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new In Flames

[Feb 12,2004 3:47am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Feb 12,2004 6:10am - Sinistas ""]
Yeah, it sucks. And no, it doesn't sound like Passenger. Passenger is actually cool stuff (not metal, but good music).
[Feb 12,2004 9:00am - RustedAngel ""]
[Feb 12,2004 10:04am - succubus ""]
now i'm really wondering about the ext Caliban...maybe aaron was right....i dunno
[Feb 12,2004 12:00pm - Hoser ""]
I can't believe that Century Media would waste their time with a band like Passenger. They flat out suck. They got signed because the dude from In Flames wasted his time producing that garbage.
[Feb 12,2004 12:06pm - death to nu-metal  ""]
anders from inflames was IN passenger, not producing it. thats why its sucked and he is why the new inflames sucks too, the riffs arnt that bad(granted the its no jester race) but god damn it if anders doesnt want to be jothan davis in the worst way! fuck him!
[Feb 12,2004 12:45pm - sinistas ""]
Passenger is not nu-metal. It's rock. But it's ok, I'll listen to it anyways.
[Feb 12,2004 3:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
CRAP, is twat it is.
[Feb 12,2004 5:16pm - sinistas ""]
*gasp* wow, how brilliant.
[Feb 12,2004 5:27pm - Abbath ""]
i've never seen the point of In Flames, they never really struck me as an "amazing" band. i hope that they don't come to metal fest this year
[Feb 12,2004 5:38pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Abbath said:i've never seen the point of In Flames, they never really struck me as an "amazing" band. i hope that they don't come to metal fest this year

Ever heard their first two? Not amazing but still the shit.
I feel the same way about opeth.

[Feb 12,2004 5:40pm - swamplorddvm ""]
But i wouldn't my seeing them again.
[Feb 12,2004 5:45pm - dreadkill ""]
passenger is a good rock band with good songwriting. it's not numetal at all. niclas engelin writes good music. if passenger doesn't do it for you, check out gardenian's sindustries album. that's some great music. i agree anders' vocals are really weak on reroute to remain and new in flames, but they sound alot better on passenger. he sounds more like he's trying to be klaus meine from the scorpions, not jonathan davis. at least in flames is trying to go somewhere else with their sound. colony and clayman sucked for the most part, but i liked most of reroute to remain. jester race will always be my favorite in flames album, but i'm glad they haven't made any lame attempts to put out another version of that record. most of what i've heard from the new album sounds like filler, but it doesn't really matter. i just won't listen to it if i don't like it. in flames doesn't owe anyone anything. they only owe it to themselves to make the music they want to make.
[Feb 12,2004 5:51pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Any one ever heard Dimension zero?
[Feb 12,2004 5:52pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Feb 12,2004 5:57pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
I swear Soilwork and In Flames are in a race to see who can suck the most!
[Feb 12,2004 6:46pm - RustedAngel ""]
dreadkill said:passenger is a good rock band with good songwriting. it's not numetal at all. niclas engelin writes good music. if passenger doesn't do it for you, check out gardenian's sindustries album. that's some great music. i agree anders' vocals are really weak on reroute to remain and new in flames, but they sound alot better on passenger. he sounds more like he's trying to be klaus meine from the scorpions, not jonathan davis. at least in flames is trying to go somewhere else with their sound. colony and clayman sucked for the most part, but i liked most of reroute to remain. jester race will always be my favorite in flames album, but i'm glad they haven't made any lame attempts to put out another version of that record. most of what i've heard from the new album sounds like filler, but it doesn't really matter. i just won't listen to it if i don't like it. in flames doesn't owe anyone anything. they only owe it to themselves to make the music they want to make.

that whole paragraph is idiodic. passenger is not good songwriting, and I can't believe you'd even compare it with GARDENIAN.


[Feb 12,2004 6:48pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
attendmyrequiem said:I swear Soilwork and In Flames are in a race to see who can suck the most!

In Flames is WAY in the lead now.
[Feb 12,2004 8:12pm - the_reverend ""]
in the lead by a CD, yes
[Feb 12,2004 10:48pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
the_reverend said:in the lead by a CD, yes

no... they were in the lead anyway. reroute to remain sucked way worse than soilworks last one. this new cd just puts them that much further ahead.
[Feb 12,2004 11:45pm - dreadkill ""]
RustedAngel said: that whole paragraph is idiodic. passenger is not good songwriting, and I can't believe you'd even compare it with GARDENIAN.


sorry for being so "idiodic". no need to take shit personally pal. music is mostly about people's opinions anyway. i think it's good songwriting. my opinion. have some respect. when did i compare it to gardenian? i never said anything about it being like gardenian. niclas engelin, the guy who wrote all of gardenian's music, is the very same guy who wrote all of passenger's music. there are similarities in some of the riffs, and i suggested checking out gardenian to people who didn't like passenger, as proof that engelin writes good music. i like passenger and gardenian. i'm sure there are alot of people out there who might like one band and not the other. my paragraph must have appeared "idiodic" to you because you weren't reading it correctly, but i won't call you illiterate. i don't really need to insult anyone on this board. i'm cool with just talking about metal and other fun topics.
[Feb 13,2004 12:18am - George ""]
i like soilwork and in flames. although i only own the jester race and whoracle.
and i only own the chainheart machine by soilwork.
but those albums are awesome.
[Feb 13,2004 6:12am - Sinistas ""]
Chainheart Machine is, in fact, the shit. A Predator's Portrait is awesome too.
[Feb 13,2004 12:56pm - dreadkill ""]
i like chainheart a lot, but predator's prtrait is the best i think. chainheart was too derivitive. the riffs were great, but overall it sounded like at the gates. i'm probably the only person on this board who likes how soilwork has progressed. predator's portrait , to me, is the best because it takes what they were on chainheart and what they were to become on later albums, and fuses it perfectly. plus, the mikael akerfeldt guest appearance makes it the best by default. i like the 2 newest albums too. there are some good songs on there. not technical wizardry or anything, but i like the sound of them.
[Feb 15,2017 9:28am - susurrate ""]
i'm just here to talk about how rad the december flower solo is

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