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anyone staying at the Westin Providence Hotel for NEDF?

[Aug 6,2008 1:02am - dertoxia ""]
I just booked a room there cause it was cheap. Looks like its a half mile or so away. Seems walkable.

Anyone else stayin there?
[Aug 6,2008 1:12am - ellesarusrex ""]
how much a night?
[Aug 6,2008 7:22am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Yes, prices would be nice. My friend Dave canceled on me so I might have to take a bus down there and get a hotel room.
[Aug 6,2008 9:12am - dertoxia ""]
it was 161 total for Saturday night. It said limited time offer though.
[Aug 6,2008 9:58am - Grizloch ""]
[Aug 6,2008 10:04am - MattBreen  ""]
Word whos having a party?
[Aug 6,2008 11:17am - ellesarusrex ""]
161 is killin me. i think im sleepin in my car lol
[Aug 6,2008 11:57am - ellesarusrex ""]
booked a room here.. legit cheapest place.. trying to figure out a couch it for sunday night.
[Aug 6,2008 12:06pm - sxealex ""]
36 Jefferson Boulevard, Warwick, RI is 17 min away and its 29 bucks a night
[Aug 6,2008 12:06pm - brian_dc ""]
I think people are looking for walking distance stuff though
[Aug 6,2008 12:08pm - sxealex ""]
waste of $
[Aug 6,2008 12:08pm - dertoxia ""]
ya most other hotels were out of rooms or way too expensive. the next closest was the Hilton at 190 a night. They're about the same distance to the venue but with the Hilton being more expensive and me not wanting to fund a slutty cunts cocaine habit i decided to go with the Westin.
[Aug 6,2008 12:09pm - ellesarusrex ""]
its illegsl for me to drive at night bc im legally blind.. cinderella lis. so i have to pay extra money to be closer.
[Aug 6,2008 12:09pm - brian_dc ""]
people get drunk
[Aug 6,2008 12:09pm - brian_dc ""]
people get blind
[Aug 6,2008 12:10pm - sxealex ""]
[Aug 6,2008 12:11pm - dertoxia ""]

brian_dc said:people get drunk

yep. im a little upset i couldnt book at Hotel Providence with it being only like 2 blocks away. But i'm sure i wont mind stumbling 10 blocks or so to my hotel and getting lost along the way.
[Aug 6,2008 12:13pm - sxealex ""]
pay me like 300 bucks and ill drive everyone guys back and forth from warwick all 3 nights
[Aug 6,2008 12:13pm - dertoxia ""]
waste of $
[Aug 6,2008 2:19pm - Grizloch ""]
methinks if any driving gets done, Ill be the one to do it, and I will gladly take $300 to do it, hell Ill take $295, sxe driver bidding war!!!

thats right kids, crazy new york driver will be running over your poodles all weekend long
[Aug 6,2008 2:27pm - sxealex ""]
oh um 285!
[Aug 6,2008 2:43pm - Grizloch ""]
[Aug 6,2008 2:47pm - sxealex ""]
You have won this item! Click here to pay now.
[Aug 6,2008 2:59pm - josh_hates_you ""]
fuck i live 20 minutes from PVD. you can pay me to stay here. i'm going to the cape for the weekend.
[Aug 6,2008 3:16pm - cav nli  ""]
girl i was hookin up with got a room at some hotel right near the providence place mall for like $80 a night. it was actually really nice too. wish i could remember the name.
[Aug 6,2008 3:22pm - xanonymousx ""]

cav%20nli said:girl i was hookin up with got a room at some hotel right near the providence place mall for like $80 a night. it was actually really nice too. wish i could remember the name.

you sure she didn't pay the guy who works the night shift at the sleep number bed store?
that seems super cheap.
[Aug 6,2008 4:36pm - dertoxianli  ""]
ya i think the westin is next to the mall. 80 bucks is a steal
[Aug 6,2008 5:31pm - ellesarusrex ""]
exercise is good.drunk or not atleast we will have an interesting time on the trek home.
[Aug 6,2008 7:05pm - sxealex ""]
i tried that obritz link to no avail but there is one for 84 in providence.
[Aug 6,2008 7:11pm - sxealex ""]
[Aug 6,2008 7:11pm - sxealex ""]
it says between 109 and 250 for 2 people
[Aug 6,2008 8:37pm - Dankill  ""]
I'm debating on if I can find a place to crash nearby or if I'll just have to drive back and forth this weekend.

Ladies, I will sex you up for a place to crash.
I assure you that's a good deal.
[Aug 6,2008 11:59pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i love stealing hotel pillows.
[Aug 7,2008 12:03am - Dankill  ""]
Stealing anything from hotels is fun. Even if it's crap that you could care less about at all.
[Aug 7,2008 12:15am - dertoxia ""]
yeah like tv's
[Aug 7,2008 12:39am - ellesarusrex ""]
last time i stayed in a hotel we had a bb gun shoot off.. shot them into dunkin donut cups.. and had sleep number bed races... who could get their bed to the lowest number fastest.. which was a 5.. and damn im def a sleep number 5.
[Aug 7,2008 8:51am - Pires ""]
just move to rhode island pussies
[Aug 7,2008 8:59am - corpus_colostomy ""]
"were gonna need a bigger room."


[Aug 7,2008 9:02am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I always shit my pants when I have to park a car full of gear in a hotel parking lot. Looks like I'll be driving down Saturday then just stay up all night throwing TV's through random hotel room windows, then maybe drive home/crash in my car and get a couple hours of sleep, then pick up the gear and drive to the show Sunday.

Then of course staying up all night and going to work Monday morning. Win? Yes.
[Aug 7,2008 10:55am - ellesarusrex ""]

corpus_colostomy said:"were gonna need a bigger room."


now now.. we cant be disturbing blue.
[Aug 7,2008 11:49am - corpus_colostomy ""]

[Aug 7,2008 12:11pm - ellesarusrex ""]
too perfect.

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