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President Obama and VP Biden

[Aug 23,2008 1:02am - the_reverend ""]
weird ring to it
[Aug 23,2008 1:09am - Conservationist ""]
Plenty of fail for the whole family!
[Aug 23,2008 1:14am - ScumFuck ""]
i think this country is seriously screwed. The good news is that after the next election no matter who wins i have the strange feeling that this country will just continue on the downward spiral.
[Aug 23,2008 8:46am - christopher  ""]
oh please

it would probably be better the other way around. but i think this is a good team

I'm voting for them
[Aug 23,2008 10:02am - Mess ""]
fucked now... fucked forever
[Aug 23,2008 10:23am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i thought for SURE Obama was gonna pick the man in the yellow hat, ya know, since he looks like Curious George
[Aug 23,2008 11:19am - the_reverend ""]
haha, funny racist
[Aug 23,2008 1:03pm - Hoser ""]
I agree, he's a monkey. And Biden is a fucking dolt. HELLLOOOOOOO gun control!!! Gooooodbye rights!!!

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." --Adolf Hitler

I just can't vote for anyone with a middle name like "Hussein"....or a democrat.
[Aug 23,2008 1:26pm - Murph nli  ""]

Hoser said:I agree, he's a monkey. And Biden is a fucking dolt. HELLLOOOOOOO gun control!!! Gooooodbye rights!!!

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." --Adolf Hitler

I just can't vote for anyone with a middle name like "Hussein"....or a democrat.

Dude, I fuckin' love beer, but seriously I raise my beer every time I notice a Hoser post in a political thread waiting to clink glasses and resound a 'Fuck Yeah, MMMERICA' but what the fuck.

You're bringing me down man. Less unfocused national socialism and guised black put-downs and more eagles. Fuck.
[Aug 23,2008 1:28pm - Murph nli  ""]
I meant national socialism quotes. Merica.
[Aug 23,2008 1:30pm - brian_dc ""]

omg don't vote for blacks with funny names

must pretend to be more ignorant than I really am!!!!
[Aug 23,2008 1:30pm - Murph nli  ""]

Jesus, come and move my jaw, I don't wanna waste those precious calories chewin'.
[Aug 23,2008 1:31pm - Murph nli  ""]
[Aug 23,2008 1:31pm - brian_dc ""]
I don't wanna waste those precious calories CHEWIN!
[Aug 23,2008 1:34pm - brian_dc ""]
Murph, when you get back to 'merica you're going to be able to just taste the freedom.

I'm so sorry you're stuck in the land of oppression right now.

Lousy welfare ridden Sweden! God, if you ever needed more proof that socialist influenced leadership would lead to a failing economy and financial disaster it's that piece of shit country.

Oh and all the women are fucking ugly.
[Aug 23,2008 1:49pm - Pires ""]
and hurry up so we can bringeth teh slamz.
[Aug 23,2008 1:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

brian_dc said:Murph, when you get back to 'merica you're going to be able to just taste the freedom.

I'm so sorry you're stuck in the land of oppression right now.

Lousy welfare ridden Sweden! God, if you ever needed more proof that socialist influenced leadership would lead to a failing economy and financial disaster it's that piece of shit country.

Oh and all the women are fucking ugly.

[Aug 23,2008 2:15pm - Murph nli  ""]

Pires said:and hurry up so we can bringeth teh slamz.

I hid my drumsticks in your asshole the night before I left, and the fact that I can spend my time reclaiming them is a motivating factor for me leaving the heaven that is Sweden.

I saw a tshirt today on a guy that said 'Is it GAY in here, or is it just ME?' and he was wheeling a baby around in a carriage, with a beautiful blonde wife.

This country is perfect for me.

I even found Budweiser, and oh yeah, I made sure HNMMMMYEAH and Fuckin' Merica and EAGLE OF TRUTH are nnow staples of the Swedish language. Take that, Parlimentet.
[Aug 23,2008 2:30pm - zyklon ""]

Murph%20nli said:
Hoser said:I agree, he's a monkey. And Biden is a fucking dolt. HELLLOOOOOOO gun control!!! Gooooodbye rights!!!

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." --Adolf Hitler

I just can't vote for anyone with a middle name like "Hussein"....or a democrat.

