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[Sep 15,2008 5:14am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Sep 15,2008 7:11am - GodlessRob ""]
GNR? I didn't know you rolled that way...
[Sep 15,2008 7:12am - Mess ""]
mr. brownstone
that dude won't leave me alone?
[Sep 15,2008 7:19am - Dankill  ""]
[Sep 15,2008 7:25am - SkinSandwich ""]
your rocket queeeeeen bitches!!!
[Sep 15,2008 7:38am - GodlessRob ""]
Your daddy works in porno
Now that mommy's not around
She used to love her heroine
But now she's underground
[Sep 15,2008 12:03pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
so you stay up late at night and you do your coke for free...
[Sep 15,2008 12:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 15,2008 1:58pm - goatcatalyst ""]
take that one to heart!
[Sep 15,2008 2:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]


i've probably watched this fucking ritz show 100,000 times
[Sep 17,2008 10:31pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Sick brau
[Sep 17,2008 10:33pm - RichHorror ""]
MSD likes listening to Life Of Agony for 8 hours straight also.
[Sep 18,2008 7:43am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Just 8 hours? But I played you all their kvlt early 90's hardcore demo hits.
[Sep 18,2008 8:13am - KillerKadoogan ""]
None of my friends believe me when I tell em how great Appetite for Destruction is. Same with Van Halen s/t.
[Sep 18,2008 9:45am - SkinSandwich ""]
GNR' was the shit. Saw them live in 88 or 89, and another time in the really early ninties. Good times. Funny back then seeing Axl throw a hissy fit on stage at the crowd and walk off.
[Sep 18,2008 10:22am - Mess ""]
appetite's the only album from g'n'r i like. axle sounds and looks like a whiney rat.
[Sep 18,2008 4:06pm - pam @ school  ""]

RichHorror said:MSD likes listening to Life Of Agony for 8 hours straight also.

Who doesn't??
[Sep 18,2008 4:07pm - pam @ school  ""]
Oh right...everyone except me...and apparently MSD.
[Sep 18,2008 5:32pm - ouchdrummer ""]

pam%20@%20school said:Oh right...everyone except me...and apparently MSD.

well i personally loved river runs red. Still a great album. Matter of fact, i've bought that damn album like five times. People keep stealin it from me. When "ugly" came out i was so upset. Not even half as good. But RRR is about as good as NYhardcore ever got. His voice was great.

Got the razor at my wrist
cause i can't resist
got the fever burning fist
that does as i wish
but when i get downtown
and see whats around
i just know theres gotta be a better
place to be found
HEEEEEEEEEl god help me

***I am still not sure what he says there, but i always thought it was Heel. Like "Heel dog, Heel! Sit! Good dog." ***
[Sep 18,2008 5:45pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Pam, i'm sending you the entire LoA discography. there's simply shit you need to hear.
[Sep 18,2008 5:49pm - ouchdrummer ""]
MSD, did you ever see em when Ex-ugly kid Joe singer filled in? He was actually kinda good. He did "stain" just like the album. Not easy.
[Sep 18,2008 6:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
No, I wish I did because Keith Caputo can't sing for shit now.
[Sep 18,2008 6:15pm - ouchdrummer ""]
2nd that.
[Sep 18,2008 8:10pm - grizloch ""]
[Sep 18,2008 4:06pm - pam @ school ]

RichHorror said:MSD likes listening to Life Of Agony for 8 hours straight also.

Who doesn't??"

caputo can definitely eat a dick nowadays
[Sep 18,2008 11:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
LoA covering S.O.D. was the most embarrassing shit EVER.

"Guys, we're on the S.O.D. tribute album - AND WE GET TO DO MARCH OF THE S.O.D.!!! How do we do it justice?"

"Well, they were known for revolutionizing music by melding metal and hardcore with ultra-fast blast beats - let's DO THE WHOLE SONG SLOW AND NEVER GET FAST."

"Yeah, but I also want to put our own spin on it - how do we keep it true to the original but still make it something Life of Agony fans will appreciate?"

"I've got it - we're known for our unique and powerful vocalist - LET'S HAVE THE GUITAR PLAYER SING!!!"


*lines up for execution so as to save bullets*
[Sep 19,2008 12:14am - pam ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Pam, i'm sending you the entire LoA discography. there's simply shit you need to hear.

Yes. Do that. I only have RRR and Ugly and the "weeds" single.

And ugly was awesome, I don't even care.
[Sep 19,2008 12:16am - pam ""]

ouchdrummer said:MSD, did you ever see em when Ex-ugly kid Joe singer filled in? He was actually kinda good. He did "stain" just like the album. Not easy.

I did, it was pretty cool. Almost made up for the LoA show I had to miss when I was like 16 because my MOTHER wouldn't let me go because I'd seen Faith No More that same week already.

Never forgive her for that.
[Sep 19,2008 9:23am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

pam said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Pam, i'm sending you the entire LoA discography. there's simply shit you need to hear.

Yes. Do that. I only have RRR and Ugly and the "weeds" single.

And ugly was awesome, I don't even care.

Ugly is amazing. Took me awhile to get into it. One of my favorite CDs of all time now.

But some of their other misc CDs have extra tracks from RRR and Ugly and shit. Shit that didn't make the CDs. Plus some of their live shit has bonus tracks of other crap. The Unplugged at the Lowlands Festival CD an entire RRR era live set after it. It's awesome. Plus Keith is completely drunk and keeps handing the mic to hilarious people who think they can sing like him.

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