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report that bush lied.

[Jun 10,2008 10:03pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

[Jun 10,2008 11:24pm - zyklon ""]
Wow, someone should pay...
[Jun 10,2008 11:40pm - Grizloch ""]
I dont like bush, I dont like the war in Iraq, but I HATE this kind of reporting

ok so heres what happens, "intelligence" picks up all sorts of information, often contradicting information that it has already collected, say your phone is bugged and your talking about your friend who stole your pot with another person and you say "Im gonna kill that fucker", the kid happens to be a relative of a senator, BAM your on the list, then a week later he returns the pot with interest and everythings honkey dorey, you get fucked by the cops a few days later for having pot and get thrown in the slammer for the maximum penalty for unrelated crimes because you were deemed a threat to someone important's nephew, sure you werent going to do anything to the kid but you paid the price for "faulty intelligence"

so we had intelligence that contradicted other intelligence that happened to be fact in the end, the decision to act on either of those two pieces of information isnt up to you and me, our elected officials have been given that right and burden to make such decisions, time proved that they were mistaken, but what if they had ignored it like on 9/11 and they got fucked, then who would be crying about how the government didnt properly protect its citizens, the same liberal douchebags that say that the government lied to obtain a greater stake in world oil (wow that worked out great for everyone, huh?)

I somehow doubt that, even if they wanted to, the politicians in office are capable, or have motive to pull off such a bold move

... I listen to NPR and plan on voting for a black man, but retarded liberals REALLY piss me off, oh, and go spend 19.97 on that guy's book...
[Jun 10,2008 11:45pm - goatcatalystnli  ""]

[Jun 10,2008 11:46pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
so you're saying its okay for the president to lie to us?
[Jun 10,2008 11:46pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[Jun 10,2008 11:47pm - Dankill  ""]

Grizloch said:I dont like bush, I dont like the war in Iraq, but I HATE this kind of reporting

ok so heres what happens, "intelligence" picks up all sorts of information, often contradicting information that it has already collected, say your phone is bugged and your talking about your friend who stole your pot with another person and you say "Im gonna kill that fucker", the kid happens to be a relative of a senator, BAM your on the list, then a week later he returns the pot with interest and everythings honkey dorey, you get fucked by the cops a few days later for having pot and get thrown in the slammer for the maximum penalty for unrelated crimes because you were deemed a threat to someone important's nephew, sure you werent going to do anything to the kid but you paid the price for "faulty intelligence"

so we had intelligence that contradicted other intelligence that happened to be fact in the end, the decision to act on either of those two pieces of information isnt up to you and me, our elected officials have been given that right and burden to make such decisions, time proved that they were mistaken, but what if they had ignored it like on 9/11 and they got fucked, then who would be crying about how the government didnt properly protect its citizens, the same liberal douchebags that say that the government lied to obtain a greater stake in world oil (wow that worked out great for everyone, huh?)

I somehow doubt that, even if they wanted to, the politicians in office are capable, or have motive to pull off such a bold move

... I listen to NPR and plan on voting for a black man, but retarded liberals REALLY piss me off, oh, and go spend 19.97 on that guy's book...

I'm voting for the Old Man, but I'll give it up for Grizloch. Good points all around
[Jun 11,2008 12:18am - zyklon ""]
The old man is the same bullshit we're going through, is that what you want? 4 more yrs of the same bullshit ?
[Jun 11,2008 9:23am - DYA / NLI  ""]

zyklon said:Every candidate, ever, is the same bullshit we're going through, is that what you want? 4 more yrs of the same bullshit ?
[Jun 11,2008 9:23am - DYA / NLI  ""]
[Jun 11,2008 11:02am - quintessence ""]
I really hope you were joking about voting for Mcsame....what a douche
[Jun 11,2008 10:15pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
are you kidding me??? if your common sense does not tell you that all this shit was lies right from the get go you were and still must not be paying attention.

further more if you think your getting anything different from the new pres you're kidding yourself.

(truth zyklon)
[Jun 11,2008 11:17pm - Grizloch ""]

SlyATNFAC said:are you kidding me??? if your common sense does not tell you that all this shit was lies right from the get go you were and still must not be paying attention.
sweet quote from a bumper sticker, fill me in on everything Ive missed...
[Jun 12,2008 9:06am - SlyATNFAC ""]
oh yeah haha what was a bumper sticker huh? kinda silly
[Jun 12,2008 8:38pm - Grizloch ""]
"if your not offended you must not be paying attention" is what I was referring to, regardless, fill me in on what I missed, Id like to be up to date on why there is an international cover up of the true causes for the worlds second least popular war in history

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