequentlly. But i can already tell that i won't ever feel as strongly about it as i did the first one. I liked the first one SOO much that i studied the drum parts, wrote them out, and learned a good portion of them. And i STILL practice them with a metranome a couple times a week. I know i said people should try to not compare this new one to the old one..... but i couldn't help it. :(
[Nov 7,2008 2:21pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i dunno, maybe it will grow on me with time, but right now i am sad.
[Nov 7,2008 2:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ehhh farts
[Nov 7,2008 2:21pm - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:ehhh farts

do you agree?
[Nov 7,2008 2:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
havent heard it yet... but i'm sure i will.
[Nov 7,2008 2:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
still never really got into this band.
i'm too busy listening to atheist and gorguts.
[Nov 7,2008 2:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
whats the best Gorguts cd to check out
[Nov 7,2008 2:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
I always like The Erosion of Sanity.
[Nov 7,2008 3:01pm - tomx nli  ""]
fuck yeah the erosion of sanity is awesome! and i also really love considered dead. the rest of the gorguts discography is good too, but TEOS and CD are the best to start off with.

as for this cd, i heard one song and it sounded good. i'll end up buying this anyways just for the par olafsson art and the fact that itll pass the time waiting for the new deeds of flesh and severed savior cds to arrive on my doorstep.
[Nov 7,2008 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
yeah Considered Dead is awesome.
[Nov 8,2008 11:59am - rbss  ""]

One of the best death metal records of all time.

And yeah, the new Faceless has let me down. They have lost a great deal of their accessibility and songwriting skill in an attempt to be one of the most technical bands out there.

Write good songs. That is what matters.
[Nov 8,2008 12:11pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm half-way through this album and so far nothing has really stood out at all. It's good, but doesn't have any of the catchy grooves that Akeldama had.
[Nov 8,2008 12:17pm - archaeon ""]
Obscura or GTFO
[Nov 8,2008 12:24pm - mOe ""]
I didnt know Nevine from Animosity played on this. I wouldnt blame him for anything, though. Dudes got tons of groove and is an amazing drummer.
[Nov 8,2008 1:00pm - tomx nli  ""]

archaeon said:Obscura or GTFO

great album, and great band. the new record has the bassist from fuckin pestilence on it, and ron jarzombek as a guest.

[Nov 8,2008 1:41pm - rbss  ""]

archaeon said:Obscura or GTFO

Obscura shmubscura

Overrated. From Wisdom to Hate is a much better representation of the latter Gorguts era.
[Nov 9,2008 1:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]
well, i can say with some more listens (about 20.... i liked akeldama so much i had to see if this one got better) i feel a little better about it. Not much mind you, but a little. I have decided that the drum parts are only half the problem with the drums, the sound of them is remniscent of a drum machine. I don't like that at all. Any ways, i feel like they try too hard to be progressive (ala Fredrik Thordendal..who i love) but don't do it as well. And the vocoder pisses me off. And i HATE the crappy synth effects. If your gonna have synth part with NOTHING else going on, don't have that synth be a casio.. All in all, this cd is still a must hear, but just very dissapointing if your expecting the same crushing/catchy/heavy combo that is normally so hard to pull off, that akeldama did perfectly.
[Feb 18,2009 10:28am - darkwor ""]
Ok I've listened to this quite a bit. I hated Akeldama, I only liked a couple songs, the rest came off as sort of metalcorey. But I really enjoy this album, riff after good fucking riff, yes the drums sound like a drum machine, but it's only because the drummer is entirely mechanical, usually I'm more of a fan of ball-blasting-tribal wild organic drumming, but the songwriting, riffage and lyrics (yes, lyrics) really overshadow that and everything comes together nice down to the progression of the album. Sons of Belial is a monster tune.
[Feb 18,2009 10:41am - ouchdrummer ""]
I agree totally. I love this record. You listen to the new Obscura yet Jon? I think you'd fucking love it. I can't stop listening to it.
[Feb 18,2009 10:50am - darkwor ""]
i haven't, i'll check it out and i'll like it
[Feb 18,2009 10:52am - largefreakatzero ""]
I see no point to this band - too much noodling with no structure. D-
[Feb 18,2009 10:53am - ouchdrummer ""]
Do it immediately. It's members from Necrophagist doing similar stuff with much more of an old Swedish feel. It's awesome.
[Feb 18,2009 10:54am - darkwor ""]
it's a genre in itself, love it or hate it
[Feb 18,2009 10:56am - ouchdrummer ""]

largefreakatzero said:I see no point to this band - too much noodling with no structure. D-

I could understand why that would bother some people. Which in most cases is true, when something makes a large positive impact on a group of people, it will usually make a large negative impact on others.
[Mar 20,2010 5:11am - Sacreligion ""]
Legion of the Serpent FTW
[Mar 20,2010 2:07pm - immortal13 ""]
I lost interest in this album very quickly.
[Mar 20,2010 3:08pm - Alxnli  ""]
I still listen to this one but I find myself listening to Akeldama more.
[Mar 20,2010 5:43pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
solid 6.5/10. could have been worse, could have been better. was an improvement from last release though.

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