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As of 2009 all computers MUST be registered with the US government

[Nov 5,2008 7:37pm - Hoser ""]
The Government has decided that information is the #1 cause of crime in this country, to include but not limited to Phishing, Internet Fraud, Sex crimes, Suicide, and Murder.

Therefore all computers must be registered by ALL computer owners by 01/01/2009.

Failure to do so will result in violation of a federal law and subsequent arrest / confiscation.

Now, why should I have to register my guns again????
[Nov 5,2008 7:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
way to document your source
[Nov 5,2008 7:51pm - Martins ""]
lol at missing the point
[Nov 5,2008 7:54pm - Hoser ""]
It's not true...that's my point.

It's how being forced to register my guns would make me feel.

Obama's voting record on the 2nd Amendment ASS.

As real as this sounds, I'm just turning the tables so that non-gun owners feel the same rage that I do when someone says that they think that all guns should be registered.

Sorry if I upset anyone, but that's exactly how I feel as a law abiding, tax paying American citizen.
[Nov 5,2008 7:57pm - Hoser ""]
Pretty unbelievable and disturbing, yes?

That's how I feel every time my rights are questioned by anyone. Guns owned by private citizens are what freed this country, and guns owned by private citizens are what will protect it.

[Nov 5,2008 7:59pm - Hoser ""]
Don't believe me?

See the truth here...to include sources.

[Nov 5,2008 8:01pm - Hoser ""]
Thanks Obama.

you voted for him, now you live with that choice.

FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people
who use firearms in self-defense.5
[Nov 5,2008 8:02pm - Hoser ""]
Let me repeat this...



FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people
who use firearms in self-defense.5
[Nov 5,2008 8:03pm - Hoser ""]
FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people
who use firearms in self-defense.5

FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people
who use firearms in self-defense.5

FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people
who use firearms in self-defense.5

FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people
who use firearms in self-defense.5
FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people
who use firearms in self-defense.5
FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people
who use firearms in self-defense.5
FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people
who use firearms in self-defense.5

[Nov 5,2008 8:04pm - Hoser ""]
What...not one reply?

Liberals lost their tongue?
[Nov 5,2008 8:04pm - Hoser ""]
50 views and not 1 fucking reply....PUSSIES.
[Nov 5,2008 8:06pm - archaeon ""]
no one cares.
[Nov 5,2008 8:06pm - Hoser ""]
Just in case anyone needs to look it up...

Illinois Senate, SB 2165, March 25, 2004, vote 20 and May 25, 2004, vote 3.
[Nov 5,2008 8:07pm - Hoser ""]

archaeon said:no one cares.

That's good Archaeon...I hope that your armed neighbor remembers that while your wife and child are being raped and murdered in front of you while you watch and can't do a thing about it.

I hope a gun owner is the Pharmacist that fills your prescriptions for anti-depressants for the rest of your natural born life.

You child.

Grow up, asshole.
[Nov 5,2008 8:09pm - Lamp ""]
Guns are boring and gay.
[Nov 5,2008 8:09pm - Martins ""]
While I agree you have the Constitutional right to bear arms, I believe you should have to register your weapon. Just let the local authorities know that you have one. If you've used it to murder (not in self defense), I don't think you deserve to own a gun. Otherwise, I feel everyone should be allowed to own a gun and use it in self defense or to hunt game. The reason why I feel the authorities should know you own the gun(s) is for judicial reasons. If a certain gun is registered to a certain person and that certain gun was used to kill another certain person in a non-self-defense scenario, it makes finding the murderer much easier.

My point: gun bans are unconstitutional and you should be allowed to own one if you're a responsible citizen.
[Nov 5,2008 8:10pm - porphyria  ""]
Doesn't really make sense to compare a computer to a gun.

It's like saying the cardboard boxes used to hold bullets need to be registered with the government.

Do you store personal information inside your guns? Do you do work with your guns? Do you break up with your girlfriend with your gun? (ha ha) Do you shop on your gun? (everything's suddenly FREE!) Do you have personal conversations with your gun? Does your gun allow you to watch movies on it? Can you listen to music via your gun?
[Nov 5,2008 8:10pm - Hoser ""]
See above, kid that knows shit about shit.
[Nov 5,2008 8:11pm - Hoser ""]

porphyria said:Doesn't really make sense to compare a computer to a gun.

It's like saying the cardboard boxes used to hold bullets need to be registered with the government.

Do you store personal information inside your guns? Do you do work with your guns? Do you break up with your girlfriend with your gun? (ha ha) Do you shop on your gun? (everything's suddenly FREE!) Do you have personal conversations with your gun? Does your gun allow you to watch movies on it? Can you listen to music via your gun?

That's a stupid argument Sean, but I'll let you have it if it's your only defense. Apparently, you have missed the point entirely.
[Nov 5,2008 8:12pm - porphyria  ""]
p.s. I love how everyone who talks about defending their families with a gun like they live in the fucking middle east.
[Nov 5,2008 8:13pm - Martins ""]

Martins said:lol at missing the point

Hoser's point isn't to directly compare computers to guns, it's compare the feelings he feels concerning gun bans/anti-gun legislation to the feelings us computerfags would feel concerning computer bans/anti-computer legislation.
[Nov 5,2008 8:14pm - archaeon ""]

Hoser said:
archaeon said:no one cares.

That's good Archaeon...I hope that your armed neighbor remembers that while your wife and child are being raped and murdered in front of you while you watch and can't do a thing about it.

Because id be busy fapping, NIGGER.
[Nov 5,2008 8:15pm - porphyria  ""]

Hoser said:

That's a stupid argument Sean, but I'll let you have it if it's your only defense. Apparently, you have missed the point entirely.

What the hell is your point? "I want my guns without anyone knowing about it."

