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Scenes in Horror Movies that actually did a number on ya?

[Sep 29,2008 3:25pm - thuringwethil ""]
certainly the Bathory Scene in Hostel II and 'Head on a Stick' in Wolf Creek, but....

in 'The Exorcist,' when Kinderman comes to the house and is interviewing the Mom for like ten minutes. The interaction is kinda slow but the whole time the mom is shitting bricks because she's becoming more and more convincved that her daughter offed Burt Dennings.

Finally after a while the cop leaves and the mom is pacing around, everything's quiet, then *BANG*!!!

The crucifix mutilation scene, the daughter is finally fully possessed. Creepiest sequence EVER.

[Sep 29,2008 3:32pm - orgymf@work  ""]

hmmm....maybe it just freaked females out.
i spanked off to it.

the sickest horror scenes that i have ever witnessed (that actually freaked me out)
1.August Underground : Mordum (when they make the dude cut his own dick off while they rape his girlfriend)
2.Irreversible (that rape scene was awesome....but at the same time freaked me out a bit)
3.this one isn't really too sick...but for some reason, the fly with the dudes head screaming for help in the spiders web on the original black and white version of "The Fly" always freaked me the fuck out.... gave me awful nightmares when i was 7 or 8 (the first time i saw it)
[Sep 29,2008 3:34pm - orgymf@work  ""]
oh....and two scenes from "Serpent and the Rainbow"
the genital torture
and the buried alive scene
[Sep 29,2008 3:34pm - aril  ""]
movies never invoke those emotions in me.
[Sep 29,2008 3:34pm - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:movies never invoke those emotions in me.

i dunno dude.
you ever see any of the August Underground flicks?

fake snuff.....looks real.
creepy shit
[Sep 29,2008 3:38pm - Yeti ""]
even though Hostel 2 sucked, the dick chopping scene at the end. egad.
[Sep 29,2008 3:38pm - darkwor  ""]
david lynch's stuff has been known to really creep me out and move me, as far as horror goes, but i agree it's not really conventional horror.
[Sep 29,2008 3:40pm - idonthaveagoodname  ""]
any scene where fingernails get ripped off, that shit sucks.
[Sep 29,2008 3:42pm - thuringwethil ""]
yeah Irreversable because that scene was so realistic and long.

[Sep 29,2008 3:43pm - Seth  ""]
The two scenes in Hellraiser 1 and two when Lydia is kissing the uncle with no skin and in 2 when she is being kissed by the doctor with no skin. I wish a had woman at those moments. It does a number on me but in a good way....:skull:
[Sep 29,2008 3:44pm - thuringwethil ""]
yeah also to Bathory lady because c'mon, that's Dawn Weiner!

She was stupid to trust that big dude at the festival but I wouldn't wish that terrible fate upon my worst enemy.
[Sep 29,2008 3:58pm - the_reverend ""]
the original TCM and then my dad starting up the old chainsaw and chasing us. I jumped on top of the table and started swinging a crapio keyboard.
[Sep 29,2008 4:04pm - LongDeadGod ""]
Event horizon always kind of creeped me out, no specific scene, just the whole movie.
[Sep 29,2008 4:55pm - orgymf@work  ""]

the_reverend said:the original TCM and then my dad starting up the old chainsaw and chasing us. I jumped on top of the table and started swinging a crapio keyboard.

really. haha
your dad rules
[Sep 30,2008 11:05am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the first time you see the crawlers in the descent...because up until then it is so slow, and builds up just a little. then bam! shit's right behind the bitches standing there.

[Sep 30,2008 11:07am - thuringwethil ""]
I've never seen any August Underground movies.
[Sep 30,2008 11:08am - orgymf@work  ""]
August Underground rules
[Sep 30,2008 11:11am - aril  ""]
even though I practice the suspension of disbelief while watching movies, as I said above, horror movies never invoke those emotions in me.
that doesn't mean I don't like them. I love 'em.
Certain video/computer games invoke those kind of emotions in me, but not so often. I think the last one that did it to me was some parts of Doom III.
[Sep 30,2008 11:37am - monnster_island  ""]
Mordum's snipping dick scene was pretty fucking brutal but i had to shut it off when dude was raping the kid in the tub ... although fake it actually turned my stomach ...
another was an actual snuff film from japan with pretty foul grotesque scenes ...
and one other was a underground porn where this chick eats a dude's " ass juice " lol ... we all were betting on who could last the longest watching it ... i failed lol
[Sep 30,2008 11:39am - bleh  ""]
i puked watching Mordum, the "guy cuttin off his own dick" scene.

it wasn't really the gore.

