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anyone work at night?

[Jun 9,2008 5:24pm - dertoxia ""]
I work in retail, normally morning or early afternoon shifts like 8-5 or 10-8 but next week im working overnight 3 days. We're redoing a whole bunch of aisles in the store....complete overhaul. So i'm workin 9PM to 7AM.

Anybody else work graveyard shift or have done it before? Any advice? I need to be able to do this without fucking up my sleep schedule for 2 weeks.

My plan so far is to stay up real late 2 days before and then go to sleep at like 10 am the first day and wake up just before my shift and then smoke a ton of pot. Hopefully i'll be rested and relaxed enough to make it through 10 hours in an empty store.
[Jun 9,2008 5:26pm - aril  ""]
buy some NoDoz and take a few of those every couple hours.
[Jun 9,2008 6:11pm - corpus_NLI  ""]
i used to work at zildjan second shift in the sheet metal room. second shift was from 3-1:30, 4 days a week. i basically would crank coffee and ciggs and when i got home though i would wanna eat like four course meals and drink whole bottles of crown royal and coke watching the sun come up. my ex-girl must have loved me then...my best advice, do what i did at some point.....quit.
[Jun 9,2008 9:19pm - vesgore ""]
well sir...when i worked grave yard i totaled my car...lost car...lost job...due to falling asleep at the wheel...troy to petersburgh...45min drive...i was driving on the other side of the road on my way home at 740am even...however when i took the dive it was on my way to work...usually i drank alot of coffee..and alot of black twizzlerz...good luck
[Jun 9,2008 9:30pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 9,2008 10:50pm - Jimmy Revenge  ""]
12am to 8 am working at a locked psychiactric hospital for a year can certaintly fuck with your mind and sleep schedule.

Advice = Gallons of Monster Energy.
[Jun 10,2008 12:21am - duanegoldstein ""]
Ive been working graveyard for six years now and the secret to nightshift is Excedrin.
[Jun 10,2008 2:20am - ellesarusrex ""]
develop a fast case of insomnia or a meth habit.
[Jun 10,2008 2:39am - Samantha ""]

Jimmy%20Revenge said:12am to 8 am working at a locked psychiactric hospital for a year can certaintly fuck with your mind and sleep schedule.

Advice = Gallons of Monster Energy.

Overnight shifts are boring because most of the clients are heavily medicated and sleeping. Try working 2nd shift in a place like that. That is when all of the excitement happens!
[Jun 10,2008 2:57am - DOM_nli  ""]
I'm at work right now (3am). The secret is coke. Powder not liquid.

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