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Pantera Tribute

[Sep 18,2008 5:21pm - ouchdrummer ""]
So.... i am involved with four bands right now (actual working projects.), as every good drummer should be. But alas, I NEED to do this. I love Pantera, as i am sure that most of you do to. I don't have anyone yet, although i was told about a guitar player who would do it with me and knows all the songs/solos.

I know there's gotta be some peeps on here that want in to this. It's gonna be a low fun to work ratio, i am real professional, and i take my shit seriously. If the other people can agree on a setlist, and learn it on there own, i think we could definately just practice once or twice a month, and play shows. I can't stress enough that even if your busy as fuck like me, this project will NOT take up too much of your time.

This is gonna rule. Who's with me?
[Sep 18,2008 5:30pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Can I hire a Nathan Gale tribute to attend your shows?
[Sep 18,2008 5:34pm - ouchdrummer ""]
oh so clever.
[Sep 18,2008 5:34pm - ouchdrummer ""]
..and as long as he pays. Yes.
[Sep 18,2008 5:37pm - The inner thoughts of John Dwyer  ""]
Oh, another Pantera thread? Might as well go voice my opinion in a pathetic way about how they suck!
[Sep 18,2008 5:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
do a Down tribute instead. theres enough Pantera tributes already.
[Sep 18,2008 5:45pm - ouchdrummer ""]
oh, some more pointless criticism to no end?

How much i value your input. Matter o fact-o, this whole idea is now defunct. Metal guru J. Dwyer didn't like them, so no tribute is required.
[Sep 18,2008 5:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:do a Down tribute instead. theres enough Pantera tributes already.
[Sep 18,2008 5:46pm - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:do a Down tribute instead. theres enough Pantera tributes already.

I agree that there are a lot of them, i've seen a couple. Tell you the truth i don't think they did a good job. Same reason i started the Tool tribute band.

**que Dwyer ripping on Tool in 3**
[Sep 18,2008 5:46pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Sep 18,2008 5:46pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Sep 18,2008 5:47pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Sep 18,2008 5:47pm - RustyPS@school  ""]
not gonna lie, I'd be interested if I weren't so damn busy as it is

I don't think my vocals would fit anyways, but I'm a huge Pantera fan
[Sep 18,2008 5:50pm - ouchdrummer ""]
and i do agree that there are plenty of Pantera tributes. But there aren't any that really nail the sound. (to the best of my knowledge that is.)
[Sep 18,2008 5:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
FYI - the majority of the posters on this site despise Pantera. I love that band however ... so best of luck. I would also support a Pantera hair metal cover band. POWER METAL RULEZ.
[Sep 18,2008 5:55pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Pantera was sick. I didn't care for Reinventing the Steel though
[Sep 18,2008 5:57pm - ouchdrummer ""]
FYI- I am aware that if its not ova-the-top brutal (which i am into as well) most of the posters on here dont like it. I, dont care. I like the conversations i have with people on here, and reading their opinions, but how they feel about something i am doing... doesnt really phase me at all. I get that your telling me i might not find people for the project on here, but i might.
[Sep 18,2008 5:58pm - ouchdrummer ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Pantera was sick. I didn't care for Reinventing the Steel though

I agree 110% (is that possible) i would almost say not to do anything off that album. I dont think it would make fans mad if i didnt.
[Sep 18,2008 6:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya i just hate to see this turn into another Pantera bashing thread like 15 before it. seriously though good luck with the project, i'd wanna be involved if i wasnt so busy myself. would be cool to jam some Rex bass.
[Sep 18,2008 6:17pm - ouchdrummer ""]
well if you decide that you can dedicate one night a month to it, we can make it happen. Otherwise, you KNOW that i will keep you informed.
[Sep 18,2008 6:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 18,2008 9:48pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Can I hire a Nathan Gale tribute to attend your shows?

why don't you hire a hair tribute to attend your head
[Sep 19,2008 7:27am - Yeti ""]
Pantera rules all. always have, always will.
[Sep 19,2008 8:01am - thuringwethil ""]
[Sep 19,2008 8:09am - KillerKadoogan ""]
WHAT IS WRONG WITH REINVENTING THE STEEL? I still don't understand people's distaste for it.
[Sep 19,2008 8:10am - KillerKadoogan ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:
AUTOPSY_666 said:Can I hire a Nathan Gale tribute to attend your shows?

why don't you hire a hair tribute to attend your head

HAHAHAHAHAA OH MAN that's better than anything I ever came up with, god dammit. I've been making fun of Dwyer for years and this kid just comes along and steals my thunder...
[Sep 19,2008 8:12am - ouchdrummer ""]

KillerKadoogan said:WHAT IS WRONG WITH REINVENTING THE STEEL? I still don't understand people's distaste for it.

well, i have no answer for ya. Its not that i think its bad, there is nothing wrong with it. I simply dont like it as much as the others. Although i bet if i werent so stubborn and gave it a more serious chance, ya know, another dozen or so listens, than i would probably like it more.
[Sep 19,2008 8:15am - Mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Reinventing the Steel is a weak album in my opinion. It lacks the raw intensity of GSTK and those classics riffs found on VDoP and FBD.
[Sep 19,2008 8:31am - ouchdrummer ""]
well thats kinda how i felt too mike, but i feel like i probably didnt give it as good a chance as i could have. Being an old school fan, its always kinda tough getting into new stuff if its any sort of departure from their norm.
[Sep 19,2008 8:46am - oscarct ""]
I dont mind reinventing...
[Sep 19,2008 8:54am - orgymf@work  ""]
hah, Jim my brother, it's situations like this that makes me wish we weren't both drummers.