Your faux example of computers being required to be registered with the government and comparison to the registration of guns doesn't make sense.
[Nov 5,2008 8:16pm - archaeon ""]

porphyria said:p.s. I love how everyone who talks about defending their families with a gun like they live in the fucking middle east.

Exactly. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't predict ever having then need of protecting myself/my family in the way Hoser depicted.

[Nov 5,2008 8:17pm - Hoser ""]

porphyria said:p.s. I love how everyone who talks about defending their families with a gun like they live in the fucking middle east.

Violence is closer than you think, my friend.

Why do you have a fire extinguisher in your home? What is the likleyhood that there will be a fire?

It's not like we live on the sun!!!

Would you rather have a fire extinguisher in the event of a fire, or not be permitted to have one because that's what we have a fire department for (just like a police dept.)

Your battle is lost...concede gracefully.
[Nov 5,2008 8:18pm - Martins ""]
Hoser will be the only survivor on this board save for the few other gun owners on here who will survive the extermination of the population.
[Nov 5,2008 8:19pm - Lamp ""]
I would rather save money and buy things I actually enjoy. If I do get robbed or my house sets on fire, dying would be fine with me. At least I could know I didn't piss my money away on things like guns and fire extinguishers.
[Nov 5,2008 8:20pm - pam ""]
Makes sense...seeing as you can totally shoot people with a computer.
[Nov 5,2008 8:21pm - Martins ""]

Martins said:lol at missing the point
[Nov 5,2008 8:21pm - Hoser ""]
I'm not trying to be an asshole here...I'm trying to wake up the people who thought that they had it all covered...the ignorant, or the decrepitly stupid.

If you guys ever need me or any gun owner...don't call. Live with your mistakes, that's how we all learn. Unfortunately, you may learn through the loss of someone that you love dearly, and would have protected with your life...if you only had right to own the same tools that the criminal did.

[Nov 5,2008 8:21pm - porphyria  ""]

Hoser said:

I hope that your armed neighbor remembers that while your wife and child are being raped and murdered in front of you while you watch and can't do a thing about it.

While that sounds shitty, it seems more likely to be a plot from a movie.

The only thing I can think of is having an elderly neighbor mistake me for being a burglar by walking in front of his house and shooting me. No thanks.
[Nov 5,2008 8:22pm - Hoser ""]

Lamp said:I would rather save money and buy things I actually enjoy. If I do get robbed or my house sets on fire, dying would be fine with me. At least I could know I didn't piss my money away on things like guns and fire extinguishers.

How would you feel about the right to own guns as you watch your child be raped and murdered?
[Nov 5,2008 8:23pm - Lamp ""]
Child? Fuck that. I'd rather it dies.
[Nov 5,2008 8:26pm - Hoser ""]
I'll end it with this....not one more post....THINK people...

Just think...should we not arm our military because the risk of war is low? Why be prepared? Why have a fire extinguisher?

Why have a gun...imagine if you needed it and the lives of yourself or your family depended on the RIGHT to own one...without question...without stupid registration laws.

[Nov 5,2008 8:26pm - porphyria  ""]

Hoser said:Unfortunately, you may learn through the loss of someone that you love dearly, and would have protected with your life...if you only had right to own the same tools that the criminal did.

If a criminal has a weapon and truly wants to kill you, chances are unless you have your gun in your hands and ready he's going to kill you anyways. In a lot of cases, when a criminal just wants your stuff you'll survive whatever it is, but as soon as you pull out a gun things can escalate and get worse.

Again, dude, you live in the U.S...bumfuck Maine, nonetheless. You don't have to worry about such horrid child/wife raping situations.
[Nov 5,2008 8:29pm - porphyria  ""]
Comparing a harmless device as a fire extinguisher to a Gun which only intention is to kill/wound a living thing. There you go again.
[Nov 5,2008 8:29pm - pam ""]
McCain should have employed Hoser's scare tactics.

[Nov 5,2008 8:29pm - Martins ""]
This thread is full of people that are more afraid of guns than anything. If I got shot it would suck, yes but it would be sweet as hell to shoot back at the guy who shot me. Fuck him.
[Nov 5,2008 8:31pm - Martins ""]
Or her.
[Nov 5,2008 8:33pm - porphyria  ""]

When the Predators come, it won't kill me because I won't be armed.

Good luck to you hoser and fellow gun humpers.

[Nov 5,2008 8:33pm - Lamp ""]

Hoser said:Just think...should we not arm our military because the risk of war is low? Why be prepared? Why have a fire extinguisher?

That's different. People in the military have to learn how to handle weapons as part of their profession. Gun ownership in the home is nobody's profession. It's a hobby, maybe a self-defense mechanism at best.
[Nov 5,2008 8:35pm - pam ""]
If I were to purchase a gun, I'd happily register for it. I like that things that are solely meant to maim and kill have names attached to them. If you use them responsibly you have nothing to be concerned about. I would do that if I wanted a gun, as is my 2nd amendment right if I so chose. That's the difference between myself and you whining crybabies.
[Nov 5,2008 8:37pm - porphyria  ""]

Lamp said:
That's different. People in the military have to learn how to handle weapons as part of their profession. Gun ownership in the home is nobody's profession. It's a hobby, maybe a self-defense mechanism at best.


Hoser, maybe I'd consider you an exception to the rule having been in the military. But other people who just want guns to have em', not so much in support of that.
[Nov 5,2008 8:42pm - Murph ""]
Hoser, I get why you're mad.

If you've registered your motor vehicle in ME, then I suggest you shut up, however.

Shit changes, deal with it.

[Nov 5,2008 8:43pm - Murph ""]
By the way, I fucking love guns, and that is 100% truthful, serious, honest, and awesome.
[Nov 5,2008 8:44pm - Murph ""]

Yeah, it's a DAISY.

