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I left Leukorrhea...

[Oct 1,2008 5:05pm - samYam ""]
...It was a tough decision, but a few days ago I told Mike that I can no longer make the commitment to the band.

I was recently hired at a job that, in theory, I should be able to stay with until retirement and will provide for my family well until then. My father also recently had multiple cancers removed from his liver, and while he made it through, the recovery process will be long and the fight won't be easy. On top of that, I have taken in my nephew Max who unfortunately has Spectrum Autism Disorder. His mom couldn't get her shit together enough and it was either DSS take him or my wife and I.

So I've got more than a ton on my plate right now, and I felt like I wasn't really doing what I needed to help the band with all the new material they have. Which in case you haven't heard, is absolutely crushing. You will all be impressed with the new material they've been working on, it's the same Leukorrhea sound, just kicked up multiple notches. I really wish I had the time to be a part of this new record, but I can't.
[Oct 1,2008 7:00pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
jeez, i'm sorry to hear that but i wish you the best of luck to you and your family
[Oct 1,2008 8:15pm - timma ""]
Man...they're dropping like flies!

Seriously though...good luck man.
[Oct 1,2008 8:18pm - the_reverend ""]
that sucks.
[Oct 1,2008 8:19pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i don't know you or your band, but you sir are a man amongst men, good luck
[Oct 1,2008 8:26pm - samYam ""]
thanks guys!
[Oct 1,2008 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]
brad is right but it still sucks.
[Oct 1,2008 9:06pm - SkinSandwich ""]
tough decision. My son has autism and his cunt mother ditched him years ago. Raising him by myself. It takes all of my time and every last ounce of energy, but is worth it. Good luck, and good for you and your wife stepping up to the plate.
[Oct 3,2008 7:37am - tynsle ""]
sorry to hear this
will the band be getting a 'refill' for your place? or just call it quits?

i wish you all the best!
[Oct 3,2008 7:57am - Mess ""]
yeah, that sucks you got a GREAT job and had to quit a band *sarcasm*
but i did enjoy Leukorrhea. good luck out there.
[Oct 3,2008 8:26am - RustyPS ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:i don't know you or your band, but you sir are a man amongst men, good luck
[Oct 3,2008 4:18pm - samYam ""]
I believe they will be trying to fill the spot, they have a whole album written so it would be a shame if they don't (and the tunes kick some serious ass).

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement!
[Oct 3,2008 9:22pm - dreadkill ""]
good luck with your dad and nephew and enjoy the new job

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