[Sep 19,2008 9:09am - Mikeofdecrepitude ""]
I wanted to like RtS. You could tell it was Pantera, but it felt like a band running out of steam + good ideas.
[Sep 19,2008 10:09am - orgymf@work  ""]

Mikeofdecrepitude said:I wanted to like RtS. You could tell it was Pantera, but it felt like a band running out of steam + good ideas.

i hate to agree with this....but i do.

i really hate thinking of it that way, but when i first heard the album, all i could think was "this is a sign of the end of pantera"
[Sep 19,2008 10:40am - Yeti ""]
yeah RtS does leave something to be desired, but there is some badass shit on there. It Makes Them Disappear is a killer song.
[Sep 19,2008 10:47am - moran ""]
Where do you practice? I haven't done too much vocals lately, but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot.

As for Reinventing, sucha disappointing effort. Thats what happens when a bunch of drunks decide to self produce an album at their house(ie Down II). Also, at one point in the album, Phil screams "The smell in the air is chicken shit". I don't even know what that means.
[Sep 19,2008 10:50am - ouchdrummer ""]

moran said:Where do you practice? I haven't done too much vocals lately, but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot.

As for Reinventing, sucha disappointing effort. Thats what happens when a bunch of drunks decide to self produce an album at their house(ie Down II). Also, at one point in the album, Phil screams "The smell in the air is chicken shit". I don't even know what that means.

We will be practicing at my place, which is the south boston sound museum. Its real easy to go to (red line Broadway stop) and a nice room to play in.
[Sep 19,2008 10:51am - Yeti ""]
Down II is so good. i mean its no NOLA, but its a damn fine piece of work. haha Phil screams all kinds of incoherent shit. it took me forever to figure out that he says "HEADBUTT SOME BROKEN GLASS", and at the end of 5 Minutes Alone when its a bunch of layers of him screaming, there is one thing he says that i still can't decipher.
[Sep 19,2008 11:08am - alexc ""]
I'm in on this. I can do vocals. Reinventing the Steel was a good album. Stop hating.
[Sep 19,2008 11:11am - moran ""]
At least you don't understand that. The chicken shit thing is just embarassingly bad. I like Down II, but sometimes I think it would have been much better with an outside opinion on a few things. I find III to be much better.

Ouch, I also have a possible guitarist and bassist if you haven't found anyone yet.
[Sep 19,2008 11:16am - Mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Even Projects in the Jungle is probably a better album than Reinventing

I can't get into the other Down albums except the debut. Nola is devastating.
[Sep 19,2008 11:30am - Mikeofdecrepitude ""]

[Sep 19,2008 11:31am - alexc ""]
vinnie paul looks like a gay caveman hahaha.
[Sep 19,2008 11:50am - ouchdrummer ""]

alexc said:vinnie paul looks like a gay caveman hahaha.

I fell outta my seat when i read this. My office mate was like "WYF!?"

Anyways, no, i don't have any definate people at all besides me. I would LOVE for any of you to be part. Please if you think you can do it send me an email.
The same goes for anyone you know that might be into it. Give them my email.
Anyone that is in, i will send them the set list we will start with. As a tribute band we should be able to play all their songs, but we will start with a 10 song lineup, after we all practice once or twice and confirm everyone is good on the songs, we will add another ten... until we know them all. And then possibly even learn DOWN songs and call ourselves a Pantera/down tribute.
Either way, i would love to get this started, so anyone with any interest what so ever shoot me an email, its not a commitment, more of a "let me see the setlist, and i will get back to you."
[Sep 19,2008 12:36pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
80's glam PANTERA is the only stuff I have.

The toughguy, meathead stuff they started doing in 1990 is stupid.
[Sep 19,2008 12:40pm - the_reverend ""]
dwyer didn't shit on this thread?
[Sep 19,2008 12:43pm - mcmahon ""]

FuckIsMySignature said: seriously though good luck with the project, i'd wanna be involved if i wasnt so busy myself. would be cool to jam some Rex bass.

you should do it; with jeff moving into his new place, NSN'll be on vacation for a while.
[Sep 19,2008 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
i'd love to do vocals but DAMN IT, no fucking car. Sac used to do the end of This Love live, and we did Domination one time.
[Sep 19,2008 1:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]

the_reverend said:dwyer didn't shit on this thread?

oh he did.
[Sep 19,2008 1:03pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Down for the vox.
[Sep 19,2008 1:08pm - ouchdrummer ""]

BlackoutRick said:Down for the vox.

