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Gorgoroth gets in trouble AGAIN

[Feb 3,2004 3:37pm - litacore ""]


Norwegian Black Metallers GORGOROTH Under Investigation For 'Insulting Religious Values' - Feb. 3, 2004
A prosecutor in Poland has launched an investigation into whether a concert by the black metal band GORGOROTH has violated the country's laws. The Norwegian band are suspected of having "insulted religious values" with their performance Sunday (Feb. 1) at the Krakow studios of Polish Television.
The show, which was to be filmed for an upcoming DVD, featured two naked women (with hoods over their heads) and one naked man, all of them "crucified" and covered in sheep blood, a number of sheep heads on spikes and some sheep entrails thrown all over the stage, as well as approximately 80 liters of fresh sheep blood brought to the studio by the band. During the performance, which was attended by an audience of 300, one of the models reportedly fainted from the lack of oxygen. The TV show's producers, who were not briefed in advance about the nature of the concert, were said to "shocked" by the activities on stage.
The manager of the studio, Andrzej Jeziorek, notified the police and the recorded footage was confiscated by the authorities as evidence of a potential crime.
The TV crew, who had filmed various metal performances before (including those by CANNIBAL CORPSE, CHILDREN OF BODOM and ANATHEMA, among others) claimed in the Polish media that they had never seen anything quite as "horrific" as GORGOROTH's live show. "We were not repulsed, we were terrified!" the camera operators were quoted as saying by the Polish newspapers.
The concert promoters reportedly defended themselves by saying that all the people who came to watch the show were satisfied and none of them complained about having had their religious beliefs insulted in any way.
More information about this breaking story — including photos taken at the gig! — can be obtained from the Polish media: Gazeta.pl (Article#1, Article #2), Onet.pl.
[Feb 3,2004 3:43pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
they fucking suck really bad.
[Feb 3,2004 4:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Feb 3,2004 4:25pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
gorgoroth is awesome
[Feb 3,2004 10:34pm - Abbath ""]
AHAHAHAHA! Oh my boys are at it again! Hail Gorgoroth! Go litacore for making my night!
[Feb 4,2004 1:19am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
seriously... Gorgoroth is a really horrible horrible band. like... their music is shit and their image is pure shit. satanism and corpse paint... cant say that i have seen that one before.
[Feb 4,2004 1:34am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
They actually do corpse paint well.... Awesome pics, everything a black metal gig should be. Gorgoroth rules. One of the only bands from Norgay that didn't wimp out.

The Carpathian Forest pics are cool as well. They played the same show.
[Feb 4,2004 1:47am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i wouldnt mind them if they made good music... destroyer is sucha hunk of crap. i have no idea why or how it got "critical acclaim"
[Feb 4,2004 2:35am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
I like everything they have done. Have you heard "Incipit Satan"? It is much different. I think you would like it better than "Destroyer" at least. I don't think "Destroyer" is well liked at all really. Other than being signed to NB, I think they are underrated.
[Feb 4,2004 7:00am - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:seriously... Gorgoroth is a really horrible horrible band. like... their music is shit and their image is pure shit. satanism and corpse paint... cant say that i have seen that one before.

Yeah, but images are good to have as long as the band is good. There is nothing worse than a really shitty band with really shitty music completely covered with spikes, leather, makeup, etc. But if the band's music is good enough, they can all paint giant penises on their faces for all I care. It would only add to the effect. Like Immortal, they were great, so corpse paint was quite acceptable.
[Feb 4,2004 8:26am - the_reverend ""]
incipit satan is a great cd
[Feb 4,2004 9:41am - litacore ""]
this was on STATE TV?

dig this --
"This kind of thing should happen on state TV and especially not in Krakow, which is the Pope's city," Jeziorek said. (emphasis mine)

that's an exact quote BTW. Sheeps heads huh. At least they didn't throw them at people.

to be honest, I've never heard this band but I think it's funny how they keep getting in trouble (doesn't one of them face prosecution for a previous attempted murder?)

more to metal than drama, I know, I know--:wiggam:

[Feb 4,2004 10:24am - RustedAngel ""]
[Feb 4,2004 10:25am - succubus ""]
i smell gimmick

[Feb 4,2004 10:28am - litacore ""]
stinky gimmick!

ha-ha, I've been listening to Liz Phair all night . . .
[Feb 4,2004 1:46pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
retzam said:

Yeah, but images are good to have as long as the band is good. There is nothing worse than a really shitty band with really shitty music completely covered with spikes, leather, makeup, etc. But if the band's music is good enough, they can all paint giant penises on their faces for all I care. It would only add to the effect. Like Immortal, they were great, so corpse paint was quite acceptable.

Immortal ruled.
[Feb 4,2004 2:00pm - ninkaszi  ""]
its a gimmick, but a good one. that actually looks like there was a dark atmosphere at that gig. very rare. those guys are serious about it, nothing like dimmu, kovenant, new mayhem, cof, newer immortal, or any other watered down nowadays bm band. look at some of the polish quotes "we weren't offended, we were terrified!". thats awesome. any band that dresses up has a gimmick. pretty much every band, even if they don't dress up, gimmick. metal is one of the most gimmicky styles of all.
[Feb 4,2004 2:18pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Live music is essentially a gimmick. Whether that's a good or bad thing is dependant on the product behind the gimmick. I don't think any genre is more gimmicky than another, though plenty of specific artists from most genres overuse gimmicks and water themselves down by caring too much about the visuals and not enough about the music. If a band call pull off the important elements of a show, I generally won't care whatever their stupid gimmick is and just try to ignore it if it's too bothersome.
[Feb 4,2004 8:54pm - XmikeX ""]
gorgoroth brings the satan
[Feb 4,2004 10:17pm - retzam ""]
ninkaszi said:its a gimmick, but a good one. that actually looks like there was a dark atmosphere at that gig. very rare. those guys are serious about it, nothing like dimmu, kovenant, new mayhem, cof, newer immortal, or any other watered down nowadays bm band. look at some of the polish quotes "we weren't offended, we were terrified!". thats awesome. any band that dresses up has a gimmick. pretty much every band, even if they don't dress up, gimmick. metal is one of the most gimmicky styles of all.

The fact that they are serious about crucifictions and goat heads on pikes just makes the gimmick less tolerable. Also, I'd be interested to no what gimmicks dimmu, kovenant, and immortal ever had besides corpsepaint and clothes. New Mayhem is tolerable (well, I like new Mayhem anyway) cause you know they aren't going home to their houses and thinking "Man I wish I had a flaming goat head to throw at a christian right now so I can crucify him and sacrifice him to the dark lord."

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