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Jarrods Place = Shit

[Nov 9,2002 12:55pm - penisbreath ""]
I go to see my friends band play and sit threw a bunch of coal chamber new school metal bands.Then when my friends band finally goes on i start dancing and the steroid freak bouncers snatch me up and smash my head against doors/walls etc. They also roughed up a few of my friends and thought they were toughguys when I weigh in at 130. I guess you cant "mosh" at jarrods. The bouncers at this place are fucking dicks and they were just trying to rough kids up. This place isnt metal...

At mortician I was on the relapse guest list and told them that...they told me there wasnt a guest list and if i had a problem they would fuck me up in the parking lot.They started flexing and tried to beat me up.I just wanted to see the show and wasnt trying to fight these assholes. Im small and skinny and cant fight. Why would they want to rough me up?

They book the gayest bands ...besides the mortician and anal blast shows the place is gay. They cancelled cephalic carnage and alot of people were pissed at that.Fuck them id never play that shithole.
[Nov 9,2002 1:23pm - XmikeX ""]
ask stabmasterfrank what happens when the jarrods bouncers try and get tuff. hahaha those faggot bouncers got their asses kicked in on halloween for trying to be macho.

the job of a bouncer = maintain order, and breakup fights. NOT fight kids. queers.
[Nov 10,2002 4:35pm - stab-master frank  ""]
hahahahahhaa, the bouncers at jarrods,, are STILL hiding in fear from the death before dishonor show on halloween.. those idiots got FUCKED UP!!! the ambulances and police were called in because the faggot bouncers thought they were tough.. fuck jarrods,, oh yeah, i'm going there tonight. bwahhahahahahahaahhahaahahhahaha
[Nov 11,2002 9:43am - babysbreath ""]
Which way to the gym?
[Nov 11,2002 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
every single time I go to jarrod's place there are no people there. Anal blast had what, 20-30 people? Enslaved had less. Seems like there's no advertisements or promotions or anything for shows at that place.
[Nov 11,2002 12:03pm - xmikex ""]
rev in response to your comment i'd have to say, see the above thread title haha.

jarrods books these infrequent metal shows, and does absolutely nothing to let anyone know about them. look at the palladium, when they get a good show together everybody hears about it. they've got mass concerts doing promotions. they've got flyers. website. and word of mouth does the rest. the palladium shows are almost always packed.

now look at stupid jarrods. the fact that anyone even hears about any of their shows is an absolute fluke, and the fact that anyone would ever show up for these poorly thrown together shows is even less probable. it's like pulling teeth to get stupid metal kids to goto shows anyways, and not letting any of them know isn't helping.

they don't book shows with the intention of putting together the best show. they pretty much just say "here's some bands...heres some more bands....and some band to open...yup this is gonna suck, whatever" and then nobody comes. at least they fired that clown from drop 360 who used to do the booking and sound. that guy was terrrrrrrrrible.

they've got an incredible potential for a club but they piss it all away. the fact that they're still in buisness is just unbelivable. which suggests that it's probably a front for drug deals. just like The Tank aka the Atlantic Lounge aka the H20 aka a huge disgusting waste of space that should be fire bombed.

nobody cares about new band night, nobody cares about some band that has to get shows by putting their name on a list. nobody cares about jarrods.
[Nov 11,2002 5:04pm - the cheering squad  ""]
halloween + jarreds + death before dishoner = best night of my life! hahahaha, right frank?!
[Nov 11,2002 9:27pm - stab-master Frank  ""]
HAHAHA, best night ever... <3
[Nov 12,2002 12:59am - penisbreath ""]
anyways ill take care of that place with a few molotov cocktails.

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