Blow me, knee growth wannabees.
[Nov 5,2008 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]
hoser posts this original story like ALL COMPUTERS AREN'T REGISTER.
as a matter of fact, from each of hoser's posts, I can find where he lives.
[Nov 5,2008 8:59pm - RichHorror ""]

the_reverend said:hoser posts this original story like ALL COMPUTERS AREN'T REGISTER.

[Nov 5,2008 9:00pm - Martins ""]

pam said:If I were to purchase a gun, I'd happily register for it. I like that things that are solely meant to maim and kill have names attached to them. If you use them responsibly you have nothing to be concerned about. I would do that if I wanted a gun, as is my 2nd amendment right if I so chose. That's the difference between myself and you whining crybabies.

Martins said:While I agree you have the Constitutional right to bear arms, I believe you should have to register your weapon. Just let the local authorities know that you have one. If you've used it to murder (not in self defense), I don't think you deserve to own a gun. Otherwise, I feel everyone should be allowed to own a gun and use it in self defense or to hunt game. The reason why I feel the authorities should know you own the gun(s) is for judicial reasons. If a certain gun is registered to a certain person and that certain gun was used to kill another certain person in a non-self-defense scenario, it makes finding the murderer much easier.

My point: gun bans are unconstitutional and you should be allowed to own one if you're a responsible citizen.

Aw, we agree. Pretty much 100%.
[Nov 5,2008 9:01pm - Martins ""]

RichHorror said:
the_reverend said:hoser posts this original story like ALL COMPUTERS AREN'T REGISTER.


[Nov 5,2008 9:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I need a better secretary.
[Nov 5,2008 9:09pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 5,2008 9:10pm - RichHorror ""]

[Nov 5,2008 9:33pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
guns are awesome.

and his point is that by registering guns the police and government knows who owns one so they can go out and check up on people in the area of a gun related crime who are registered.

this is outrageous seeing how most crimes with guns occur with illegally bought guns anyways.

the conspiracy nutjob in me sees gun registration as a way the government knows what door to knock on when it needs to implement martial law.
[Nov 5,2008 9:50pm - pam ""]

Martins said:
pam said:If I were to purchase a gun, I'd happily register for it. I like that things that are solely meant to maim and kill have names attached to them. If you use them responsibly you have nothing to be concerned about. I would do that if I wanted a gun, as is my 2nd amendment right if I so chose. That's the difference between myself and you whining crybabies.

Martins said:While I agree you have the Constitutional right to bear arms, I believe you should have to register your weapon. Just let the local authorities know that you have one. If you've used it to murder (not in self defense), I don't think you deserve to own a gun. Otherwise, I feel everyone should be allowed to own a gun and use it in self defense or to hunt game. The reason why I feel the authorities should know you own the gun(s) is for judicial reasons. If a certain gun is registered to a certain person and that certain gun was used to kill another certain person in a non-self-defense scenario, it makes finding the murderer much easier.

My point: gun bans are unconstitutional and you should be allowed to own one if you're a responsible citizen.

Aw, we agree. Pretty much 100%.

Awww <3
[Nov 5,2008 9:57pm - Martins ""]
[Nov 5,2008 10:05pm - peter griffin  ""]

I don't see what all the confusion is about...
[Nov 5,2008 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
hoser would be wrong there since they would know the spec of the gun and maybe the serial of the gun by the marks on the bullet and the pin marks on casing, etc...

And someone hits my car and drives off, leaving their bumper at the scene of the crime. Am I not suppose to give the license from the bumper to the police?
[Nov 5,2008 10:10pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Ny girlfriend has her pistol permit. That kinda makes my prick hard.
[Nov 5,2008 10:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm not reading anything in this thread for it is a suckfest
[Nov 5,2008 11:20pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

the_reverend said:hoser would be wrong there since they would know the spec of the gun and maybe the serial of the gun by the marks on the bullet and the pin marks on casing, etc...

And someone hits my car and drives off, leaving their bumper at the scene of the crime. Am I not suppose to give the license from the bumper to the police?

[Nov 5,2008 11:26pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 5,2008 11:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

Reginald W. White III Hoodrat Academy summa cum laude '94
[Nov 5,2008 11:39pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
My view is that everyone should have multiple guns and if you don't you're in violation of the constitution and the punishment for such sedition should be death by firing squad.
[Nov 6,2008 12:04am - Paul CNV  ""]

How are you preparing for the race war? Don't let some Kenyan monkey boss ya around
[Nov 6,2008 12:18am - the_reverend ""]
I'm pretty sure that kenyans can out run bullets.
get a gun that shoots swimming pools since he can't swim or float.
I'm pretty sure the last black dude that floated on water was jesus. Oi vey, what a miracle we had there.
[Nov 6,2008 9:16am - Josh_Martin ""]
Hoser, this is the probably the only issue I agree with you on. 2 things however. One, computers don't kill people so making that comparison is idiotic and I don't care about your gay "feelings".

Two, you have to have priorities and the gun issue is extremely low on my list. I'd rather complain about having to register a gun than be complaining about creationism being taught in schools, or having to get a coat hanger next time I knock up some stupid broad, or... well I'm sure you see where I'm going with this.
[Nov 6,2008 10:31am - Conservationist ""]

Hoser said:What...not one reply?

Liberals lost their tongue?

No, they selectively avoid reality.

They are also oblivious to the idea that there's diversity among right-wing viewpoints, or that some people who oppose Obama are not Republicans.

It's like watching kindergarteners try to operate chainsaws.
[Nov 6,2008 10:37am - orgymf@work  ""]

Josh_Martin said:Hoser, this is the probably the only issue I agree with you on. 2 things however. One, computers don't kill people so making that comparison is idiotic and I don't care about your gay "feelings".