I popped some vicodin, ate chinese food, then watched the movie.

lesson- chinese food+vicodin+selfdickcutting=puke
[Sep 30,2008 11:49am - orgymf@work  ""]

monnster_island said:Mordum's snipping dick scene was pretty fucking brutal but i had to shut it off when dude was raping the kid in the tub ... although fake it actually turned my stomach ...
another was an actual snuff film from japan with pretty foul grotesque scenes ...
and one other was a underground porn where this chick eats a dude's " ass juice " lol ... we all were betting on who could last the longest watching it ... i failed lol

i know child rape is fucked up, but since i don't have (or care about) any kids, that scene didn't bother me nearly as much as the penis cutting.

that porn sounds god awful.

where did you find a real snuff film? that's pretty twisted man.

have you ever been watching japanese porn, where there is no english (spoken or subtitled), and the girl looks very unwilling, maybe crying a bit.....and although you can't help but rub one out, afterwards, you kinda feel bad knowing that you probably just stroked it to a rape, and that poor girl is probably dead now?

can anyone else relate?
[Sep 30,2008 12:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Hostel - the eye hangin out
Lost Highway - dude's head jammed into the glass table
Zombie - splinter in the eye
Poltergiest (1 or 2?) - Braces wrapping around the kid
Wrong Turn - chick hiding under the table whilst friends chopped up
[Sep 30,2008 12:07pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Regan in the Excorcist coming down the stairs upside down like a spider was creepy, haha!!

EDIT: Fuck, well go to the link, it works there.

[Sep 30,2008 12:16pm - orgymf@work  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
Zombie - splinter in the eye

oh shit!! how did i forget to list that?!?!
my favorite scene from my favorite zombie film!!!
[Sep 30,2008 12:20pm - Seth  ""]
Yes the splinter got to me and made me wish I would never go that way... that must of been so painfull or would be!
[Sep 30,2008 12:20pm - mike pile  ""]

orgymf@work said:

where did you find a real snuff film? that's pretty twisted man.

there's no such thing as snuff films, he's probably talking about Guinea Pig Experiment


[Sep 30,2008 12:21pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i'll have to look for that
[Sep 30,2008 12:46pm - monnster_island  ""]
it was a real deal snuff film ... i had gotten from someone in Indonesia in late 80s ... it was on a VHS tape that had a GG Allin show , then that porn with the " ass juice " then the snuff film ... the snuff was recorded on a camcorder with no editing throughout the whole dismemberment ...
[Sep 30,2008 12:51pm - mike pile  ""]
so it was a mixtape? sounds more like just a clip from a "real death video" than a tape of a murder that was committed for the purpose of distributing and marketing it.

I've bought a huge chunk of some dude's old bootleg VHS collection and death tape video footage will just pop out of nowhere constantly. it sucks pretty bad when I'm stoned and watching some failed Sid & Marty Kroft television pilot, and then it suddenly jumps into circumcision footage.
[Sep 30,2008 1:11pm - Phillip ""]
all of Salò or the 120 days of sodom

and idk, maybe its just me but as far as Irreversible goes, yea the rape scene was horrible, but the fire extinguisher scene actually made me look away, shit looked too real
[Sep 30,2008 1:27pm - orgymf@work  ""]
yeah the fire extinguisher scene was cool
[Sep 30,2008 2:14pm - monnster_island  ""]
pile why are you in denial ? ... before internet when us postal service was how you traded demos of your band and such shit like that would end up in underground circulation ... its fact ... ask around
[Sep 30,2008 2:27pm - thuringwethil ""]
You know, I've never seen Salo. I read the book by Marquis De Sade and yeah, the movie must be crazy.
[Sep 30,2008 2:41pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I've seen a video of a guy barbecuing his own dick.
then he punched himself in the balls several times.
Then he got some other guy to kick him in the balls and the guy doing the kicking liked it so much he came. He wasn't even jerking off, he came strictly from kicking someone in the balls.
Then the guy drove nails through his ballsac.
Then he blew himself. His dick was ginormous. The whole time he's laughing and going "look, look, look what I can do!!!"
[Sep 30,2008 2:41pm - Josh_Martin ""]
oh, and I've seen tons of shit eating videos.
The funniest one was when this guy took a shit on a plate and served it to the chick. She started eating and after a while gagged a little bit. So the guy pisses in a glass and gives it to her to wash down the shit.
[Sep 30,2008 2:41pm - Josh_Martin ""]
but I think the only thing I've seen that actually disturbed me was a how-to video so girls can learn to fuck guys up the ass with a dildo. It was called Bend-Over Boyfriend.