Send me an email then, and i will send you songs to learn.
[Sep 19,2008 1:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Yeti said:Down II is so good. i mean its no NOLA, but its a damn fine piece of work. haha Phil screams all kinds of incoherent shit. it took me forever to figure out that he says "HEADBUTT SOME BROKEN GLASS", and at the end of 5 Minutes Alone when its a bunch of layers of him screaming, there is one thing he says that i still can't decipher.


alexc said:vinnie paul looks like a gay caveman hahaha.

Epic MegaLOL
[Sep 19,2008 1:24pm - timma ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:FYI - the majority of the posters on this site despise Pantera. I love that band however ... so best of luck. I would also support a Pantera hair metal cover band. POWER METAL RULEZ.

Ride My Rocket = Best Pantera Song Ever
[Sep 19,2008 2:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 19,2008 2:51pm - Josh_Martin ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:80's glam PANTERA is the only stuff I have.

The toughguy, meathead stuff they started doing in 1990 is stupid.

Agree 100%
[Sep 19,2008 3:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha I'mBroken came on the metal channel right as i opened this thread. anyways i threw on a cd of the Pantera concert from 88 the other day and none of the people i was with could figure out who the band was... it was hilarous considering the majority of them were huge fans of the band. that old school hair metal shit is such great party music.
[Sep 19,2008 3:07pm - yummy ""]
Do you like CFH Dwyer?
[Sep 19,2008 3:46pm - ouchdrummer ""]
random cool fact:
In the PanteraIII video at the worchester show, when he says "Hello pot smokers of worchester" i am right in the front row.
[Sep 19,2008 4:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha nice
[Sep 19,2008 8:25pm - DEATH FIEND sli sli sli  ""]
hey ouch, funny story, my band PanzerBastard wanted to do Pantera covers this year, i wasnt into it, not cuz i dont like pantera, but mainly cuz i thought KISScharge would be a way better idea. in any case, i am the drummer of said band, so if they still want to do it you could always take my place...
[Sep 19,2008 10:27pm - larry david  ""]
dimebag was fucking awesome. eat shit
[Sep 22,2008 4:05pm - anonymous  ""]
I'm not sure if you're looking to play live or not with your Pantera Trib idea....

With that said....

As a drummer, and a huge Pantera fan, I just don't know what kind of reaction you'de get from the New England area.

I'm Matt, and I was in the Pantera tribute "Trendkill"...

The guitarist 'Adam' and myself left the band about a year ago. They are still playing, and quite frankly they fucking suck now. There's no heart, soul, no power.. They're not even Pantera fans. They're just doing it because there's still money left to be made.... BUT !

Cover bands in the northeast are all about politics. Clubs around here really won't book another Panter tribute, even if you blew them out of the water. Trendkill now-a-days is pretty much a rip-off of a cover band. But the clubs and promoters still love them because they can draw.
[Sep 22,2008 4:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]

anonymous said:I'm not sure if you're looking to play live or not with your Pantera Trib idea....

With that said....

As a drummer, and a huge Pantera fan, I just don't know what kind of reaction you'de get from the New England area.

I'm Matt, and I was in the Pantera tribute "Trendkill"...

The guitarist 'Adam' and myself left the band about a year ago. They are still playing, and quite frankly they fucking suck now. There's no heart, soul, no power.. They're not even Pantera fans. They're just doing it because there's still money left to be made.... BUT !

Cover bands in the northeast are all about politics. Clubs around here really won't book another Panter tribute, even if you blew them out of the water. Trendkill now-a-days is pretty much a rip-off of a cover band. But the clubs and promoters still love them because they can draw.

while i totally see what your saying, i just love pantera so much that i really wanna play there stuff. It's that simple... and yes if there was an entire band that wanted in PLEASE give em my email.
[Sep 22,2008 5:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

yummy said:Do you like CFH Dwyer?

No, complete garbage.

[Sep 23,2008 6:59pm - yummy ""]
ur complete garbage. err...You're. sorry.
[Sep 23,2008 7:02pm - dreadkill ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:
AUTOPSY_666 said:Can I hire a Nathan Gale tribute to attend your shows?

why don't you hire a hair tribute to attend your head

fucking hilarious. i love dftg.
[Sep 23,2008 10:10pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
Well, I'm probably quitting my job soon...or chopping my hours a good bit. I MAY actually have enough time to do something band related for once. Who knows.
[Sep 23,2008 10:47pm - patmeebles ""]
I would be down if this was only for pre-cowboys from hell. I've already got PST and Power Metal down on guitar
[Sep 24,2008 12:01am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I got the Projects In The Jungle CD at MDF from Dave's Metal, total early DEF LEPPARD worship.
[Sep 24,2008 8:22am - ouchdrummer ""]

patmeebles said:I would be down if this was only for pre-cowboys from hell. I've already got PST and Power Metal down on guitar

unfortunately that won't be the case.
[Sep 24,2008 2:28pm - MadOakDevin ""]
i didn't take the time to read any of this, but my opinion is, "well, that's gay"

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