Two, you have to have priorities and the gun issue is extremely low on my list. I'd rather complain about having to register a gun than be complaining about creationism being taught in schools, or having to get a coat hanger next time I knock up some stupid broad, or... well I'm sure you see where I'm going with this.

i dunno josh
have you ever performed a coathanger abortion??
it re-defines fun!
[Nov 6,2008 10:39am - the_reverend ""]
this just in, all coathangers need to be registered.

I watch south park last night. now that obama won, I don't need to work any more.
[Nov 6,2008 12:01pm - Josh_Martin ""]
[Nov 6,2008 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
haha thats really good.
[Nov 6,2008 2:04pm - Conservationist ""]
We need more abortions, and more eugenic practices in general.

Unfortunately, the entitlement party is opposed to that.
[Nov 6,2008 4:48pm - grizloch ""]
Im not going to read the majority of the above posts, BUT, when has a computer physically killed someone?

now you're going to say "guns dont kill people, people do", ok, whens the last time someone used a computer to physically kill someone?
[Nov 6,2008 5:29pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Hoser said:It's not true...that's my point.

It's how being forced to register my guns would make me feel.

Obama's voting record on the 2nd Amendment ASS.

As real as this sounds, I'm just turning the tables so that non-gun owners feel the same rage that I do when someone says that they think that all guns should be registered.

Sorry if I upset anyone, but that's exactly how I feel as a law abiding, tax paying American citizen.

You know, the day my computer turns on and then kills a 4 year old when she finds it hidden in my closet, then I will register my computer.

Guns =/= Computers
Guns =/= Hammers
Guns =/= Knives, Forks, Spoons

A guns ONLY, SOLE, TOTAL PURPOSE is to project a specially designed object very far, very fast in order to kill or incapacitate. They can be used for "target practice" or for sports, and those are just benign extensions of what they were designed for.

In the end, a gun by general standards is a tool of destruction. It can create nothing. It only breaks, destroys, and hurts. A gun cannot do taxes. A gun can not educate children. A gun can not fix a car, build a boat.

I am not stating my beliefs on any laws or choices. What I am saying is that I have been hearing gun owners and dealers on the TV and radio since Tuesday saying Gun this, Gun that.

Let's consider the facts first.
[Nov 6,2008 7:24pm - concretesean ""]
Those are some selective comparisons. What about jackhammers, wrecking balls, dynamite? Those are all tools too.

Those opposed to guns seem to have a narrow understanding of them. Hang out with guns in the real world not in hip hop, or on tv. Those guns are for pussies afraid to get their asses beat. While we're at it we might as well ban fishing rods, and sanitizing solutions. Look at England five years after they banned private gun ownership the violent crime rate doubled.

However, guns should be registered to promote accountability. There is probably some merit to registering computers but who want that?
[Nov 6,2008 7:35pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
knuckleheads aint getting the points

all those killings and murders and hold ups are done with unregistered weapons anyways.

I'm sure all the EL-kai-A-dah don't register there weapons.

computers can easily be used to kill, how do you think terrorists communicate and recruit? they drop in at cafes and upload their videos.

guns can be used to kill, but also to protect.

your freedom of speech, religion, press, and everything else the constitution promises means nothing without a gun to protect it should an overbearing government come and take them away.

i'm not saying we should give out weapons to criminals and illegal aliens...crimealians lol at the rev.

but if any law is ever passed that prohibits or restricts guns you can make a sure bet all your liberties will be gone within just five years of said bill's passing.
[Nov 6,2008 7:54pm - Hoser ""]

Somebody gets it. My point was not that computers physically kill or hurt people you superficial dorks. They are used in the tracking of prey, by sexual predators to entice and / or seduce kids into meeting that ultimately result in sex crimes and/or murder. Terrorists use them to recruit and distribute propaganda, ultimately leading to more death. I assure you that a computer is far more dangerous in the hands of a wacko than a gun is. It allows them to see and follow everything in the blink of an eye. Everything from selecting targets to tracking law enforcement.

It's a tool used to make their job easier.

Just as gun makes a job easier. Only with a gun, they have to stop and reload.

As he also stated, gun registration would be the stepping stone that leads to greater and greater gun restrictions. If the Constitution can be bent, they will bend it until it breaks.

My point is, don't give them a place to start. If you support gun registration, then you absolutely are supporting an un-Constitutional law.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


Pronunciation: \in-ˈfrinj\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): in·fringed; in·fring·ing
Etymology: Medieval Latin infringere, from Latin, to break, crush, from in- + frangere to break — more at break
Date: 1513
transitive verb
1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another <infringe a patent>
2obsolete : defeat , frustrate
intransitive verb
[Nov 6,2008 7:57pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

grizloch said:Im not going to read the majority of the above posts, BUT, when has a computer physically killed someone?

now you're going to say "guns dont kill people, people do", ok, whens the last time someone used a computer to physically kill someone?

[Nov 6,2008 10:54pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

porphyria said:p.s. I love how everyone who talks about defending their families with a gun like they live in the fucking middle east.

that makes sense, because there's never been a violent crime in the United States.
[Nov 6,2008 10:59pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I think Hoser has a valid point, remember when COMPUTERS did this:

[Nov 6,2008 11:03pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:I think Hoser has a valid point, remember when COMPUTERS did this:


I see your point. You're saying that you didn't pay attention to anything that he said.
[Nov 6,2008 11:03pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:
porphyria said:p.s. I love how everyone who talks about defending their families with a gun like they live in the fucking middle east.

that makes sense, because there's never been a violent crime in the United States.

where's your critical thinking skills?

people are protecting there families by the very simple fact that they have the right to own a gun.

if guns were banned tomorrow crime would double. why? because criminals would still be able to buy guns off the black market and would know that most likely the person they attack wouldn't defend themselves.