The reason it disturbed me was that I personally knew the guy who's girlfriend was fucking him with a dildo.
[Sep 30,2008 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
well then.
[Sep 30,2008 7:41pm - peteovdom ""]
The Audition gave me the willies!!!
[Sep 30,2008 8:15pm - guy  ""]
i might be off on this but ive seen irreversable i didnt think the rape scene was all that distrubing
[Sep 30,2008 8:22pm - lbpvd  ""]
The Sentinal. When the two weird looking female neighbors start doing creepy semi-sexual stuff to eachother.....that sent shivers down my spine
[Sep 30,2008 11:19pm - ellesarusrex ""]

[Sep 30,2008 11:33pm - Martins ""]
Me and my roommate have been wanting to watch August Underground but have been unable to find it anywhere.
[Sep 30,2008 11:54pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

ellesarusrex said:

descent for the win
[Oct 1,2008 12:11am - yummy ""]

LongDeadGod said:Event horizon always kind of creeped me out, no specific scene, just the whole movie.

I saw it at the theater trippin my balls off. So, yeah...I hear ya.
[Oct 1,2008 6:08am - duanegoldstein ""]
the scissor suicide scene in the dead zone, awesome.
[Oct 1,2008 8:42am - ouchdrummer ""]

yummy said:
LongDeadGod said:Event horizon always kind of creeped me out, no specific scene, just the whole movie.

I saw it at the theater trippin my balls off. So, yeah...I hear ya.

There's a part in that movie where one of the main characters gets frieked and starts to realize the ships alive, and he puts his head against the wall to support him, and as soon as his head touches the wall, there are some disturbing images. Much more so than the rest of the flic.
[Oct 1,2008 8:58am - darkwor  ""]
i remember event horizon pretty much taught me what a bad movie is, but i was 12 when it came out and all i remember was the dude from jurassic park trying to be scary. i'd probably like it more today, i'll make an effort to see it again.
[Oct 1,2008 9:07am - orgymf@work  ""]

Martins said:Me and my roommate have been wanting to watch August Underground but have been unable to find it anywhere.

do a web search for "Toetag Productions"
you can buy the trilogy directly from them
[Oct 1,2008 9:07am - orgymf@work  ""]

guy said:i might be off on this but ive seen irreversable i didnt think the rape scene was all that distrubing

dude, that chick was hot, and it was hard not to get a little turned on from that scene, but it was still disturbing
[Oct 1,2008 11:12am - goatcatalyst ""]
I've got Guinea Pig "Flower Of Flesh And Blood" on VHS somewhere. If you can get past the goofiness if the dismemberer in the samurai hat with the yellow teeth, it's pretty disturbing I guess.

Pretty sure that's the movie where they had to make a documentary showing how they did it cuz ace detective Charlie Sheen contacted the FBI telling them got his hands on an honest-to-goodness snuff movie.
[Oct 1,2008 11:12am - goatcatalyst ""]
I've got Guinea Pig "Flower Of Flesh And Blood" on VHS somewhere. If you can get past the goofiness if the dismemberer in the samurai hat with the yellow teeth, it's pretty disturbing I guess.

Pretty sure that's the movie where they had to make a documentary showing how they did it cuz ace detective Charlie Sheen contacted the FBI telling them he got his hands on an honest-to-goodness snuff movie.
[Oct 1,2008 11:16am - goatcatalyst ""]
So nice I posted twice
[Oct 1,2008 11:21am - joey umbrella  ""]
ORGY! I didn't realize you were into august underground.

sometime in november I am getting fred vogel to come to a theater I promote in lincoln RI to screen REDSIN TOWER, but I am making him do the AU TRILOGY. you better come down with a jillion friends. and I hope some of you guys from the board come down. he is gonna do a Q&A and stuff like that. maybe a metal band or two...
[Oct 1,2008 12:00pm - mike pile  ""]
The best Guinea Pig stuff are the comedy movies they made, He Never Dies and Devil Doctor Woman. totally bonkers!

