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Roadkill Extravaganza (satyricon)

[Oct 6,2008 2:35pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Hmmm... not too good. I was a little dissapointed that this DVD is about 2hours long, and almost all of it is them being drunken idiots. There are some good times with Frost though. He is one creepy mofo. He couldn't have been more than 21 or 22 at the time. I am sure i could wiki it but... well i guess i will
Frost (Kjetil-Vidar Haraldstad) born June 28, 1973 in Øyer, Oppland, Norway. And the video is from 2000, so i guess he was just a real young looking 27 year old. He was definitely on some friekin drugs too. I should know.

But i digress. The dvd has a couple bits from songs, but they don't ever play more than a minute of a song except once or twice where they play almost a whole tune. And the little clips are of about 2 or 3 songs. Which is a bummer, but i guess their set for this tour was only like 35min so they couldnt fit too many in. Besides the terrible sound quality, and the drunken antics, there isn't much else going for this dvd. Although there is a "frost cam" view of him blasting for a good minute. Being a drummer, that was nice. But it was about the best the video had to offer.

In my opinion, it's about a 65/100. Don't watch it.
[Oct 6,2008 3:07pm - NuclearWinter ""]
I could only imagine this is two hours of pretty faced Scandinavian men giving each other handjobs, discussing the best pair of bootcut designer jeans and capes to wear to the next Norwegian Music Awards ceremony.
[Oct 6,2008 3:16pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah, there actually is a point were the road manager pretends to give one of the guitar players a handjob. Not funny. There is also a good deal of people pooping. Actually taking dumps i mean. gross.
[Oct 7,2008 10:39am - Yeti ""]
damn, i'm glad i didn't buy this. i was hoping for 2 hours of Dark Medieval Times/Shadowthrone/Nemesis Divina stuff.
[Oct 7,2008 4:31pm - IntestinalAvenger ""]
Yeah, seeing 30 seconds of "Havoc Vulture" 25 times in 2 hours did become rather tedious.

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