rape would go up because criminals would figure, "hey, there's no way this bitch has got a gun to defend herself"

it's the fear of random civilians owning guns that deters most home invasions, rape, robbery, etc.
[Nov 6,2008 11:04pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
i didn't mean to quote you, i was quoting the man you quoted hahah.
[Nov 6,2008 11:07pm - the_reverend ""]
concretesean: backed. it's like locking your front door. it just keeps the honest people honest. I bet hoser bows down to the oppression of locking his front door when he leaves and regiisters his car every year or two.

ok so cr registrtion is used to restrict cars. and nice use of the dictionary hosebean. why don't you look up the word militia too. funny that the same people who print up that say that obama's going to make a national police force.

anything over a 22 should be registered. and I would love for owners to be permitted. we do the same for autos, boats, 4-wheels, etc...
[Nov 6,2008 11:10pm - the_reverend ""]
oh and people with violent crimes on their record or mental illness shouldn't get guns. I also should ever be ablee to buy landmines, hand grenades or rpgs. im uncomfortable with assault rifles in the hands of citizens, but I would accept that if there was more accountability on the cun culture. btw, im actually thinking of getting a 22 and I don't like guns.
[Nov 6,2008 11:15pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:
DaveFromTheGrave said:
porphyria said:p.s. I love how everyone who talks about defending their families with a gun like they live in the fucking middle east.

that makes sense, because there's never been a violent crime in the United States.

where's your critical thinking skills?

people are protecting there families by the very simple fact that they have the right to own a gun.

if guns were banned tomorrow crime would double. why? because criminals would still be able to buy guns off the black market and would know that most likely the person they attack wouldn't defend themselves.

rape would go up because criminals would figure, "hey, there's no way this bitch has got a gun to defend herself"

it's the fear of random civilians owning guns that deters most home invasions, rape, robbery, etc.

Exactly! This right here is the dumbest thing I've ever read:

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:
Hoser said:It's not true...that's my point.

It's how being forced to register my guns would make me feel.

Obama's voting record on the 2nd Amendment ASS.

As real as this sounds, I'm just turning the tables so that non-gun owners feel the same rage that I do when someone says that they think that all guns should be registered.

Sorry if I upset anyone, but that's exactly how I feel as a law abiding, tax paying American citizen.

You know, the day my computer turns on and then kills a 4 year old when she finds it hidden in my closet, then I will register my computer.

Guns =/= Computers
Guns =/= Hammers
Guns =/= Knives, Forks, Spoons

A guns ONLY, SOLE, TOTAL PURPOSE is to project a specially designed object very far, very fast in order to kill or incapacitate. They can be used for "target practice" or for sports, and those are just benign extensions of what they were designed for.

In the end, a gun by general standards is a tool of destruction. It can create nothing. It only breaks, destroys, and hurts. A gun cannot do taxes. A gun can not educate children. A gun can not fix a car, build a boat.

I am not stating my beliefs on any laws or choices. What I am saying is that I have been hearing gun owners and dealers on the TV and radio since Tuesday saying Gun this, Gun that.

Let's consider the facts first.

You don't have shit for facts. Guns separate our society from base feudalism and tyranny. What would you do if cops didn't have guns to protect you? You'd get robbed and beaten and taken advantage of by people stronger than yourself. Guns build respect, by equalizing people.
[Nov 6,2008 11:18pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

the_reverend said:oh and people with violent crimes on their record or mental illness shouldn't get guns. I also should ever be ablee to buy landmines, hand grenades or rpgs. im uncomfortable with assault rifles in the hands of citizens, but I would accept that if there was more accountability on the cun culture. btw, im actually thinking of getting a 22 and I don't like guns.
I'm as pro-gun ownership as they come, but yeah, landmines are more trouble than they're worth.

Why are you considering getting a 22?
[Nov 6,2008 11:19pm - porphyria  ""]
as the rev stated, computers are essentially registered...we all have isp's and assigned ip addresses, ect.
[Nov 6,2008 11:20pm - porphyria  ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:
porphyria said:p.s. I love how everyone who talks about defending their families with a gun like they live in the fucking middle east.

that makes sense, because there's never been a violent crime in the United States.

yeah because that's what I was implying..........

but we have far less to worry about than other countries in regards to 'protecting our families, ect'.
[Nov 6,2008 11:23pm - porphyria  ""]

porphyria said:
If a criminal has a weapon and truly wants to kill you, chances are unless you have your gun in your hands and ready he's going to kill you anyways. In a lot of cases, when a criminal just wants your stuff you'll survive whatever it is, but as soon as you pull out a gun things can escalate and get worse.

porphyria said:
The only thing I can think of is having an elderly neighbor mistake me for being a burglar by walking in front of his house and shooting me. No thanks.

[Nov 6,2008 11:29pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

porphyria said:
DaveFromTheGrave said:
porphyria said:p.s. I love how everyone who talks about defending their families with a gun like they live in the fucking middle east.

that makes sense, because there's never been a violent crime in the United States.

yeah because that's what I was implying..........

but we have far less to worry about than other countries in regards to 'protecting our families, ect'.

We have less crime....and we own guns.


Do you think it's a coincidence?
[Nov 6,2008 11:30pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
argument breaker.

countries with gun bans

communist china
communist cuba
hitler's germany
stalin's russia

pretty much every country with a dictator in place has had gun bans or tried to ban guns

honestly what will protect you if the government decides to install martial law? what's going to protect you if a riot breaks out in your city one day.

now swords on the other hand are dangerous

swords will cut a baby in half

batman used to suck a lot of dick
[Nov 6,2008 11:35pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
[Nov 6,2008 11:42pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:
BobNOMAAMRooney said:I think Hoser has a valid point, remember when COMPUTERS did this:


I see your point. You're saying that you didn't pay attention to anything that he said.

