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shroud of bereavement logo

[Feb 17,2004 3:47am - dyingmuse ""]
yayeee!!!! after a year of waiting the its done. thorn n vine made it. it looks pretty fucking sweet too. i got a rough copy of the album cover and the logo today. if i knew how to id put the cover up too but im no good at computers. i think i have to scan it then add it to my webpage and then link it. my girl may be able to do it. anyhow here (i think) is a link to the logo. tell me what you all think!
[Feb 17,2004 5:21am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Feb 17,2004 6:12am - dyingmuse ""]
thanks man! how the fuck did you do that. hows the band? you guys get the guitar thing situated?
[Feb 17,2004 10:20am - the_reverend ""]
how to insert a picture
[Feb 17,2004 4:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Feb 17,2004 4:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
yayeeee i did it! thanks rev. you are sooo sexy!!!!
[Feb 17,2004 4:17pm - succubus ""]
that looks fecking awesome...
[Feb 17,2004 4:34pm - dyingmuse ""]
dan is a great artist. you should see his other stuff. i was blown awy
the logo looks better in red especially on the painting
[Feb 17,2004 11:19pm - thornnvine ""]
thanks dan and careena. I sat on that sketch for a year before I decided to finish it. Not too bad. Still needs some work, but I'm a fucking perfectionist. now for long sleeves, posters, buttons and oh, actually i can't wait to see the logo stretched over some tits!
that'll be another year.
[Feb 17,2004 11:48pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
if i had the raw logo in itsoriginal form without being resized on the comp or anything... i could do a lot of shit with it. ;)
[Feb 18,2004 6:05am - dyingmuse ""]
sweetness. ill see what i can do about obtaining it from the artist. that would be interesting to see
[Feb 18,2004 9:23am - kellthevalkyrie ""]

yes, dan the drummer, we need that on some tits, ASAP.

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