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Local Radio Talkshow Host Beaten into a Coma With Baseball Bats

[Sep 19,2008 5:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Sucks to be this dude.


[Sep 20,2008 8:37am - KillerKadoogan ""]
I was waiting for something to happen in that video but it looks like they're just trying to break a lock off the door.
[Sep 20,2008 9:36am - thuringwethil ""]
whatever happened to the finger pointing from inside the jacket pocket as a robbery technique?

it sounds like they cut out part of the video b/c it was so nasty
[Sep 20,2008 9:51am - Nobody_Cares ""]
Except they weren't breaking a lock. They were hitting him in the face with a bat 8 times. Saw this on the news, people are faggots. I'm sure the dude was a peaceful person.
[Sep 20,2008 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
yeah... fuck that.
[Sep 20,2008 1:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Here I was hoping some of the best and brightest got a little mad at rat face.
[Sep 21,2008 9:16am - KillerKadoogan ""]

Nobody_Cares said:Except they weren't breaking a lock. They were hitting him in the face with a bat 8 times. Saw this on the news, people are faggots. I'm sure the dude was a peaceful person.

Oh hey thanks, I didn't pick up on that from the thread title. Or the article. Good lookin out, dude.

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