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soul for sale

[Feb 9,2004 4:42pm - extremedeath666 ""]
i was on my never ending quest for a cheap warwick on ebay and stumbled across this jewel.
[Feb 9,2004 4:44pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm sure you could just steal it from him
[Feb 9,2004 4:45pm - dreadkill@work  ""]
i'm looking for a warwick too, but i'm not looking too hard, considering i play lefty. i'd have to sell my soul and my balls to afford that. the warwick buzzard is a sweet bass.
[Feb 9,2004 4:45pm - Abbath ""]
the things people would do for money...
[Feb 9,2004 4:45pm - succubus ""]
well i'm glad he has no bids yet
[Feb 9,2004 4:46pm - the_reverend ""]
that auction will get cancelled.
[Feb 9,2004 4:48pm - extremedeath666 ""]
fuck that,im sure some colledge kids going to be all drunk and then buyu it cause its none the less "cool"
[Feb 9,2004 4:49pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Overpriced. I couldn't even appease a god with him as a sacrifice. No thanks.
[Feb 9,2004 4:50pm - extremedeath666 ""]
oh yea, goto germany
[Feb 9,2004 4:52pm - extremedeath666 ""]
i thought it was only 50 bucks, then i realizzed the little these things ( ) stating the fact that in u.s currenct iy was nearly 93.00, amazing, just astonishing
[Feb 9,2004 4:55pm - Abbath ""]
extremedeath666 said:fuck that,im sure some colledge kids going to be all drunk and then buyu it cause its none the less "cool"

HA!!! and the sad part is that you're right! for some strange reason that reminded me of www.wearerobots.com angry and collegebot are the best
[Feb 9,2004 4:57pm - extremedeath666 ""]
fetus i beatus
[Feb 9,2004 4:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
some bitch is selling herself as a "computer girlfriend" on ebay, that's almost as retarded as that stooge.
[Feb 9,2004 5:00pm - Abbath ""]
is it possible to find where this kid lives and beat the shit out of him??!?!
[Feb 9,2004 5:07pm - extremedeath666 ""]
i say, we get reallly drunk i mean reallly drinm..
then find tha bitch, and kill her.
killl her.
then we take turns on her corpse ( i mean poopin)
[Feb 9,2004 9:32pm - retzam ""]
Man, as odd as it seems, I could never do that. It would feel to wierd, call me superstitious.
[Feb 9,2004 11:19pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
retzam said:I could never do that.

Do what, poop on a corpse?
[Feb 9,2004 11:22pm - goratory ""]
yes poopin. its a good time
[Feb 10,2004 12:16am - dreadkill ""]
Abbath said:HA!!! and the sad part is that you're right! for some strange reason that reminded me of www.wearerobots.com angry and collegebot are the best

angry bot rules. i used to watch it all the time. i think they modeled the character after my friend compry. he was the roadie for my band a couple weeks ago at the chopping block. he looked like derek zoolander that night with a goofy turtleneck on. i imagine everyone who was at that show gave him a weird look. man was he out of place. i wanted to make fun of his turtleneck when we were on stage, but i don't crack jokes during a shitty performance, and we were terrible that night. anyway, that's my random angrybot story. hope you all find it mildly entertaining, if not mildly retarded. :spineyes:
[Feb 10,2004 7:10pm - succubus ""]
hmm still not canceled...and it got a bid..reserve not met yet though
people can be dumb
[Feb 10,2004 7:23pm - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:retzam said:I could never do that.

Do what, poop on a corpse?

No, sell a piece of paper that says that it is my soul.
[Feb 10,2004 7:27pm - succubus ""]
that's because you are smart retzam..unlike that moron
[Feb 10,2004 7:32pm - retzam ""]
succubus said:that's because you are smart retzam..unlike that moron

No, I don't mean for moral reasons though, it would just feel kind of eerie.
[Feb 10,2004 7:40pm - succubus ""]
i just think the guy is a moron for doing it that's all =)
[Feb 10,2004 8:04pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
maybe he wants to be pooped on.
[Feb 11,2004 1:53am - the_reverend ""]
like pablo naruda said "laugher is the language of the soul"

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