Dude, I fuckin' love beer, but seriously I raise my beer every time I notice a Hoser post in a political thread waiting to clink glasses and resound a 'Fuck Yeah, MMMERICA' but what the fuck.

You're bringing me down man. Less unfocused national socialism and guised black put-downs and more eagles. Fuck.

Hoser is a red-neck living among educated folks. you're not living at the farm anymore Hoser, you're a city boy.......
[Aug 23,2008 3:58pm - Murph nli  ""]

I just emailed Joe Biden with a pledge of $5 mil to come out like this tonight for the veep unveiling.

Politics aren't dead. Vaudeville's dead, dammit.
[Aug 23,2008 4:51pm - Conservationist ""]

brian_dc said:Lousy welfare ridden Sweden! God, if you ever needed more proof that socialist influenced leadership would lead to a failing economy and financial disaster it's that piece of shit country.

Sweden rocks because most of the people in it are Nordic, which means average IQs at least ten points higher than the USA, and a sense of culture.

You could make the place outright communist and it'd still rock (remember, average Russian IQ is 96... lol).
[Aug 23,2008 4:52pm - Conservationist ""]

ScumFuck said:i think this country is seriously screwed. The good news is that after the next election no matter who wins i have the strange feeling that this country will just continue on the downward spiral.

I'm warming to an Obama presidency. It'll get the cards on the table. If the Republicans are smart, they won't rush in, and will let another ten years of democrats reap the ruin.
[Aug 23,2008 5:06pm - aril  ""]
Osama bin Laden
Obama and Biden

this is confusing
[Aug 23,2008 5:18pm - Murph nli  ""]

aril said:Osama bin Laden
Obama and Biden

this is confusing

Lingual faux homonyms.

They'll getcha every time.

The antedote?


I personally vote for their inaugration song to be Ebony and Ivory. Stevie Wonder can even sing it live, swinging his head to the music of the spheres while doing so.

The man knows something we all don't.
[Aug 23,2008 5:23pm - Murph nli  ""]

Conservationist said:
brian_dc said:Lousy welfare ridden Sweden! God, if you ever needed more proof that socialist influenced leadership would lead to a failing economy and financial disaster it's that piece of shit country.

Sweden rocks because most of the people in it are Nordic, which means average IQs at least ten points higher than the USA, and a sense of culture.

You could make the place outright communist and it'd still rock (remember, average Russian IQ is 96... lol).

Lots of Russians and Chinese here.

Helps to have lots of cash to toss around on material things.
[Aug 23,2008 5:32pm - Conservationist ""]
That's too bad. They'll help wreck it.
[Aug 23,2008 5:35pm - aril  ""]
Beers indeed. Many, to be exact.
[Aug 23,2008 5:36pm - Murph nli  ""]

Conservationist said:That's too bad. They'll help wreck it.

Actually, the government is currently pushing for mass privatization of most things, including healthcare.

That'll ruin it, unless the Social Democrats win the next election and set things straight.

Straight, as in the way things should be. :swedenflag:
[Aug 25,2008 7:09pm - Hoser ""]

Murph%20nli said:
Hoser said:I agree, he's a monkey. And Biden is a fucking dolt. HELLLOOOOOOO gun control!!! Gooooodbye rights!!!

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." --Adolf Hitler

I just can't vote for anyone with a middle name like "Hussein"....or a democrat.

Dude, I fuckin' love beer, but seriously I raise my beer every time I notice a Hoser post in a political thread waiting to clink glasses and resound a 'Fuck Yeah, MMMERICA' but what the fuck.

You're bringing me down man. Less unfocused national socialism and guised black put-downs and more eagles. Fuck.

Hahahahahaha, I like you Murph.
[Aug 25,2008 7:12pm - Hoser ""]

Murph%20nli said:
aril said:Osama bin Laden
Obama and Biden

this is confusing

Lingual faux homonyms.

They'll getcha every time.

The antedote?


I personally vote for their inaugration song to be Ebony and Ivory. Stevie Wonder can even sing it live, swinging his head to the music of the spheres while doing so.

The man knows something we all don't.

Hahahahahahaha.....you see Murph, even though we don't see eye to eye, we can get along. I find you witty and charismatic.
[Aug 25,2008 7:35pm - the_reverend ""]
the only thing I got out of this thread is that stevie wonder is nostrodamus

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