Nope, I'm saying that guns aren't going to save you from hackers on steroids unless paired with a dog and shades.
[Nov 6,2008 11:45pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:[img]

[Nov 6,2008 11:48pm - the_reverend ""]
considering a 22 cause you can have one in NH with out any paperwork.
[Nov 6,2008 11:50pm - sxealex ""]
i'm not against guns... im against carrying them around like an idiot in your car 1. 2 dont you think its good that its illegal to have unregistered weapons otherwise gangs would have a ton of guns legally and no one can do shit...
unrelated: for hunting... you should all use a bow and arrow/crossbow it'd be more fun and quiet imo.
[Nov 6,2008 11:51pm - pam ""]
Who is saying gun bans? You guys are retarded.
[Nov 6,2008 11:52pm - sxealex ""]
also its illegal for people to search your house without a reason so you could potentially stock pile your house with guns as long as you stay out of trouble...
[Nov 6,2008 11:59pm - the_reverend ""]
tell tha to the militia formaly known as the branch davidians.

also, you guys forget that england has a ban on guns and so does japan. your arguement is moot. I can cherry pick facts to support anything too.
but pam is right.
[Nov 7,2008 12:00am - the_reverend ""]
and japan is like 77 to 1 sword homicides to guns.
[Nov 7,2008 12:01am - the_reverend ""]
when I become a 2nd degree black belt, I need to register my hands.
[Nov 7,2008 12:06am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

sxealex said:i'm not against guns... im against carrying them around like an idiot in your car 1.

What about carrying one around like a responsible person, rather than like an idiot? Loads of people carry guns all the time. Most of my coworkers keep a gun in their truck or car at work. If you are going to be in possession of a gun, doesn't it only make sense to have it on your person for when you need it?

sxealex said: 2 dont you think its good that its illegal to have unregistered weapons otherwise gangs would have a ton of guns legally and no one can do shit...

Actually, you couldn't do shit, because you'd be unarmed. Those of us who owned guns would be able to shoot back, which makes a world of difference. And since you brought up gangs, why don't you define "gang" for us?
[Nov 7,2008 12:10am - concretesean ""]
This could all be put to rest with the first Death Wish.
[Nov 7,2008 12:17am - grizloch ""]
[Nov 6,2008 7:35pm - y_ddraig_goch]computers can easily be used to kill, how do you think terrorists communicate and recruit? they drop in at cafes and upload their videos.

Im not sure if this is a joke or not, but the ridiculousness of most of these posts is so great that Im going to treat it like its not

I said "physically kill," not come up with software that will calculate the exact right moment to flick someones throat so as to collapse their trachea with the least effort, when thousands of people a year get physically beat to death by urban kids with laptops... well then I'll be the first person to register my computer, until then this comparison is in no way valid


saying guns limit crime because someone out there is scared that the person they victimize might have a gun is ludicrous, like someone above posted, guns are the great equalizer, if they think you have a gun AND a sweet new plasma tv, they will bring their own gun, upping the likelihood that someone will by shot 100%

registering guns is EXACTLY what separates those urban youths from people that CAN handle guns,

I have no idea what peoples problems are with it, I mean EXACTLY what is it that you are pissed about? you get to have a gun, you get to shoot shit, people still dont know whether or not you have a gun, so by your argument they wont victimize you, your government cant bust into your house and steal your semen for genetic engineering purposes, AND when some black kid does kill someone, maybe they track him easier, at least to the honest, god fearing, white gun owner he stole it from, and for what? one form that you need to fill out and a possible waiting period? change your tampon and shut the fuck up

and if I'm missing some big truth here and I really just don't get it, explain it in english, not NRA rhetoric or twisting around legalize to suit your purposes, what exactly causes you personally to be frustrated by this Hoser? I really want to understand exactly how this changes any part of your life? do you really have so much invested in murdering prostitutes that you don't want to register your weapon or is it something else?

aside from that last little quip I am totally serious, please someone satisfy my intellectual curiosity (without the use of the word "rights" preferably)
[Nov 7,2008 1:27am - sxealex ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:
sxealex said:i'm not against guns... im against carrying them around like an idiot in your car 1.

What about carrying one around like a responsible person, rather than like an idiot? Loads of people carry guns all the time. Most of my coworkers keep a gun in their truck or car at work. If you are going to be in possession of a gun, doesn't it only make sense to have it on your person for when you need it?

sxealex said: 2 dont you think its good that its illegal to have unregistered weapons otherwise gangs would have a ton of guns legally and no one can do shit...

Actually, you couldn't do shit, because you'd be unarmed. Those of us who owned guns would be able to shoot back, which makes a world of difference. And since you brought up gangs, why don't you define "gang" for us?

I need to define a gang for you??? Wtf... you can't look it up yourself?

Your co workers have registered guns and are not idiots I might assume... if not they get arrested when they get pulled over and are idiots. As I said I have nothing against guns. I just don't understand why we should have unregistered ones in public. The wild west is over.
[Nov 7,2008 1:31am - sxealex ""]
and grizloch it was def a joke XD
[Nov 7,2008 2:26pm - Hoser ""]

the_reverend said:considering a 22 cause you can have one in NH with out any paperwork.

This is untrue. Any gun that you buy regardless of caliber involves paperwork unless it's a muzzle loader.

No gun shop will sell you a gun without doing a federal background check 1st. Believe me, I buy a lot of guns.

Also...mentally handicapped and felons cannot buy guns as it stands. That's a well known fact.

And I wouldn't worry about getting shot if you enter someone's home and announce your presence in a clear and loud voice...unless you're robbing the joint...then I wouldn't announce yourself.
[Nov 7,2008 2:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
swords > guns
[Nov 7,2008 2:39pm - the_reverend ""]
Hoser, I mean you don't need to do anything after buying it except just have a gun. boom baby.