[Oct 1,2008 12:00pm - mike pile  ""]
that carbuncle is a villainous gangster, from the hood?
[Oct 1,2008 1:10pm - orgymf@work  ""]

joey%20umbrella said:ORGY! I didn't realize you were into august underground.

sometime in november I am getting fred vogel to come to a theater I promote in lincoln RI to screen REDSIN TOWER, but I am making him do the AU TRILOGY. you better come down with a jillion friends. and I hope some of you guys from the board come down. he is gonna do a Q&A and stuff like that. maybe a metal band or two...

i fucking love august underground!
i've always wanted to meet vogel...he's gotta be a sick fuck!

Redsin Tower was fucking cool as hell.
send me and email/myspace message/whatever when this is confirmed!
i will definately be there!!
[Oct 1,2008 1:11pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i just hope it's not the 14'th or the 15'th
the 14'th is my next comedy show (which you should come to.... accu billiards in new bedford), and the day after, i'm seeing jim norton live in boston
[Oct 6,2008 12:34pm - dontlivefastjustdie  ""]
i watched sleepaway camp over the weekend for the first time in a while... forgot how creepy angela's face looks in the end.
[Nov 18,2008 10:55pm - thuringwethil ""]
I'm on a Bathory kick but still can't watch that Hostel 2 Bathory scene.

I know Weinerdog was being stupid by going off in the boat but no one deserves such a terrible fate, holy shit
[Nov 18,2008 10:57pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
[Nov 18,2008 11:00pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
its the face, the noise she makes and the creepy man penis combination that gets me. still creeps me out.
[Nov 19,2008 10:20am - orgymf@work  ""]
i watched that (sleepaway) on halloween with my girl (first time for her, first time in 3 years for me), and i gotta agree, angela at the end was very creepy.

i also forgot until that night that this movie was where Anal Blast got the intro for the song "Smells Like Fish, Tastes Like Chicken"

"look at all that young fresh chicken, back where i come from we call em baldies!"

so creepy
[Nov 19,2008 10:24am - Hooker in sweatpants  ""]
The part in the Vanishing when Kiefer Sutherland lights the lighter.
[Nov 19,2008 10:27am - arilliusbm ""]
can't believe you guys actually creeped out by movies.
[Nov 19,2008 10:31am - arilliusbm ""]
he who hath no courage or willpower is scared by art forms.
we must learn to embrace death, embrace misery; there is no reason to be scared!
[Nov 19,2008 10:33am - Josh_Martin ""]
When I was 8 that scene in Poltergeist with the clown doll freaked me out.
[Nov 19,2008 10:38am - orgymf@work  ""]

arilliusbm said:can't believe you guys actually creeped out by movies.

sorry to disappoint you

tomorrow night i will redeem my self with some corpsepaint and a goat sacrifice
[Nov 19,2008 10:39am - aaron_michael ""]

dontlivefastjustdie said:i watched sleepaway camp over the weekend for the first time in a while... forgot how creepy angela's face looks in the end.

I think I remember hearing that was just a mask put over the face of some naked dude. Notice how oddly sized Angela's head is in that scene!

I think the scenes that made me feel uneasy in these flicks were/are:
I Spit on Your Grave, right after she chops off the guys wiener in the bathtub, just the sound of panic and agony he makes always gets to me.
Pink Flamingos(not horror), the final scene with Divine and the dog...
Cannibal Collocaust, the scene where they take that rat looking thing and split it open is kind of rough.

As for other horror movies, I'm not really phased.
[Nov 19,2008 10:48am - arilliusbm ""]
no need to do that; just redeem yourself brewing me 3 gallons of beer for free?
[Nov 19,2008 7:30pm - Dankill  ""]

dontlivefastjustdie said:i watched sleepaway camp over the weekend for the first time in a while... forgot how creepy angela's face looks in the end.

I still use this movie to screw with people. Everyone always loves it, but end up going "WHAT THE FUCK?! OHHHHH MY GOD! WHAT!?" by the end.
[Nov 20,2008 12:38am - Dave_Maggot ""]
i will never embrace little girl face with giant man cock
[Nov 20,2008 12:46am - Samantha ""]
The scene in the new version of The Hills Have Eyes where the mutant guy rapes the girl in the RV... that scarred me for life.
[Nov 20,2008 8:51am - starmummy ""]
Zelda from Pet Sematary scared the fuck out of me as a kid. Don't know why.

