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[Oct 31,2008 7:36am - Yeti ""]
its the most wonderful time of the year
[Oct 31,2008 8:10am - SkinSandwich ""]
Are you threatening me?
[Oct 31,2008 8:43am - succubus ""]
people should go to the entrance page just to see it...that was from when we went to Keene
[Oct 31,2008 8:44am - corpus_colostomy ""]

succubus said:people should go to the entrance page just to see it...that was from when we went to Keene

KEENE = PUMPKINS and elm city brewery.
[Oct 31,2008 10:34am - orgymf@work  ""]
fuck yeah!
tonight, me and my girl are gonna get drunk and have a fuckfest while watching Sleepaway Camp and August Underground

tomorrow, going to a halloween party (still trying to decide whether to go as archie bunker, or just put on black face)
[Oct 31,2008 11:04am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i hope i win the costume contest at work
[Oct 31,2008 12:15pm - timma ""]
I thought I had a good chance at winning my work's costume party, until someone showed up in a Disney World quality Donald Duck costume....fucker stole my thunder.

It's pretty hilarious looking over the top of the cubes and seeing this giant Donald Duck head sticking out though.
[Oct 31,2008 12:39pm - Yeti ""]
costume contests need to be based on originality and creativity, just because some shmuck buys a super expensive costume doesn't mean they should win. now if he built the Donald Duck costume out of beer boxes and made it look awesome, there is a winner.
[Oct 31,2008 12:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
some huge dude just came in dressed like a viking

[Oct 31,2008 4:16pm - Sacreligion ""]

[Oct 31,2008 4:20pm - Sacreligion ""]
every full version of the thriller video on youtube has embedding disabled?

it's more likely than you think
[Oct 31,2008 4:20pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Oct 31,2008 4:24pm - aril  ""]
fuck it, i got that shit on VHS
[Oct 31,2008 4:35pm - Sacreligion ""]
contemporiiiiize maaaan!
[Oct 31,2008 6:07pm - corpus_colostomy ""]


keep your pumpkins fucking eeeeeeeeevil.
[Oct 31,2008 6:15pm - blue ""]
i will listen to this album while driving to salem.

i am a very handsome al borland tonight.
[Oct 31,2008 6:19pm - Martins ""]
haha sweet
[Oct 31,2008 6:22pm - blue ""]
[Oct 31,2008 6:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the likeness is uncanny
[Oct 31,2008 6:25pm - blue ""]
its amazing what a tucked in flannel shirt can do.
[Oct 31,2008 6:44pm - Conservationist ""]
[Oct 31,2008 7:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 1,2008 3:20am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Nov 1,2008 6:59am - The_Masked_Man ""]
Some pics from Salem
[Nov 1,2008 1:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
all i remember from last night is hitting on some chicks, punching one of them in the face and then at some point in the night both my legs were hanging out of the car window down green street. i love rum.
[Nov 1,2008 1:44pm - pam ""]
My kids all dressed up:


I pulled a gypsy costume out of my closet last minute.


Rich Horror pics forthcoming...
[Nov 1,2008 2:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
My halloween costume was hatred and disgust for everyone around me.
[Nov 1,2008 2:17pm - pam ""]
[Nov 1,2008 10:23pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

i literally saw this girl twenty times in salem last night.

i think she posed in about a hundred pictures and i bet she dresses like that everyday hahaha

p.s. waiting for the bus/train was fucking brutal, reminded me of a concert and trying to get to the front
[Nov 2,2008 3:28am - Sacreligion ""]

pam said:[img]


on a side note: it seems as if this party was nothing but a fire, rich horror, and maybe two other people.

[Nov 2,2008 5:42pm - ellesarusrex ""]
[Nov 2,2008 9:13pm - quintessence ""]
I was at Rich's party also..

My pics suck. I was wasted and forgot how to use a camera.

[Nov 3,2008 7:25am - Yeti ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:all i remember from last night is hitting on some chicks, punching one of them in the face and then at some point in the night both my legs were hanging out of the car window down green street. i love rum.

yeah that was one hell of a night. last thing i remember was drinking one of those huge Narragansetts and then waking up on my couch at 7 am. i lost my phone, puked on the sidewalk, and then blacked the fuck out at the Dog.

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