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Trailer Park Boys fans....

[Jun 9,2008 9:56pm - My_dying_bride ""]
I win...
[Jun 9,2008 10:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
score! love this show
[Jun 9,2008 10:18pm - My_dying_bride ""]
Ray...Ripping the plumbing out of your trailer for liquor money, IS FUCKED!
[Jun 9,2008 11:36pm - ihmgnoti  ""]
i have all TPB seasons on dvd.

the dvd sets have been popping up at n. comics. a little pricey but worth it.
[Jun 9,2008 11:40pm - dreadkill ""]
[Jun 13,2008 5:05pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
local newspaper article:

Group presents Haunted House & Metal Show

A haunted house and heavy metal bands proved to be an unusual but effective entertainment combination, delighting children with bone-chilling haunted house tours, and afterward drenching teens and young adults with the pounding sounds of heavy metal music. The event was hosted by the Stafford Arts Collective.

Click the thumbnails above to see the full size pictures.Marilyn Shores and Jacquie Schors co-coordinated the event on Oct. 13-14 . “The American Legion donated the space to the Collective,” Shores said. “Sixteen bands participated free of charge. Most were from the Stafford area. Sam Squire and Dave Stevens were in charge of the metal show.”
“SAC’s art director Olof Aspelin designed the Abandoned Mental Institution [haunted house], a big focus for the kids during the day,” said Shores.
Bands appearing included Shadow Sanctuary on Saturday, Oct. 13, and Rotgut on Sunday, Oct. 14. Among others, the popular Mind Over Malice and Gunned Down in Glory entertained on Saturday. On Sunday, favorites Funeral in Fame and Crawling Chaos were featured. Sound man Corey Trevor streamed the music live to 92.1 FM.
T-shirts , food, and other items were sold, and a raffle was held. Master chef Luke Greika headed up the kitchen staff for the event.
“Proceeds will go toward the Four Pillars Project at 2 River Road. Dave Bacchiochi is renovating the building; we are trying to raise $10,000 to get into it,” said Shores.
“Stafford Arts Collective is the sponsor of Friday Nights under the Lights at Haymarket Commons. Currently, we are in the process of planning a Christmas festival, a formal event.”
Murals at the upper end of Main Street are another of the Collective’s many projects.
[Oct 15,2017 12:11pm - susurrate ""]


so good
[Oct 16,2017 7:51pm - Rum ham  ""]
John dunsworth is dead
Long live Jim lahey
[Oct 16,2017 8:03pm - susurrate ""]
wife told me about an hour ago. RIP to the liquor.
[Oct 16,2017 9:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't get it.
[Oct 17,2017 9:19am - susurrate ""]
don't get the show itself?

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