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They're remaking Robocop...

[Jun 12,2008 2:10pm - mOe ""]
I'm blind with rage :2FINGERS:
[Jun 12,2008 2:15pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
yeti's head is going to explode
[Jun 12,2008 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
brail keyboard?
[Jun 12,2008 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
braille even
[Jun 12,2008 2:24pm - Martins ""]
brazil keyboard.
[Jun 12,2008 2:25pm - mOe ""]
i know its just gonna be a bunch of gay CG'ed crap
[Jun 12,2008 2:26pm - Martins ""]
It's actually physically impossible to cg robocop. Robocop is a reality.
[Jun 12,2008 2:37pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
"I'd buy that for a dollar!"

no I wouldn't

what's with all the remakes? I thought the Writers Guild Strike was over
[Jun 12,2008 2:38pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i made a thread about this a while ago, but i was excited cuz i thought it was a sequel and not a remake.
[Jun 12,2008 2:39pm - mOe ""]
thats DEFINITLY a remake
[Jun 12,2008 2:40pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
those bastards
[Jun 12,2008 2:41pm - Conservationist ""]
They filmed it in Houston, a/k/a hell.
[Jun 12,2008 2:41pm - mOe ""]
i know...i totally forsee Robo looking like the robots from I, Robot...all slim and CG and fucking stupid
[Jun 12,2008 2:45pm - dreadkill ""]
every movie from the 80s will be remade by 2020.
[Jun 12,2008 2:56pm - DYA / NLI  ""]
That's just plain gaytarded. WHY MUST THIS ATROCITY BE SUFFERED?
[Jun 12,2008 3:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
a robocop without kurtwood smith?
[Jun 12,2008 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
FUCK FUCK FUCK! i am so pissed. its going to be some CG riddled pile of garbage. any movie re-released by Criterion should be exempt from any kind of Hollywood rehashing bullshit.
[Jun 12,2008 3:24pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
ugh i herd about this.... so gay
[Jun 12,2008 3:44pm - infect ""]
can you fly bobby?
[Nov 7,2013 1:54pm - At first I was like...  ""]
but then I was all


Looks kinda awesome.
[Nov 7,2013 4:21pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Nov 7,2013 4:40pm - At first I was like...  ""]
it doesnt take a gif to know you're a jerkoff
[Nov 7,2013 5:01pm - Yeti ""]
it doesn't look as bad as I expected, but no Clarence Boddicker, no care.
[Nov 7,2013 5:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]

At%20first%20I%20was%20like... said:it doesnt take a gif to know you're a jerkoff

But then you got mad.

Trailer looks cool, might watch.

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