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I say we just secede

[Oct 2,2008 2:36pm - sever ""]

Nobody likes New England anyway.
[Oct 2,2008 3:17pm - Conservationist ""]

Help us, we help you...
[Oct 2,2008 3:24pm - Josh_Martin ""]
That fucking race traitor Lincoln should've just let the south go the fuck away.
140 years later and look at the shitstorm he caused by keeping those inbred Jesus freaks around.

[Oct 2,2008 3:24pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Lincoln, another republican fucking everything up.
[Oct 2,2008 3:24pm - Josh_Martin ""]
[Oct 2,2008 3:34pm - sever ""]
Josh Martin... you are the man.
[Oct 2,2008 3:37pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 2,2008 3:40pm - aril  ""]
Quebec should secede from Canada, New England, Cali, PacNorthwest should secede from America.
[Oct 2,2008 3:42pm - darkwor  ""]
[Oct 2,2008 3:42pm - darkwor  ""]
except connecticut.
[Oct 2,2008 3:43pm - sever ""]

darkwor said:except connecticut.

almost forgot this important detail.
[Oct 2,2008 3:48pm - Conservationist ""]

aril said:Quebec should secede from Canada, New England, Cali, PacNorthwest should secede from America.


Texas should be free, so we can wage war on Mexico at our convenience.
[Oct 2,2008 3:49pm - aril  ""]
what about the NAU, though? North American Union?
[Oct 2,2008 3:52pm - Conservationist ""]
They've got enough Mexicans already, so they'll be fine.
[Oct 2,2008 4:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]

Well, fuck it - I am sovereign.
[Oct 2,2008 4:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
The Divided States of America
[Oct 2,2008 4:49pm - sacreligion ""]
the united stupid of america
[Oct 2,2008 6:42pm - ctB0rderpatrol  ""]

this is the answer to the CT question. hartford and willimantic get cleansed, the brew pub in willi is allowed to run unaffected. the southwest which is no longer new england is occupied along with long island for strategic purposes, the current government gets hung, and newenglanders who reside in CT get to govern themselves eventually seeking a union with our neighbors. deal?
[Oct 2,2008 7:05pm - Lamp ""]
Hey, if you guys want the south away so badly at least let me get out of my hippie town down here and back into New England first.
[Oct 2,2008 7:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 2,2008 7:11pm - Lamp ""]
Seriously though, do you people honestly think the south is nothing more than people walking around handing out church pamphlets and protesting abortion clinics? That this region of the country has no redeeming qualities whatsoever? I'd take the food over New England any day(except pizza). Not to mention the people down here are a hell of a lot nicer than all the fucking pricks that live in New England regardless of political affiliation. Every time I visit home all I want to do is kill everyone around me but down here that doesn't happen. So what if people go to church? Do you know how much Obama support I see, even in so called "conservative" areas? Maybe it's because I live in such a blue town but this region is definitely not the nightmare New Englanders make it out to be.
[Oct 2,2008 8:09pm - titsmagee ""]
[Oct 2,2008 8:10pm - titsmagee ""]
a taste of things to come >:0
[Oct 2,2008 8:19pm - Conservationist ""]

Lamp said:Do you know how much Obama support I see, even in so called "conservative" areas?

That's probably not the sign of intelligence you think it is. Anyone believing that a corrupt race-baiter from Chicago is going to change this country has a basic logical dysfunction.

I think you may have forgotten the rule:

Never tell anyone from the coasts how good it is here. Otherwise, we'll get inundated in Californians.
[Oct 2,2008 8:37pm - Lamp ""]

Conservationist said:
Lamp said:Do you know how much Obama support I see, even in so called "conservative" areas?

That's probably not the sign of intelligence you think it is. Anyone believing that a corrupt race-baiter from Chicago is going to change this country has a basic logical dysfunction.

That's not the point I was trying to make, the point is that not every person in this region is a Bible thumping backwoods hick like the people posted in that video recently.
[Oct 2,2008 8:39pm - Conservationist ""]
Fair enough.
[Oct 2,2008 9:26pm - queefismysignature  ""]
You have devorment. yeah thats pretty much it. devorment and anti-abortion pamplets.
[Oct 2,2008 9:46pm - sever ""]
We're going to have FBI at our doorsteps soon.
[Oct 2,2008 9:46pm - sever ""]

ctB0rderpatrol said:[img]

this is the answer to the CT question. hartford and willimantic get cleansed, the brew pub in willi is allowed to run unaffected. the southwest which is no longer new england is occupied along with long island for strategic purposes, the current government gets hung, and newenglanders who reside in CT get to govern themselves eventually seeking a union with our neighbors. deal?

[Oct 2,2008 9:57pm - Lamp ""]

queefismysignature said:You have devorment. yeah thats pretty much it. devorment and anti-abortion pamplets.

I've only come across complete strangers bringing up religion unsolicited on two occasions. The first time I was at a gas station and some lady walked up to my tattooed, DS-13 shirt wearing girlfriend and tried to make her "see the light". The second time was when some lady giving me a free couch through Craigslist asked if we went to church and said she would love to see us at hers.
[Oct 2,2008 11:06pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
The South would be fucked without our GNP; just a buncha hicks livin' off our taxes. Plus we have M.I.T., we could just kill them with lasers. I fully support this.
[Oct 2,2008 11:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
We should back Quebec in their secession (we owe the Frenchies from the first revolution anyway) and then set up a cod for beer exchange.
[Oct 3,2008 4:06am - ctB0rderpatrol  ""]
[Oct 3,2008 8:29am - Josh_Martin ""]

Lamp said: Not to mention the people down here are a hell of a lot nicer than all the fucking pricks that live in New England regardless of political affiliation.

