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I know who Slypknawt really is

[Jul 31,2008 8:28pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
[Jul 31,2008 8:29pm - slypknawt ""]
[Jul 31,2008 8:29pm - kitchenincident ""]
How did you draw this conclusion?
[Jul 31,2008 8:29pm - slypknawt ""]
the same way he would draw you......round and wide....OINK!
[Jul 31,2008 8:30pm - archaeon ""]
newfags are new
[Jul 31,2008 8:31pm - slypknawt ""]
so is the sperm cells in your balls....get older than 14 and try some real metal, isnt your mommy calling you ? ring ring riiing!! Hhahahaha
[Jul 31,2008 8:32pm - pam ""]

archaeon said:newfags are new

[Jul 31,2008 8:33pm - kitchenincident ""]
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring. Bananaphone.
[Jul 31,2008 8:33pm - slypknawt ""]
ya keep makiong a fuckin smile face i can do that too. html is for newbies neWay.

[Jul 31,2008 8:34pm - slypknawt ""]
see what i mean?

GHEY :tightiewhities:

hahahaha old man undies
[Jul 31,2008 10:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

kitchenincident said:Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring. Bananaphone.

That's nothing. I heard there's this animated GIF? AND SPIDERMAN TURNS YOU GAY. Swear to god.
[Jul 31,2008 10:41pm - KitchenIncident ""]
You're just jealous that bananaphone didn't come to you first.
[Jul 31,2008 10:49pm - archaeon ""]
whats this banana phone you speak of? is this some internet meme"
[Jul 31,2008 10:55pm - KitchenIncident ""]
[Jul 31,2008 11:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Jul 31,2008 11:02pm - KitchenIncident ""]
You're my new hero. I hope you know what kinds of responsibilities are involved with this.
[Jul 31,2008 11:16pm - archaeon ""]
new girl is new
[Jul 31,2008 11:16pm - KitchenIncident ""]
Bitch bitch is bitch.
[Jul 31,2008 11:19pm - archaeon ""]
omg she talked to me
[Jul 31,2008 11:20pm - KitchenIncident ""]
Why is that significant?
[Jul 31,2008 11:21pm - archaeon ""]
[Jul 31,2008 11:22pm - KitchenIncident ""]
[Jul 31,2008 11:25pm - pam ""]
I expect 300 posts of assholery by tomorrow morning, don't let me down RTTP.
[Aug 1,2008 8:18am - slypknawt ""]
pffft looks like nobody knows who i really am because i have a screen name, thats what screen names are for aholes if i really wanted you to know who the hell i was, i would just come and shake your hand. must be a buncha inet nubs here.
[Aug 1,2008 8:31am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Aug 1,2008 9:45am - the_reverend ""]
I thought starmommy.
[Aug 1,2008 10:05am - slypknawt ""]
i cant be a mommy im a guy you fuckin trench mouth.
[Aug 1,2008 10:10am - the_reverend ""]
starmommy is a dooder so kiss my starfish.
[Aug 1,2008 10:14am - slypknawt ""]
[Aug 1,2008 11:04am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i that guy was dead in the woods somewhere

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