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Barkley's weird swing

[Nov 1,2008 11:16am - zyklon ""]

[Apr 4,2010 10:21pm - gnarls barkley  ""]
that's crazy... just crazy
[Apr 5,2010 12:16am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 5,2010 8:56am - timma ""]
I don't know why, but when I watch this all I can think of is when a dog is pooping with one legs in the air and it's tail all stiff and crinkled-like.
[Apr 5,2010 9:12am - xmikex ""]
Charles Barkley's SHUT UP AND PUTT!
[Apr 5,2010 10:45am - C.dEaD  ""]
[Nov 15,2012 10:57pm - slarnold palmer  ""]
who does he think he is - tiger woods?
[Nov 16,2012 2:09am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Yo he's keepin it real yo. Gangsta style yo, crackerass cracker sport.
[Nov 16,2012 9:05am - quintessence ""]
He claims its like some weird nervous tick that he can't control whatsoever.
[Nov 16,2012 9:51am - ark  ""]
i thought his legs were going to pop off
[Nov 16,2012 10:35am - Yeti ""]
yeah he definitely almost shit his pants right there.

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