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ATTN: Aril

[Oct 30,2008 12:37pm - ddrummer ""]
I'm pretty sure you said your looking for soma ampage or a half stack or something. Just came across this. I know crate blows but may be worth checking out.

[Oct 30,2008 12:39pm - aril  ""]
[Oct 30,2008 12:41pm - aril  ""]
and you dont have to call me aril. that name is stupid. half the people on this board that i've recently met thought I was a girl. "ariel" or something.
haha, fuck that. I'm changing my name again.
[Oct 30,2008 12:42pm - ddrummer ""]
alright haha, just wanted to get ur attention
[Oct 30,2008 12:43pm - Yeti ""]
[Oct 30,2008 12:44pm - Martins ""]
[Oct 30,2008 12:46pm - aril  ""]
giggity giggity goo. i would have dated ariel, no questions asked.
[Oct 30,2008 12:47pm - aril  ""]
believe it or not, an "aril" is the juicy texture on the outside of a seed. for example, some pines have those red-berry looking things hanging off of them. in reality, those are not berries, they're fucking arils. they cover the seed to protect it.
yea, this name sucks.
[Oct 30,2008 12:47pm - Martins ""]
[Oct 30,2008 12:49pm - ddrummer ""]
what shall the new name be then jim, choose wisely for your cool-o-meter may go down if you choose lamely
[Oct 30,2008 12:50pm - aril  ""]
technically, "aril" is a shortened version of the name I used in my black metal releases: "Arillius"
I did not chose Arillius and now think it needs to be change. It's too psuedo-roman sounding.
Eh, fuck it. Just call me jim.
[Oct 30,2008 12:51pm - ddrummer ""]
[Oct 30,2008 12:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

aril said:and you dont have to call me aril. that name is stupid. half the people on this board that i've recently met thought I was a girl. "ariel" or something.
haha, fuck that. I'm changing my name again.

i am guilty of thinking this earlier in the year.
[Oct 30,2008 1:00pm - aril  ""]
i always thought you, yeti, robin, and conservationist were girls
[Oct 30,2008 1:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only on the weekends
[Oct 30,2008 1:01pm - Yeti ""]
who says i'm not *wink wink*
[Oct 30,2008 1:03pm - aril  ""]
the rttp board is a sausage fest.
[Oct 30,2008 1:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sadly... yes :(
[Oct 30,2008 3:36pm - Martins ""]
e-dicks > dicks

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