The final scene in Pieces scared me too, as silly as it was.

And yes, Sleepaway Camp was one of my favorite movies. I watched it with a friend and he was freaking out big time.
[Nov 20,2008 9:37am - orgymf@work  ""]

Samantha said:The scene in the new version of The Hills Have Eyes where the mutant guy rapes the girl in the RV... that scarred me for life.

i fap to that scene
[Nov 20,2008 9:38am - orgymf@work  ""]

arilliusbm said:no need to do that; just redeem yourself brewing me 3 gallons of beer for free?

i don't know about a free full batch.
but you come to a-town for a brew session, i'll not only split the batch with ya, i'll teach you about brewing.
[Nov 20,2008 9:28pm - Dankill  ""]

orgymf@work said:
Samantha said:The scene in the new version of The Hills Have Eyes where the mutant guy rapes the girl in the RV... that scarred me for life.

i fap to that scene

Then you'd love "Galaxy of Terror" when a hot blonde gets her clothes melted off and then gets raped to death by a giant mutant slug.
[Nov 20,2008 9:36pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
this movie scared the shit out of me when I was 6. in the middle of the move my parents shut off the cable box and it went to snow and I almost shit myself.
[Nov 20,2008 9:41pm - hunterhunter ""]
probobly the torture scene in Imprint...
[Nov 20,2008 9:45pm - Phrozenspite ""]

Samantha said:The scene in the new version of The Hills Have Eyes where the mutant guy rapes the girl in the RV... that scarred me for life.
one of my friends had rape flashbacks when she saw that and freaked out.

On topic though I can't really think of anything that freaks me out anymore I'm extremely desensitized and lack empathy... but when I was younger I remember lets see.. the spider walking thing from The Exorcist quite vividly.

Umm thats about it I'm just one of those people that find the more brutal and sadistic elements extremely funny, and the outlandish stuff I often think is annoying.
[Nov 20,2008 10:04pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
by Phrozenspite at Nov 20,2008 9:45pm

Samantha said [orig]
The scene in the new version of The Hills Have Eyes where the mutant guy rapes the girl in the RV... that scarred me for life.

one of my friends had rape flashbacks when she saw that and freaked out.

On topic though I can't really think of anything that freaks me out anymore I'm extremely desensitized and lack empathy... but when I was younger I remember lets see.. the spider walking thing from The Exorcist quite vividly.

Umm thats about it I'm just one of those people that find the more brutal and sadistic elements extremely funny, and the outlandish stuff I often think is annoying.

i thought they just re-added the spider walking scene back to the movie in like 2000 something for 'the exorcist: the version you've never scene.'? damn you youngins!!

[Nov 21,2008 1:50am - STLUCI ""]
how about the movie "black sabbath " the last mini story with the old witch that had died during a seance. not gory but very creepy especially for the 1960's .
[Nov 21,2008 7:42am - Yeti ""]

theaccursedvokillist said:this movie scared the shit out of me when I was 6. in the middle of the move my parents shut off the cable box and it went to snow and I almost shit myself.

haha the best scene in that movie is when the mother is walking by the bedroom and everything is silent, and when she opens the door the room screams at her, that is so funny.
[Nov 21,2008 9:00am - orgymf@work  ""]

Dankill said:
orgymf@work said:
Samantha said:The scene in the new version of The Hills Have Eyes where the mutant guy rapes the girl in the RV... that scarred me for life.

i fap to that scene

Then you'd love "Galaxy of Terror" when a hot blonde gets her clothes melted off and then gets raped to death by a giant mutant slug.

wow, i need to see that
[Nov 21,2008 9:01am - orgymf@work  ""]

hunterhunter said:probobly the torture scene in Imprint...

i'll admit, it definately made me uncomfortable the first time i saw it.
Takashi Miike is GOD
[Nov 21,2008 9:32am - Steve of fetus  ""]
shut the fuck up all of you
[Nov 21,2008 10:37am - Yeti ""]
hey now, i am just shocked and appalled at your insolence.
[Nov 21,2008 10:44am - Aegathis ""]
I cried for all throught out the Fly 2 when they mutated the Golden retriever and decided to keep it alive for further studies.
[Nov 22,2008 12:37pm - thuringwethil ""]
I cried during that too, especially when Eric Stoltz had to put the pooch down.


