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New songs to learn on bass

[Aug 27,2008 6:18pm - timma ""]
So I've decided to stop dicking around and actually learning to play some metal bass (being prodded by pete/blue certainly helped). Not new to bass, just haven't played much metal on it in the past except old metallica riffs when I was a youngin. I'm open to just about anything, but enjoy that heavy, groovey, wigger slam shit we've all come to know and love (or hate). Lookin for some new songs to learn other than what I'm workin with now.

Any suggestions?
[Aug 27,2008 6:20pm - hyper_sludge ""]
Learn Atheist's first two albums. Or not. I got nothing.
[Aug 27,2008 6:23pm - xanonymousx at work  ""]
learn some sabbath.
[Aug 27,2008 6:24pm - hyper_sludge ""]
jungle rot.
[Aug 27,2008 6:24pm - Phrozenspite ""]
learn Steve DiGiorgio's stuff I love his style of playing so much
[Aug 27,2008 6:24pm - dreadkill ""]
got the time by anthrax
[Aug 27,2008 6:34pm - timma ""]

xanonymousx%20at%20work said:learn some sabbath.

I started playing some sabbath a few months ago...good fundamentals and obviously awesome songs. A little tooooooo fundamental at times though.
[Aug 27,2008 6:43pm - immortal13 ""]
I just learned the bass intro to "Phobophile" by Cryptopsy, and it's pretty fun to play. Try that one out.
[Aug 27,2008 6:46pm - Seth  ""]
Check out some bass licks from mike of the old thrash band Abomination! Continuous bass flow.... sick, just like Dan Likler on Nuclear assault and SOD etc..
[Aug 27,2008 7:02pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
Learn Composted songs.
[Aug 27,2008 7:04pm - timma ""]

markfuckingrichards said:Learn Composted songs.

I tried to...but I'm too busy fondling myself whilst listening to concentrate on how to play them.

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