BTW: the last gun I shot was a black powder/muzzle loader that my dad left the caps on.

I grew up in a house with many many many guns. once our places was even broken into and all my dad's guns were stolen out of his gun safe.
[Nov 7,2008 2:55pm - porphyria  ""]

grizloch said:

Im not sure if this is a joke or not, but the ridiculousness of most of these posts is so great that Im going to treat it like its not

I said "physically kill," not come up with software that will calculate the exact right moment to flick someones throat so as to collapse their trachea with the least effort, when thousands of people a year get physically beat to death by urban kids with laptops... well then I'll be the first person to register my computer, until then this comparison is in no way valid


saying guns limit crime because someone out there is scared that the person they victimize might have a gun is ludicrous, like someone above posted, guns are the great equalizer, if they think you have a gun AND a sweet new plasma tv, they will bring their own gun, upping the likelihood that someone will by shot 100%

registering guns is EXACTLY what separates those urban youths from people that CAN handle guns,

I have no idea what peoples problems are with it, I mean EXACTLY what is it that you are pissed about? you get to have a gun, you get to shoot shit, people still dont know whether or not you have a gun, so by your argument they wont victimize you, your government cant bust into your house and steal your semen for genetic engineering purposes, AND when some black kid does kill someone, maybe they track him easier, at least to the honest, god fearing, white gun owner he stole it from, and for what? one form that you need to fill out and a possible waiting period? change your tampon and shut the fuck up

and if I'm missing some big truth here and I really just don't get it, explain it in english, not NRA rhetoric or twisting around legalize to suit your purposes, what exactly causes you personally to be frustrated by this Hoser? I really want to understand exactly how this changes any part of your life? do you really have so much invested in murdering prostitutes that you don't want to register your weapon or is it something else?

aside from that last little quip I am totally serious, please someone satisfy my intellectual curiosity (without the use of the word "rights" preferably)

[Nov 7,2008 3:55pm - Hoser ""]
I've attached a few resources...I'll let you all draw your own conclusions. I'm tired of typing.



Both great reads....I even learned something. You won't listen to me anyway, so read this and see if it opens your eyes.
[Nov 7,2008 4:03pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Hoser said:As he also stated, gun registration would be the stepping stone that leads to greater and greater gun restrictions. If the Constitution can be bent, they will bend it until it breaks.

Why, oh why, oh why couldn't you (and neocons in general) understand that point when it came to bullshit like the Patriot Act????
[Nov 8,2008 1:03am - grizloch ""]
so from reading those two articles I've learned nothing about what I asked, each of the arguments are superseded by a complete lack of explanation for exactly why people who own guns don't want to register them, basing them on the assumption that people just don't, well why not? what's the issue?

this is a simple and legitimate question with a simple and theoretically legitimate answer, hold the politics and rhetoric please
[Nov 8,2008 10:34am - Niccolai ""]
I'm sick of the psuedo-redneck whimpering about gun laws being unconcstitutional. The constitution is archaic to a flaw and never left any headroom to look at what gun controll may be like in the future.

When they start taking them away from us registered, and responsible
gun owners, then I will start bitching. but they aren't doing that at all.

Here, fill out this sheet and you can have all the fucking guns you want because if someone steals it and goes window-shopping with it, we want to have an idea of where it came from.

sounds legit to me.
[Nov 8,2008 10:42am - corpus_colostomy ""]
those who wield the term 'psudeo-redneck' are merely psudeo-intellectual..but i have heard you talk about music gear so...i already knew that. :ralphie: huge lol at 'archaic to a flaw.'
[Nov 8,2008 11:08am - Niccolai ""]
[Nov 8,2008 11:11am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

Niccolai said:.

When they start taking them away from us registered, and responsible
gun owners, then I will start bitching. but they aren't doing that at all.

YET. should be the word to end that sentence. My argument isn't against having to search your background. that's just the right thing to do. mine is against being thrown on a watch list so every time a gun crime happens in your area they take you in for questioning.

It's the same thing as when you buy the anarchist cookbook...they register you. I'm sure our local rttp librarian will confirm that fact too. when you take out books on urban warfare they send your name to the fbi

By having your name in some book they just know where to look for you when they decide to outlaw guns...which is going to happen in the very near future.

And still all the uber-liberals, and i'm quite liberal and open minded my self but some of the people on here surprise me with there sheer sheep-orwellian doublethink, will not understand the fact that most gun crimes are tied to illegally bought guns anyways.
[Nov 8,2008 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
they also haven't yet started rounding up jews in this country and killing them in gas chambers. YET.
[Nov 8,2008 11:20am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

the_reverend said:they also haven't yet started rounding up jews in this country and killing them in gas chambers. YET.

Nah they don't do it be race anymore, that card is played out. now all the worlds problems are blamed on "illegal aliens"
[Nov 8,2008 11:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:
the_reverend said:they also haven't yet started rounding up jews in this country and killing them in gas chambers. YET.

Nah they don't do it be race anymore, that card is played out. now all the worlds problems are blamed on "illegal aliens"

[Nov 8,2008 12:19pm - Hoser ""]
Take a walk in my shoes for a few days, Niccolai...

There is nothing legit about forcing law abiding citizens to pay a fee to register their guns. It's my fuckin' right to own one and I already paid the tax on it. Over 90% of gun crimes are committed with guns that were purchased illegally either on the black market or elsewhere.

It's a crock of bullshit to have to register it so that I get to be questioned everytime some knucklehead is murdered with a gun that just happens to be in one of the calibers that I own.

Don't you assholes see that it's fucking NAZI to do this? I really don't understand why you don't fucking get it.

Also, there has been no greater success in solving gun crimes involving registered guns.