I love doggies
[Nov 22,2008 6:40pm - Druizard nli  ""]
I remember when I was 7 or 8 and seeing this:[img]
Zelda from Pet Sematary.This bitch scared the shit out me. I was afraid that when I went to bed she'd be lying there.
[Nov 22,2008 11:13pm - hunterhunter ""]
no joke, I got really really freaked out from a haloween episode of The Facts of Life
I just remembered that...
[Nov 22,2008 11:32pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
when i was a kid, an episode of 'Benson' disturbed me. in the episode benson and friends were on a cruise, and one them walks out of a door way and has a knife in his back. i remember being freaked out, cuz i liked that show and i didnt want any of the characters to get hurt
[Nov 23,2008 11:19pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

hunterhunter said:no joke, I got really really freaked out from a haloween episode of The Facts of Life
I just remembered that...

why do i have a feeling i remember that.

all i remember is being 4 and seeing some skeleton in a closet on some sitcom and that's all i remember, a vivid memory.
[Jun 18,2010 7:08am - thuringwethil ""]
shit. Hostel 2 uncut is free on demand right now.

Bathory scene :o(
[Jun 18,2010 8:45am - ernie ""]
irreversible is the only movie that ever really bothered me. glad im not the only one!
[Jun 18,2010 8:47am - ernie ""]
also, this almost turned me into a vegetarian untill it sunk in that nobody is eating this shit afterwrds..
[Jun 18,2010 8:59am - punk potenza  ""]
[QUOTE=1.August Underground : Mordum (when they make the dude cut his own dick off while they rape his girlfriend)

august under ground is fuckin awsome the ALL of those movies freak me out. that part is pretty fucked and i forget which one its in when he is eating the maggost outta the cleaved in half baby head....classic

also the part in day of the dead when steele and rhodes shove McDirmit into the zombie corrall. i usr to get night mares when i was a kid bout that scene.
[Jun 18,2010 9:11am - BlackoutRick ""]
The Shining. When the kid sees the twins flashing to them chopped up.
[Jun 18,2010 9:48am - the_reverend ""]

ernie said:also, this almost turned me into a vegetarian untill it sunk in that nobody is eating this shit afterwrds..

[Jun 18,2010 9:53am - Lich_King ""]
The Shining - quick zoom on the costumed blowjob
Blair Witch - the last scene. Sorry. It fucked me up, and bad.
The Descent - spelunker is stuck in a thin passage
Pet Sematary II - the dog comes back
Return of the Living Dead - The Tar Man
[Jun 18,2010 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
the raft part of creepshow 2 where the guy pulls the girl up and her face is getting eaten.
[Jun 18,2010 10:38am - Yeti ""]
Dead Alive where Lionel is feeding Nurse McTavish by shoving the food down her neck hole, and they show her face making the swallowing motion. i can watch it, but it's so gross.
[Jun 18,2010 11:03am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
When I was 6 or 7 I had the flu real bad, and I used to hallucinate with the fever back then, so I wake up in the living room (closer to the toilet when I puke) and my mom's watching the fucking Exorcist. I woke up right in the middle of the head-spinning etc. Nightmares for months.

When I first started watching the real gory shit, around 16, I couldn't get past the gut-puking scene in City of the Living Dead.

The only thing that's freaked me out recently wasn't even a horror movie, it was just a documentary about a Canadian family. Basically the mother (while pregnant) killed the father, got prison time, got out, got custody of her kid back, then drowned herself and the kid while the doc was being made, and everyone being interviewed just breaks down... couldn't watch it.
[Jun 18,2010 1:41pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
shit that used to freak me out when i was a kid:

The Shining: naked old lady scene
Pet Cemetary: Zelda the older sister with spinal meningitis
Halloween: the scene where michael lets all the crazy people out so he can escape from the mental institution
Poltergeist: the scene where the munchkin is explaining to the family exactly who has their daughter
Salem's Lot: when the mother comes back to 'life' in the morgue
The Thing: The defibrillator scene
Amityville Horror: "FIND A WELL....ITSSSSSSSSS THE PASSAGE...TO HELL.........COVER IIIIIIIIIIIIIITTT!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (by the way the book is way creepier, same with the exorcist)

