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Anyone need a show on Aug 22nd or Aug 29th?! @ Rocko's in Manchester

[Jul 31,2008 1:30pm - thirsty ""]
Booking for these two nights right now! booking for any style of genre - preferably metal/death metal variety

Let me know!
[Jul 31,2008 1:36pm - RustyPS ""]
We could play the 29th.

[Jul 31,2008 1:38pm - thirsty ""]
Rusty, shoot me a message to myspace.com/imthirstyentertainment and we can confirm you!
[Jul 31,2008 3:59pm - soilworker ""]
putrescine would be down for either date and would be good to get out of maine.

[Jul 31,2008 6:14pm - thirsty ""]
Hey man id love to have you down here! send us an email to myspace.com/imthirstyentertainment and we can confirm one of those dates for you! thanks,

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