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My car got gang tagged, grrr....

[Jul 31,2008 11:23am - thuringwethil ""]
wow. Makes me wanna watch "The Warriors"

at least they were decent enough to only tag the windows.

there is no lifeguard at the gene pool
[Jul 31,2008 11:28am - goatcatalyst ""]
don't worry, they'll probably get shot/killed soon.
[Jul 31,2008 11:40am - c.DeAd  ""]
Does it say "Sureal"? I have been seeing that tag all over Allston and thinking "Wow, if only taggers had spellcheck."
[Jul 31,2008 11:53am - succubus ""]
that suxx
[Jul 31,2008 11:55am - thuringwethil ""]
they are "Zoob" and "Nolz"

whatever the fuck THAT means

crazy kids, off my lawn!
[Jul 31,2008 12:00pm - grizloch ""]
who tags just the windows of a car?
[Jul 31,2008 12:06pm - thuringwethil ""]
I dunno, I'm just glad I don't need body work. Plus I almost never park on the street unless I have to.
[Jul 31,2008 12:20pm - SlypknaWt ""]
what in the heck is a gang tag?
[Jul 31,2008 12:21pm - pam ""]

grizloch said:who tags just the windows of a car?

Somewhat considerate ganstas?
[Jul 31,2008 12:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
what the heck is a SlypknaWt?
[Jul 31,2008 12:23pm - c.DeAd  ""]

SlypknaWt said:what in the heck is a gang tag?

You are ultimate fail. Do you live in NH by any chance? Because I could see that.
[Jul 31,2008 12:27pm - SlypknaWt ""]
ya i also see your overweight mom fucking dudes for crack. hey we all see things, now how about you just stuff my penis in your mouth for now and save your witty comments for laterZ ok nigger?
[Jul 31,2008 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm guessing this kid's somewhere between 12-15 years old. he obviously doesnt know any better
[Jul 31,2008 12:29pm - Conservationist ""]

thuringwethil said:wow. Makes me wanna watch "The Warriors"

Maybe you can vote for Obama, and that'll fix it.
[Jul 31,2008 12:31pm - c.DeAd  ""]

SlypknaWt said:ya i also see your overweight mom fucking dudes for crack. hey we all see things, now how about you just stuff my penis in your mouth for now and save your witty comments for laterZ ok nigger?

I love this kid.
[Jul 31,2008 12:37pm - SlypknaWt ""]
seems like yer not serious so ill take that as a slam but just remember that i one upped your ass if you keep that in mind well be ok kid.
[Jul 31,2008 12:37pm - thuringwethil ""]

Conservationist said:
thuringwethil said:wow. Makes me wanna watch "The Warriors"

Maybe you can vote for Obama, and that'll fix it.

hmm, I just might do that! :spineyes:
[Jul 31,2008 12:50pm - c.DeAd  ""]

SlypknaWt said:seems like yer not serious so ill take that as a slam but just remember that i one upped your ass if you keep that in mind well be ok kid.

I can almost hear your jinco's swishing and swooshing down the eisle of Hot Topic at the Pheasant Lane mall.
[Jul 31,2008 12:57pm - Slypknawt ""]
what the hell is a jinco dickwipe?
[Jul 31,2008 1:02pm - timma ""]
What are the chances that this thread ends up having absolutely nothing to do with gang tags, and everything to do with this kid being a total pre-pubescent, white trash inbred?

I say preeeeeeeeeeeetty good.
[Jul 31,2008 1:07pm - xmikex ""]
[Jul 31,2008 1:07pm - Martins ""]
My car got tang gagged.
[Jul 31,2008 1:14pm - DYA / NLI  ""]

xmikex said:DA MOON ROOLZ #1

[Jul 31,2008 1:49pm - Slypknawt ""]

timma said:What are the chances that this thread ends up having absolutely nothing to do with gang tags, and everything to do with this kid being a total pre-pubescent, white trash inbred?

I say preeeeeeeeeeeetty good.

what are the chances that you mom isnt a fat cunt who fucks guidos? i say preeeeeeety bad. that fat whorebitch can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. now bury you face in my balls and make fart noises.
[Jul 31,2008 1:50pm - Slypknawt ""]
you fuckin titskank.
[Jul 31,2008 2:16pm - Conservationist ""]
Are gang tags like skin tags?
[Jul 31,2008 2:30pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
can the tags be removed or are your windows f'd in the a?
[Jul 31,2008 2:32pm - largefreakatzero ""]

thuringwethil said:wow. Makes me wanna watch "The Warriors"


[Jul 31,2008 2:48pm - thuringwethil ""]

diarrhea_blumpkin said:can the tags be removed or are your windows f'd in the a?

I'm covered so I'm just gonna get new windows. Won't cost me a cent, apparently. Still a nuisance though:satancross:
[Jul 31,2008 2:59pm - grizloch ""]
paint remover?
[Jul 31,2008 3:13pm - thuringwethil ""]
no spray paint they keyed it
[Jul 31,2008 3:15pm - Yeti ""]

timma said:What are the chances that this thread ends up having absolutely nothing to do with gang tags, and everything to do with this kid being a total pre-pubescent, white trash inbred?

I say preeeeeeeeeeeetty good.

haha true. worst troll ever.
[Jul 31,2008 3:19pm - W3 nli  ""]
Lance: Still got your Malibu?
Vincent: Aw, man. You know what some fucker did the other day?
Lance: What?
Vincent: Fucking keyed it.
Lance: Oh, man, that's fucked up.
Vincent: Tell me about it. I had it in storage for three years, it was out for five days and some dickless piece of shit fucked with it.
Lance: They should be fucking killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution.
Vincent: Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it.
Lance: What a fucker!
Vincent: What's more chickenshit than fucking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't fuck with another man's vehicle.
Lance: You don't do it.
Vincent: It's just against the rules.
[Jul 31,2008 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
well, they finally did it. they killed my fucking car.
[Jul 31,2008 3:33pm - grizloch ""]
wow, thats ballsy
[Jul 31,2008 3:34pm - W3 nli  ""]

Yeti said:well, they finally did it. they killed my fucking car.

good form old man.

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