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big question can anyone help?

[Sep 30,2008 1:29pm - karnivean ""]
i need to find some type of way and/or program, where i can record a bunch of different movie samples onto a 1 track song and burn it to a disc?

For example: For those that didnt know. While we are setting up our gear making sure every thing is in place/tuned/etc. we always play the "Romper Stomper" theme song before our set.

So what i'm looking to do now is place a bunch of screams and cool movie samples over the romper stomper theme and burn it to one CD.

NOW i could use Acid Pro or any of those cheesy recording programs to do this BUT i have no idea how to "direct in" from my tv/dvd player to my computer i could just grab a microphone press play on the dvd and record every sample from the tv speakers but the quality in doing so is awful..

their must be an easier way or program to get this done.

who can help me?

[Sep 30,2008 1:30pm - aril  ""]
radio shack + any multitrack program
[Sep 30,2008 1:35pm - thebloodening ""]
there is a program that I have for my mac, i googled the program by simply typing in google what you want to do and what operating system, i can't remeber the name but essentially you put the dvd into your computer than just "record" the parts you want and convert them into mp3 or whatever...all i can remeber is the program uses a orange construction cone as their logo...sorry thats all i know
[Sep 30,2008 1:37pm - Godlessrob ""]
Pinnacle Dazzle - availible at Best Buy

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