Jesus H. Christ you Liberals want more laws than the world can handle? How liberal are you, really?
[Nov 8,2008 12:21pm - Hoser ""]
Here's another one....Shut your mouth and read it in it's entirety before you speak.

[Nov 8,2008 1:10pm - grizloch ""]
FIRST, a blog is NOT a credible source, but given the nature of my question I will accept it, kudos on avoiding answering the question yourself though ...and Im a sheep...

that blog says, states with cities of greater population than the WHOLE of vermont and maine, thereby having a much greater population of impoverished city dwellers (those most likely to commit gun crimes), have higher crime rates than vermont and maine, I honestly never would have guessed that... you people are seeking to make invalid correlations between two geographic land masses without taking any other variables into account, more people die of old age every year per capita in boston than in bumfuck maine too, but we arent trying to abolish health care

and saying that because gun registration doesnt solve ALL gun crime and therefore should be thrown out is ludicrous, thats like saying I need to install a light fixture for which I need a several tools, these wire nuts wont install the whole thing by themselves, better just throw them away... (if that metaphor is too obtuse let me know and I'll come up with another)

then they go on to use the old slippery slope fallacy, first gun registration, then knife registration, then gun and knife BANS, THIS IS MERICA, I GOTS ME A GUN AND COLD FINGERS AND YOU ARENT MY HUE, FUCKING LEARN THE LANGUAGE, GOD ISNT A CHOICE, DRINK BEER...

this is ludicrous too, all politicians love the slippery slope fallacy, but its flawed logic, if it worked than people in Massachusetts would be trying to marry goats by now

I am not anti-gun (nor am I liberal), most of my best friends own guns, if they need to pay a little extra for that right (much like the whole freedom isnt free thing that you people have such a hardon for...) then they should do it and quit whining (none of them do), and PLEASE tell me that if your gun was stolen and then retrieved and returned by police who knew it was registered to you you wouldn't be jerking off at that legislation

why is it a crock of bullshit for you to be questioned by the police in a murder investigation? are you pro murder? what do you have to hide? if you havent murdered anyone you aren't likely to be considered as a suspect, what if you match the description of the murderer, you'll be questioned, is it a crock of bullshit because you're white and he's white? should all murderers automatically be assumed to be taller or shorter than you? maybe just a different color so you will never have to be inconvenienced by our police force...

it's Nazi to BAN guns, no one has done that here and only douchey idiots advocate it, it would never fly and you and I both know it, so dont bother bitching about it or making false correlations
[Nov 8,2008 5:29pm - Hoser ""]
Well said....even though your argument has more holes than swiss cheese. I think that you should have to pay more money to Uncle Obama to register your lawfully owned purchases as well. While we're at it, lets have a national ID card and register everything!!!

I'm gonna go murder someone with a butter knife just so that you have to pay money to register all of your butter knives from now on...we'll see how you feel then...

AND...if you condone gun registration, you ARE a liberal...you're not fooling anyone except yourself.
[Nov 8,2008 5:48pm - the_reverend ""]
hoser, google for real id which is already going into effect. NH is on of the first pilot states, but they are ppushing back against the federal government aboot it.
[Nov 8,2008 6:37pm - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:considering a 22 cause you can have one in NH with out any paperwork.

22s are a fuckload of fun if you have a good place to shoot 'em.

Ruger makes a nice rifle...
[Nov 9,2008 5:00am - grizloch ""]
if you eat fried chicken you must be black, thats solid logic...

my lawfully purchased items weren't designed and refined for the sole purpose of killing, neither were butter knifes (those are for butter), while I'm glad that that gets you wet in your panties, and more power to you, you have yet to give a single valid argument to oppose gun registration, you're and you're sources' correlations have all been false or distant at the very least, and like it or not, your inconvenience is not worth a human life, sorry to debase your god complex

I really really want to understand where you're coming from, but at this point I don't think even you know why you're against gun registration

please point out the flaws in my logic too, if you would be so inclined, I would love to refine the parts that you apparently don't understand
[Nov 9,2008 5:27am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Nov 9,2008 9:53am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

grizloch said:if you eat fried chicken you must be black, thats solid logic...

you're sources'

please point out the flaws in my logic too,

You're lack of grammar skills undermines you're attempt at arguing.
[Nov 9,2008 10:58am - Hoser ""]
"your" lack of grammar skills.

[Nov 9,2008 10:58am - Hoser ""]
"your" attempt.
[Nov 9,2008 10:59am - Hoser ""]
sorry man....not trying to be a dick.
[Nov 9,2008 11:03am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
my "you're's" where meant to be sarcastic
[Nov 9,2008 3:30pm - Hoser ""]
Oh...shit. Sorry man.
[Nov 9,2008 6:51pm - grizloch ""]
while I appreciate you're very mature attempt at discrediting my argument for grammar's sake (posted at 5am by the way), goch, I sense that you have no real response and therefore are a coward or truly have no legitimate response, in which case your a sheep, which is almost as bad

thanks for playing

I'm still waiting...
[Nov 9,2008 8:30pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

grizloch said:while I appreciate you're very mature attempt at discrediting my argument for grammar's sake (posted at 5am by the way), goch, I sense that you have no real response and therefore are a coward or truly have no legitimate response, in which case your a sheep, which is almost as bad

thanks for playing

I'm still waiting...

no reason arguing anymore. I think guns are awesome and should be protected. I like the constitution as well. It's become rather boring arguing back and forth. So let's find something we can agree on.

abortions. they're awesome.
[Nov 9,2008 8:47pm - Lamp ""]
I like abortions but am not too fond of arbortions.
[Nov 9,2008 8:50pm - grizloch ""]
abortions are amazing, so are guns, if only we could combine the two, that's MY America

I'm still for gun registration

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