And last but not least:
Peewee Herman's Big Adventure: Large Marge. That bitch scared the fuck out of me when I was a kid.
[Jun 18,2010 1:44pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
also in the exorcist when the mom is in the attic
[Jun 18,2010 2:56pm - dertoxia ""]
The opening scene in the first Scream movie. Drew Barymore dies so it's double points. But i watched that for the first time when i was about 13 or so. I was alone at home, with all the lights out in the dead of night with one candle going and it was drizzling a little outside. It freaked the fuck out of me. To the point where i had to stop it when the opening credits started and go make sure all the doors were locked and shit. haha.
[Jun 18,2010 3:01pm - the_reverend ""]

sir%20coughsalot said:
Amityville Horror: "FIND A WELL....ITSSSSSSSSS THE PASSAGE...TO HELL.........COVER IIIIIIIIIIIIIITTT!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (by the way the book is way creepier, same with the exorcist)

My mom dated George Lutz in high school or college. One day when I was around 11 or 12, he came to our house and knocked on the door. Only me and my brother were home. He then went and sat in his car in the drive way for over and hour so we stayed on the ground peaking out the windows. super creepy. he knocked again and left some old hippie crap for my mom on the door.
[Jun 18,2010 3:07pm - goatcatalyst ""]

Kadoog-a-go-go said:
The only thing that's freaked me out recently wasn't even a horror movie, it was just a documentary about a Canadian family. Basically the mother (while pregnant) killed the father, got prison time, got out, got custody of her kid back, then drowned herself and the kid while the doc was being made, and everyone being interviewed just breaks down... couldn't watch it.

Name please?
[Jun 18,2010 3:20pm - Yeti ""]

sir%20coughsalot said:Peewee Herman's Big Adventure: Large Marge. That bitch scared the fuck out of me when I was a kid.

hahahaha that used to scare the shit out of me too. same with the opening scene in Ghostbusters, i think i saw that when i was 5 when it came out on VHS.
[Jun 18,2010 3:25pm - blessed offal  ""]
the scene in the shiningh where hes talking to lloyd in the bathroom is one of the most legitimately creepy things ever put to film.
[Jun 18,2010 3:32pm - Yeti ""]
a nigger.


a nigger cook.
[Jun 18,2010 3:47pm - Lamp ""]

Yeti said:
sir%20coughsalot said:Peewee Herman's Big Adventure: Large Marge. That bitch scared the fuck out of me when I was a kid.

hahahaha that used to scare the shit out of me too. same with the opening scene in Ghostbusters, i think i saw that when i was 5 when it came out on VHS.

The first time I saw the Large Marge thing as a kid it made me jump but every time after that I just laughed extremely hard.

I am kind of a pussy when it comes to horror, I mean fucking Signs freaked me out when I was 13 or so.
[Jun 18,2010 3:53pm - blessed offal  ""]
when i was a baby i was TERRIFIED of that purple creature from chuck e cheeses
[Jun 18,2010 3:53pm - d  ""]
[Jun 18,2010 5:08pm - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]

goatcatalyst said:

Name please?

Not sure at all, I came in in the middle of it. I'm trying to search shit like "canadian documentary mom kills baby" but I got nothing yet. I'll let you know though.
[Jun 18,2010 5:16pm - Lich_King ""]
Oh... the fieries from Labyrinth. The red things that take their heads off. TERRIFIED me. I still can't watch it without feeling really uncomfortable, because if there's a hell, those things are there.
[Jun 18,2010 5:23pm - thirdknuckle ""]
'The Davis Baby' in the original 'It's Alive!'

I was 11, wouldn't go get the laundry from the basement for my mom anymore after seeing that...
[Jun 18,2010 5:50pm - sir coughsalot  ""]

Lich_King said:Oh... the fieries from Labyrinth. The red things that take their heads off. TERRIFIED me. I still can't watch it without feeling really uncomfortable, because if there's a hell, those things are there.

check it out theres one of those things in the upper left corner
[Jun 18,2010 5:54pm - Lich_King ""]
Yeah, shit, I never realized that old-school illustrations of devils- which ALSO always terrified me- had a similar look. Fucking things.
[Jun 18,2010 5:58pm - aaron_michael ""]

Lich_King said:Oh... the fieries from Labyrinth. The red things that take their heads off. TERRIFIED me. I still can't watch it without feeling really uncomfortable, because if there's a hell, those things are there.

Just remembered, this scene freaked me out when I was a wee tyke.


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