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Revocation, To the Wolves, Firebreather - 7/9/08

[show listing]  ____________________________
[Jul 7,2008 2:28pm - dna ""]
Wednesday 7/9/08 @ O'Brien's Pub

Revocation - 11pm
To the Wolves - 10pm
Firebreather - 9pm

[Jul 7,2008 2:31pm - ZJD ""]
Is trasher no longer on this?
[Jul 7,2008 2:33pm - dna ""]
nope, they cancelled last minute.
[Jul 7,2008 2:37pm - dna ""]
To the Wolves
Can't find a like for Firebreather.
[Jul 7,2008 2:45pm - ZJD ""]
[Jul 7,2008 2:52pm - dna ""]
Yeah ehh. I'm not sure if it was last minute but I found recently so it was last minute notice for me. Still a great show.
[Jul 8,2008 10:00am - dna ""]
[Jul 9,2008 10:16am - dna ""]
[Jul 9,2008 2:49pm - dna ""]
Seriously folks, come on!
[Jul 9,2008 5:38pm - dna ""]
last bump, c you there!
[Jul 9,2008 5:56pm - Revocation ""]
SHITTY NEWS Anthony got hit by a car and got pretty hurt, he'll recover but there is no way he'll be able to play tonight since he fucked up his wrist and is on a ton of pain meds. Sorry about this guys we would have liked to play. Hope the show goes well.
[Jul 10,2008 10:06am - dna ""]
That's a bummer man, hope he's ok. Show was kind of a stinker but it's always fun to play. We should hook up another time!
[Jul 10,2008 10:10am - the_reverend ""]
hit by a car? wow... that's hardcore.
[Jul 10,2008 10:33am - dreadkill ""]

Revocation said:SHITTY NEWS Anthony got hit by a car and got pretty hurt, he'll recover but there is no way he'll be able to play tonight since he fucked up his wrist and is on a ton of pain meds. Sorry about this guys we would have liked to play. Hope the show goes well.
that sucks. glad to hear he's not seriously hurt and i hope he feels better soon.

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