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Who are the Kardashian's? and who cares about them?

[Aug 19,2008 10:04am - Mess ""]
i just know one of them has a really plump ass i'd like to wreck
[Aug 19,2008 11:00am - archaeon in ohio  ""]
one has a sex vid
[Aug 19,2008 11:01am - aril  ""]
butt pads, my friends. butt pads.
[Aug 19,2008 11:30am - GoatCatalyst ""]
I'd watch her poop.
[Aug 19,2008 11:49am - jandoe  ""]
There dad was one of O.J. Simpsons Lawyers
[Aug 19,2008 11:50am - the_reverend ""]
fat chicks
[Aug 19,2008 11:54am - mOe ""]
boodeh boodeh boodeh boodeh boodeh butt CHEEKZ
[Aug 19,2008 12:00pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i love how ugly one of the sisters is.. she got the shit end of the stick
[Aug 19,2008 12:15pm - xmikex ""]
In answer to your questions:

1. *shrug* I dunno.
2. Reggie Bush's penis
[Aug 19,2008 12:19pm - anonymous  ""]
can anyone confirm or deny if she got peed on in the sex tape?
[Aug 19,2008 12:25pm - RustyPS ""]

anonymous said:can anyone confirm or deny if she got peed on in the sex tape?

I'm pretty sure she doesn't. I haven't seen it all the way through.
[Aug 19,2008 12:29pm - mOe ""]
never seen it
[Aug 19,2008 12:37pm - Yeti ""]
i work with a girl who could pass as one of their sisters. she is fucking gorgeous and has the ass.
[Aug 19,2008 12:54pm - timma ""]
I think they were on Star Trek?

[Aug 19,2008 1:05pm - oscarct ""]
kim kardashian is amazing. i dont give a fuck what it is she does.
[Aug 19,2008 1:06pm - Yeti ""]

Yeti said:i work with a girl who could pass as one of their sisters. she is fucking gorgeous and has the ass.

i just walked up from lunch and she was in front of me, it was Hypno-Ass all the way.
[Aug 19,2008 1:54pm - Mess ""]
o.j. simpson's lawyer's daughter's wife's grandmother's?
in that case... hang the whole family!
[Aug 19,2008 2:39pm - dreadkill ""]
the tv show is worth watching because bruce jenner is a bitter old fuck and his reactions to the actions of the rest of the family are hilarious.
[Aug 19,2008 2:49pm - largefreakatzero ""]
This new generation of reality shows baffles me. I don't understand why anyone cares about these people's useless lives. OK, so there's some hot chick -- so fucking what??? I don't think anyone wants to hear her views on life, because most likely she is a fucking moron. And this is not the only show like this. No wonder the terrorists hate us.
[Aug 19,2008 3:04pm - Mess ""]

largefreakatzero said:No wonder the terrorists hate us.

my thoughts exactly
[Aug 19,2008 3:04pm - mOe ""]
yea, i dont get the reality shows about people who are kind of famous for no real reason and the camera follows them aruond on all their moron adventures...I'll stick to Top Chef and Project Runway.
[Aug 19,2008 3:18pm - Yeti ""]

largefreakatzero said:This new generation of reality shows baffles me. I don't understand why anyone cares about these people's useless lives. OK, so there's some hot chick -- so fucking what??? I don't think anyone wants to hear her views on life, because most likely she is a fucking moron. And this is not the only show like this. No wonder the terrorists hate us.

i 1000% back you up. i refuse to waste 1 second of my time watching brainless shit like this. i don't care how funny someone is, or how outrageous their antics are, its fucking stupid, and anyone that disgraces their brain by watching it should be shot.
[Aug 19,2008 3:29pm - dreadkill ""]
i usually don't watch this type of show, but i do check them out when i can't sleep and there's nothing else on. the worst thing i watch when i'm trying to sleep in the middle of the night is parental control on mtv. that show is below the bottom of the barrel. they feed the parents and the kid's boyfriend/girlfriend cheesy insults and comebacks, which they deliver with the conviction of an actor on a local business commercial.
[Aug 19,2008 3:49pm - c.DeAd  ""]
Awww come on "Im With Busey" was fucking genius!
[Aug 19,2008 3:51pm - largefreakatzero ""]

c.DeAd said:Awww come on "Im With Busey" was fucking genius!

Completely different category altogether. Anything with Gary Busey is pure gold.
[Aug 19,2008 3:54pm - oscarct ""]
can said sex tape be posted here? ha
[Aug 19,2008 6:35pm - archaeon in ohio  ""]
just google search around for it. I'm sure it could be found easily. It's with a naggar
[Aug 19,2008 6:44pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

Yeti said:
largefreakatzero said:This new generation of reality shows baffles me. I don't understand why anyone cares about these people's useless lives. OK, so there's some hot chick -- so fucking what??? I don't think anyone wants to hear her views on life, because most likely she is a fucking moron. And this is not the only show like this. No wonder the terrorists hate us.

i 1000% back you up. i refuse to waste 1 second of my time watching brainless shit like this. i don't care how funny someone is, or how outrageous their antics are, its fucking stupid, and anyone that disgraces their brain by watching it should be shot.

im with you guys.
[Dec 27,2016 12:06pm - susurrate ""]
Large Dumperino of guy photoshopping himself into Kendall Jenner's photos.


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