That is one of the reasons I will probably never move out of New England. I fucking hate nice people. I hate waiting 10 minutes buy a pack of smokes because the fucking cashier has to make small talk with every fucking person in line. I like it here where people are miserable and hate their jobs and don't want to fucking talk to you.

As for the rest of your post, I guess you really don't grasp the concept of exaggeration for comedy's sake.

Although my mother lives in Indiana, and while its technically not in the South, it is a red state and she tells me that yeah, it is as bad as us blue staters make it out to be. She and her husband are the only people they know not voting for McCain.(Though they are rich and only know rich people so I guess that makes sense) But there are shitloads of poor people in that area and they are voting McCain too because of the Jesus thing.
I dunno, anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything but I found that interesting.

[Oct 3,2008 9:18am - largefreakatzero ""]

Josh_Martin said:
Lamp said: Not to mention the people down here are a hell of a lot nicer than all the fucking pricks that live in New England regardless of political affiliation.

That is one of the reasons I will probably never move out of New England. I fucking hate nice people. I hate waiting 10 minutes buy a pack of smokes because the fucking cashier has to make small talk with every fucking person in line. I like it here where people are miserable and hate their jobs and don't want to fucking talk to you.

I think you just summed up the beauty of New England in one rant. There are few things more exhausting when some complete stranger wants to make gay small talk.
[Oct 3,2008 10:43am - Yeti ""]
agreed. i walk to work from the Natick train station at like 6:30 AM, so there are a few people out for their brisk morning walks, and they always say hello and give a big smile. now that sounds dumb to be annoyed by, but i like how in Worcester if you walk by someone, you don't acknowledge each other, you just mind your own business. i hate those go-getter types with their white picket fences smiling at me over what a beeeyooteeful day it is. fuck off.
[Oct 3,2008 11:20am - Josh_Martin ""]
I'm from Lawrence.....do I even need to finish this sentance?
[Oct 3,2008 11:23am - Josh_Martin ""]

largefreakatzero said:
Josh_Martin said:
Lamp said: Not to mention the people down here are a hell of a lot nicer than all the fucking pricks that live in New England regardless of political affiliation.

That is one of the reasons I will probably never move out of New England. I fucking hate nice people. I hate waiting 10 minutes buy a pack of smokes because the fucking cashier has to make small talk with every fucking person in line. I like it here where people are miserable and hate their jobs and don't want to fucking talk to you.

I think you just summed up the beauty of New England in one rant. There are few things more exhausting when some complete stranger wants to make gay small talk.

"Making small talk is gay" the new AC song.

Seriously though, whenever I visit my mom in Indiana I have to put up with that shit. Everybody wants to know your fucking life story and they drive wicked slow too. I LIKE the way people drive in Boston.
[Oct 3,2008 6:06pm - Lamp ""]

Josh_Martin said:That is one of the reasons I will probably never move out of New England. I fucking hate nice people. I hate waiting 10 minutes buy a pack of smokes because the fucking cashier has to make small talk with every fucking person in line. I like it here where people are miserable and hate their jobs and don't want to fucking talk to you.

It makes it a lot easier at my job. Not like I never get picky customers but if I'm gonna be at someone's house at least I know when they point out a mistake I might have made that they're not going to be assholes screaming at me but instead people who can actually bring up the matter in a polite manner. It helps when you're at a restaurant too, since if the person serving you is actually nice, it makes your tip feel justified rather than giving one to someone who barely looks at you.

Besides, it's not like you have anything better to do anyway, it's not going to kill you to listen to someone actually being a nice person, lighten up tightass.
[Dec 15,2008 10:35pm - sever ""]

we never followed this guy's advice... now look where we are.
[Dec 16,2008 1:17am - Hungtableed  ""]
SECEDE! Yes! I've been ranting about this with co-workers for months now. Col. Loammi Baldwin is in that picture...great fucking guy who is likely not the only one in this scene who is ROLLING over in their fucking grave.
[Dec 16,2008 4:39am - concretesean ""]
This is stupid.
[Dec 16,2008 8:40am - sever ""]

concretesean said:This is stupid.

Go to Connecticut.
[Dec 16,2008 9:16am - dftg  ""]
no, don't go to Connecticut.
[Dec 16,2008 11:58am - c.DeAD  ""]
I don't know, the food I have eaten in the south usually sucked. But then I watch the travel channel and only wish I could eat at some of these places. Chicken fried bacon? Sign me the fuck up.
[Dec 16,2008 3:57pm - Mike Pile  ""]
despite the many bumper stickers, it will be Texas that I mess with
[Dec 16,2008 5:33pm - Conservationist ""]
Texas rules.
[Dec 16,2008 6:13pm - Mike Pile  ""]
I once got drunk with Texas
[Dec 16,2008 6:29pm - Lamp ""]
I'd like to check out Texas some day.

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