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[Jul 15,2008 1:29pm - powerkok ""]
It has fucking rained so much here in the last month, that the ground just wont hold anymore water.
I am the proud owner of a fucking MOAT!

I also have a nice quiet stream.
In my garage.

Not 4 months ago, we were on 2 day water restrictions, Lake Okechobe was 8 feet below level, and the grass looked like it would explode if you stepped on it.
Now...theres water, and Jungle, as far as the eye can see.
And mosquitoes.
This county has the most mosquitoes in the entire Nation.
[Jul 15,2008 1:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
at least you can keep the Knights at bay
[Jul 15,2008 1:40pm - powerkok ""]
Until the Catapult Calvalry arrives, and only then, my friend.
[Jul 15,2008 1:41pm - powerkok ""]
Till then, I needeth to goeth to Lowes and beget a sqeegee.
[Jul 15,2008 1:44pm - Martins ""]
Florida is sweet for rain. I remember when I was in Miami last, it was a nice and sunny day. I went out to the balcony facing the beach when all of a sudden clouds came out of nowhere and dropped their liquid load everywhere. Then a cyclone formed and it was brutal. Then, it all disappeared. Gone in literally 60 seconds. Well more like 180 seconds. But it was brutal.
[Jul 15,2008 1:56pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
yeah... i'v ebeen to florida a bunch of times and when it rains it fucking pours and then just stops out of no where.
[Jul 15,2008 2:05pm - powerkok ""]
Ya, thats what it normally does.
This, however is betraying every weather trend that has been for the past 80 years, here.

Usually the stuff you guys are talking about, happens in the summer between 3 and 5 o clock.
Its rained these torrents every morning and evening for the past week.
[Jul 15,2008 2:06pm - powerkok ""]
*constantly, and 5-6 weeks prior, with 1-2 day breaks.

[Jul 15,2008 2:08pm - powerkok ""]

Martins said:Florida is sweet for rain. I remember when I was in Miami last, it was a nice and sunny day. I went out to the balcony facing the beach when all of a sudden clouds came out of nowhere and dropped their liquid load everywhere. Then a cyclone formed and it was brutal. Then, it all disappeared. Gone in literally 60 seconds. Well more like 180 seconds. But it was brutal.

Same exact thing happened to me years ago in Bonita. Crazy shit, as the cyclone was thru the condo before I could go inside.
If that shit was a real tornado....pfffff forget about it.
[Jul 15,2008 2:11pm - Martins ""]
Florida is sweet. I need to get down there ASAP. Which probably means next summer.
[Jul 15,2008 3:01pm - The true CNV  ""]
ahhhhhhh Florida, the memories of getting knives pulled on me by bumbs, the soliciting of crack whores outside my hotel room, getting sucker punched in a bar by some georgia shit kicker, getting a knock on my motel room door at 2 am and looking through the peep hole to discover 3 black nigroids on the other side in a murky cloud of endo smoke asking me if I had a coat hanger... Imagine if I opened that door?

Yes Florida, such a wonderful place, the earth's utopian shit magnet
[Jul 15,2008 3:02pm - Martins ""]
I guess that's why you like the cold, the north, and revenge.
[Jul 15,2008 3:33pm - Conservationist ""]

powerkok said:
This county has the most mosquitoes in the entire Nation.

LOL, no, come to Texas
[Jul 15,2008 4:09pm - powerkok ""]
Nope, just did the study, and Lee county has more mosquitoes than anywhere else.
52,000 acres of salt marsh is the reason.
[Jul 15,2008 4:10pm - powerkok ""]
CNV, sounds like Jacksonville or an east coast city, here in fla.

Theres none of that shit here.
Its even safer than Seabrook, bub.
[Jul 15,2008 5:53pm - RustyPS@school  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:at least you can keep the Knights at bay

Sick Fam Guy reference
[Jul 15,2008 10:21pm - powerkok ""]
2.68 inches of rain as of 6 pm.
I just went out for a butt, its fucking raining again, so I turn on my doppler site......2-3 more inches tonight thru morning, and another 2 or so tomorrow afternoon. Thats over 8 inches of rain in just under 3 days.
Oh boy.
Moat grows into lake.
I need a boat.
What is this, the midwest?
[Jul 15,2008 11:01pm - powerkok ""]
I think I just heard a goat float by.
[Jul 15,2008 11:14pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Conservationist said:
powerkok said:
This county has the most mosquitoes in the entire Nation.

LOL, no, come to Texas

ever deal with Buffalo Gnats? swarms of disease carrying gnats brought on by the Mississippi flooding, then receding. annoying as a mofo

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