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I don't care what you say, Helvete is the best album by NASUM

[Oct 31,2008 11:12pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i think it's the most solid from start to finish. not a song goes by i don't like
[Oct 31,2008 11:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I back this... what is the issue?
human 2.0 is my least favorite.
I would say helvete is my #1 and shift my #2.
human 2.0 possibly has 1 or 2 of their best songs.
[Nov 1,2008 12:09am - W3 nli  ""]
hi brad
[Nov 1,2008 12:13am - sxealex ""]
[Nov 1,2008 1:32am - Nobody_Cares ""]

the_reverend said:I back this... what is the issue?
human 2.0 is my least favorite.
I would say helvete is my #1 and shift my #2.
human 2.0 possibly has 1 or 2 of their best songs.

Oh my goodness really? Human 2.0 is my favorite followed by Helvete, then Shift. "The Professional League" is one of my favorite songs ever. The production is so gritty and raw. You're right about Helvete, not one bad moment on that record. I think on Shift they were coming into their stride, new members, leads and whatnot. I could write a million words about this band, possibly my favorite band ever, so sad he passed. But I can see the argument about Helvete being the best one.
[Nov 1,2008 2:05am - Whoremastery ""]
i hate people is such a good tune off helvete..human 2.0 is still my fav though
[Nov 1,2008 2:15am - .......  ""]
inhale/exhale all day.
[Nov 1,2008 2:35am - the_reverend ""]
the production on human 2.0 is too raw
[Nov 1,2008 9:25am - nick327  ""]
Human 2.0 is one of those albums that comes on all extra loud and scares the shit out of you when your mp3 player is on random. Definitely too raw for my taste, but I guess a lot of grind fans prefer it.

Inhale/Exhale is easily my fav
[Nov 1,2008 9:51am - RustyPS@school  ""]
Inhale/Exhale is my personal fave, but I don't think they released a bad record.
[Nov 1,2008 10:26am - Lamp ""]

the_reverend said:human 2.0 is my least favorite.

You know, people might think I'm nuts for not liking Nasum but after hearing you say this maybe I'm not so sure. Human 2.0 is the only one I'm familiar with and I think it fucking blows.
[Nov 1,2008 11:15am - Nobody_Cares ""]

Lamp said:
the_reverend said:human 2.0 is my least favorite.

You know, people might think I'm nuts for not liking Nasum but after hearing you say this maybe I'm not so sure. Human 2.0 is the only one I'm familiar with and I think it fucking blows.

You must hate grind if you don't like this band.
[Nov 1,2008 11:18am - Lamp ""]
No, I would say I'm a big fan of grind and I don't like cookie cutter pseudo-punk bullshit bands.
[Nov 1,2008 11:42am - theaccurseddrummer ""]

RustyPS@school said:I don't think they released a bad record.

Backed. Shift is my fave, followed by Helvete, Inhale/Exhale and Human 2.0. Grind Finale kinda fits in with everything on some level so I can't really compare it. Not one bad release in my book.

:swedenflag: Hälsa Nasum!
[Nov 1,2008 12:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:I back this... what is the issue?
human 2.0 is my least favorite.
I would say helvete is my #1 and shift my #2.
human 2.0 possibly has 1 or 2 of their best songs.

no issue, i haven't had a copy of Helvete for about 2 years thanks to Mark putting cd's in the wrong FUCKING cases....but i digress

so i downloaded it last night and was re-blown away by how incredible it is. Human 2.0 is my least fav as well.

[Nov 1,2008 2:55pm - SkinSandwich ""]
If I had a girlfriend I would come on her face listening to this album.

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