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life of agony in manchester nh?

[Feb 22,2004 7:12pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
anyone know the price of this show, or if i should get a ticket? i don't want to drive all they way up there and have it be sold out. i cant decide to go to the nh, or ma show.
[Feb 22,2004 7:24pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
yes get a ticket at ,either stawberry's ,bullmoose, or the club, It is gonna sell out!!
[Feb 22,2004 7:27pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
ok, thanks.
[Feb 22,2004 7:31pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
No,problem ,man, they are expecting to be turning away people at the door ,unless you purchased in advance...like the clutch show ,were we turned away about 100 people.
[Feb 22,2004 7:36pm - the_reverend ""]
damn... that's amazing.
[Feb 22,2004 7:44pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
arron,The club only has a limit of 500 people,and there was like 450+ paid at the door,the rest were crew,band members,radio people and shit.yea i was impressed or should i say amazed, they rented a PA it sounded incredible
[Feb 22,2004 7:46pm - the_reverend ""]
wowsers... I wish that I could have witnessed that...
did they open up the brentwood jails or something?
[Feb 22,2004 8:05pm - subjugate ""]
go to the NH show cause jarrods is gay
[Feb 22,2004 9:00pm - Terence ""]
The Bombshelter is almost equally as gay though.
[Feb 22,2004 9:13pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Todd is by far the coolest thing about that place. Hah.
[Feb 22,2004 9:14pm - succubus ""]
todd rules :doublehorns:
[Feb 22,2004 10:06pm - RustedAngel ""]
i was at the clutch show... It sounded better with the rented PA, but it didn't sound that good.. I HATE WHEN THE SOUNDGUY HAS THE BASS LOUDER THAN THE GUITARS!!!!! THE GUITAR IS WHAT MAKES IT METAL, not BASS!

also there is waaay too much smoke in there. smoking should be banned anywhere indoors.
[Feb 23,2004 12:06pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 23,2004 4:21pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Ok it sounded incredible compared to a normal show using the house PA, is that better? It was a lot of bass,but apparently that is what those bands like ,cause each band had there own engineer and they all mixed ,really bass heavy,and the smoking it does suck when 90% of the almost 500 people in there are smoking,specially if you don't smoke....oh yea ...Please no Todd appreciation thread,that could get ugly.haha

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