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getting a whole book of old demos stolen disapreesh

[Aug 15,2008 8:59am - aaron_michael ""]
so, we had a couple big parties at my place and I thought I could trust everyone we let in the house.
I was talking with some bro online and I told him I had an Everytime I Die(comence mocking) demo for sale. He said he'd take it for $75.
I went to get my book of demos I had been collecting since about '98 from the living room and it's not in its usual spot.
I look around and it's nowhere to be found. My roommates don't know where it is and it's not in the most unlikely places. It's not like it's hard to misplace. It's covered in red electrical tape with pentagrams and whatnot all over it.
Needless to say, I'm pretty sure it's been jacked. Bummer.
Anything like this ever happen to anyone? Like, having something get stolen when you feel you can trust the people around you?

Also, MSD, that DVD you made me a few months ago was in the case. Could you make me another copy and I'll give you money for the disc on saturday? It would be most appreciated.
[Aug 15,2008 9:30am - the_reverend ""]
I have a simple solution, I don't have parties and don't go to them.
[Aug 15,2008 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
oh and that's a $5 consultant's fee for the advice.
[Aug 15,2008 9:57am - aaron_michael ""]
done and done.
[Aug 15,2008 9:59am - grizloch ""]
thats pretty shitty, I lost a ton of shit when my parents house caught fire a few years back, definitely sucks losing stuff you've collected for so long, but I've had parties at my apartment out at school, and there is no way I would leave something like that unlocked,

you might be cool, your roommate's might be cool, your friends might be cool, your roommate's friends might be cool, but your roommate's friend's friends all suck, this I have learned from experience
[Aug 15,2008 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
wise grizloch. that is why you could were one of the only autobots that could fly (whose other form didn't also fly)
[Aug 15,2008 10:07am - xanonymousx ""]
aaron this sucks man..
reminds me of how i had a bunch of n64, gameboy and ps1 games stolen from me years ago by one of my 'good' friends. including crono cross i believe...
i went over to this kids house and then saw all my games sitting next to his systems....
needless to say i got my games back, and we were no longer friends.
also reminds me how i got a guitar effect pedal and gta san andreas stolen from me.
i think i sometimes may have too much trust in people.
shit sucks.
[Aug 15,2008 10:11am - aaron_michael ""]

grizloch said: there is no way I would leave something like that unlocked,

f'realz. I've been kicking myself in the ass all night over my poor judgement which leads me to also agree with...

grizloch said: you might be cool, your roommate's might be cool, your friends might be cool, your roommate's friends might be cool, but your roommate's friend's friends all suck, this I have learned from experience

...this statement. soooooo many good CD's and cassettes, gone.
[Aug 15,2008 10:11am - grizloch ""]
Im a mother fucking tugboat...
[Aug 15,2008 10:14am - the_reverend ""]
they all suck, but both of you give them a pump anyhow.
[Aug 15,2008 12:46pm - aaron_michael ""]

the_reverend said:they all suck, but both of you give them a pump anyhow.

"pump"? As in...... you know...
[Aug 15,2008 12:53pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
That fucking bloooooows. Getting shit stolen absolutely sucks. And yeah I can make you a new disc. And don't worry about money. It's like a $0.25 disc, you can just buy me a piece of bazooka joe or something.
[Aug 15,2008 2:04pm - aaron_michael ""]
word up yo.
[Aug 15,2008 2:10pm - the_reverend ""]
you know it

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